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[PGT] Vancouver Canucks at Los Angeles Kings | Oct. 30, 2019

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-Vintage Canuck-

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File this under dare to dream:

The graph represents % chance of making the playoffs, it's Dom's model from the Athletic.  It includes 3 years of history which is why Vancouver started at 24%, it's updated daily. It includes kinds of metrics but it can take awhile for the most recent results to start changing the %, you need consistently put up good results to keep improving.  The dip I circled was the day after the 1-0 loss to the Devils.  Look at what's happened the in the last week, they went from 40% to 67%.  The other thing to note is trend we should blow by Calgary with strong games against the Ducks & Sharks.   Trust me even with their good start last year their % never looked like this. GCG:towel:.  Also using  hockeystatcards.com Petey is #3 in league behind Brad M, and Pasta.  BB6 and JT are also in the top 10.



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1 hour ago, Gaudette Celly said:

I posted several times the past few years wondering what the "Benning is an idiot... no direction no plan... floundering... mixed messages" crowd would say when they woke up one day to find the team winning and competitive. 


It's one thing if one claims they couldn't see the plan (regardless of how many times it was explained) but it's time to look in the mirror.  What's your rationale for what happened -- luck?  Magic?  No, you just entirely missed the plot; too busy despairing and throwing stones at the rebuilding team to enjoy the ride and watch it progress, knowing that better days were ahead. 


Benning took this team from a contender on the downswing 2 years out from a President's Trophy into a full rebuild and back to competitiveness with a young and balanced roster in just 5 years.



But Edmonton and Toronto are better at rebuilding..... says no one right now.... 

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3 hours ago, WeneedLumme said:

So that is how it has been in the games you have watched? The coach of the team that is dominating the other tells one of his players to start a staged fight, because he wants to change the way the game is going?


When the Canucks are playing well, you "realistic fans" sure need to stretch to fabricate some ridiculous pretext to say something negative about the team. Hope you didn't pull a muscle doing that. But don't despair, the Canucks will eventually lose a game badly and then you and your buddies can take over a PGT with your gloating.

What are you talking about? Speaking of "realistic". 


So you LIKE staged fighting for nothing?  You think it was worth Ferland out because of a broken finger or concussion, or something else, if it was because of that pointless staged fight?  I don't. That was my point. But yeah, go ahead and imply that because I like fights that are done for a reason, mainly as a response to a team mate's injury from a dirty hit, or roughing the goalie etc., that means I like to gloat for Canuck losses?  How the #%@& do you get from one to the other?  :blink:


And no, the coach of a team dominating should NOT tap one of his more physical players on the shoulder and suggest he purposely get into a fight because the team needs a spark.  That's why I said I hope it wasn't Green's idea. Can you understand that?  Because I have more faith in Green than that. The reason to even bring up the coaches name is because many times staged fights like that have the coaches mitts all over them. Because it was difficult to understand why else Ferland would engage in one. Including discussing it beforehand with his opponent, and congratulating each other when it was done. One of the least passionate fights I've ever seen, like they were both just going through the motions.  If it was all Ferland than he's completely out of touch with what was needed.  Maybe he thought he needed a fight on his resume as a Canuck and thought that that time was as good as any. I don't know. But if their player had pummelled Ferland, it would have been the Kings that got a lift. Dumb dumb dumb dumb.



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1 hour ago, Gaudette Celly said:

I posted several times the past few years wondering what the "Benning is an idiot... no direction no plan... floundering... mixed messages" crowd would say when they woke up one day to find the team winning and competitive. 


It's one thing if one claims they couldn't see the plan (regardless of how many times it was explained) but it's time to look in the mirror.  What's your rationale for what happened -- luck?  Magic?  No, you just entirely missed the plot; too busy despairing and throwing stones at the rebuilding team to enjoy the ride and watch it progress, knowing that better days were ahead. 


Benning took this team from a contender on the downswing 2 years out from a President's Trophy into a full rebuild and back to competitiveness with a young and balanced roster in just 5 years.



You know, this would be great as its own separate thread. Just saying because it is interesting. Not in a superficial "stick it to them" or "told you so" way but from a real exploration of why people saw things that way. There's a lot to be learned from how things have evolved, including people's perceptions. 


Hell, I remember early on when people were saying that Benning's success would be judged solely on how he replaced the Sedins. 

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Wasn’t that awesome?


I liked how the Kings played-up to the Canucks level of youthful enthusiasm. 


The Canucks are not only a fun team to watch, but I bet to play against as well. Teams get-up to play against us now. 

That in itself is really something noteworthy. 


Clifford has had a heck of a career.

Wished we would have snagged him wayyy back. 


Firkland meant business in that scrap. 

When was the last time we saw a non huggiebear scrap on the Canucks?

Its been since Ripper or Sestito, I guess. 


EPs shot made me laugh and laugh. 

Shades of Bure. 

That was a beauty. 


The three stars from Cheech were great too. 

The core. 


Anyone know now when OJ will get a shot? 

I suppose it will take an injury to get him up.


I’d like him here to see how he is while the team is, dare I say... dominating. 


Our D had a solid game. 

Myers and Benn are excellent complimentary Dmen. 

Need some stiff competition to solidly their standing out there amongst the rest. 

I cant wait for the next Coilers game. Should be wild west hockey.  

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What a beautiful day...


I've got nothing to complain about as a Canucks fan. We have the deepest roster in the league ... both NHL & AHL... haven't even mentioned our prospect pool. Multiple cups are headed our way.


The 2020s will be owned by the Vancouver Canucks.



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