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[PGT] St. Louis Blues at Vancouver Canucks | Aug. 21, 2020 | Canucks win series 4-2

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-Vintage Canuck-

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Meanwhile on HF Canucks, poster MS is running around telling people that the only reason why the Canucks won the series was because St.Louis had sub-par goaltending and that they would have dominated the series had they received even average goaltending.    This poster goes onto say that Markstrom, and Hughes at the beginning of the series, were the only players that really stepped up for the Canucks allowing us to win.


Does this sound like a Canucks fan to you?   I know it’s just one guy’s opinion and that he’s not even a part of our board, but I can’t help but shake my head in disgust when I read comments like that.     

ps - the guy also believes that Alex Biega is a better defenseman than Tyler Myers.  

Edited by DarkIndianRises
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40 minutes ago, DarkIndianRises said:

Meanwhile on HF Canucks, poster MS is running around telling people that the only reason why the Canucks won the series was because St.Louis had sub-par goaltending and that they would have dominated the series had they received even average goaltending.    This poster goes onto say that Markstrom, and Hughes at the beginning of the series, were the only players that really stepped up for the Canucks allowing us to win.


Does this sound like a Canucks fan to you?   I know it’s just one guy’s opinion and that he’s not even a part of our board, but I can’t help but shake my head in disgust when I read comments like that.     

ps - the guy also believes that Alex Biega is a better defenseman than Tyler Myers.  

Lol the fact he left out our captain's name for the first 2 games says a lot about him being a fan. 

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4 hours ago, PistolPete13 said:

I think the Blues had the lead for less than 20 minutes during the entire series. 
Think about that Mr Berube.


Less than 20 minutes - 6 games.

I was wondering about that stat.  It seemed like the Canucks were in control of the series most of the time.  

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7 hours ago, Ray_Cathode said:

Noodle... i mean Eriksson

Probably but in the playoffs, attention to detail and smarts play a big factor, and even though Loui's scoring touch is gone, he brings value outside of that to the team game. Unless TT will be 100% I think we continue to go with this group that is playing so well together. Vegas is going to be a huge challenge as they have more scoring threats. Could be a high scoring series and in that case, TT would be much needed.

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7 hours ago, Junkyard Dog said:

No no no. You're gonna get a Green Heart on your ass.

Nah...has to go full Jayden Smith (like the impractical jokers) and put a TG face tattoo right on his thigh - then FIRE on one butt cheek GREEN!  on the other - asterisk on his taint. (Dumb Nuck it we win the cup). 

Edited by IBatch
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7 hours ago, brownky said:

I think that was the most complete game the Canucks played all year. Going back over it now and the nucks had control in all three zones for extended periods of the game. That's how you win against any team; retain control and possession in all three phases.


The Blues played a good game, but on this night I don't think it would have mattered Binnington or Allen. Tonight, for the first time in a long time, the Canucks were absolutely ready to play to a plan from minute one, and they stayed with it.


So good to see.

Yes. There were some that were upset the Blues had extended zone times at certain points of the game. It's not a video game. The blues are a good team and they'll have push back shifts. What was awesome to watch though was the collective defensive play in our own zone as a 5 man unit, completely in sync, communicating well and not giving up high danger scoring chances. When we got through defending that, we went back at them in their zone. 

That was fantastic hockey! 

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4 hours ago, canuktravella said:

beating blues easily with out myers and toffoli  and edler hurt in game 5  come back win down 3-1 is insane  if we had won game 3 overtime  blues maybe have been  swept   so funny that their coach was trying these lame  excuses that they got destroyed 

To me that pretty much evens up no Tarasenko or Steen.   But agreed after that game they shouldn’t be making excuses or blaming goaltending - Allen wouldn’t have stopped all of those either.   We came in and outplayed the crap out of them until consecutive PPs were called to give them a chance ... and overall when you team leads for 16 minutes an entire series the better team won.   This team looks an awful lot like the Pens ones that recently one back-back cups, middling possession all counter-attack and nobody questioned them along the way.     It’s only one series (well two really) - Vegas isn’t as good as St Louis but are still a good team - the difference to me is they aren’t nearly as stacked on D as the first 10 games we’ve played - and sure they have some size but not that type of size either.   Won’t be easy ... but we play like we have so far and I like our chances. 

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7 hours ago, redhdlois said:

Tyler Myers fist pumping with his injured arm looks promising.

That's a great observation. He went into the boards with his left shoulder. I was all nervous because he wasn't moving his right arm. But all the other guys fist bumping weren't really moving their other arm either

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1 hour ago, DarkIndianRises said:

Meanwhile on HF Canucks, poster MS is running around telling people that the only reason why the Canucks won the series was because St.Louis had sub-par goaltending and that they would have dominated the series had they received even average goaltending.    This poster goes onto say that Markstrom, and Hughes at the beginning of the series, were the only players that really stepped up for the Canucks allowing us to win.


Does this sound like a Canucks fan to you?   I know it’s just one guy’s opinion and that he’s not even a part of our board, but I can’t help but shake my head in disgust when I read comments like that.     

ps - the guy also believes that Alex Biega is a better defenseman than Tyler Myers.  

That's your 1st mistake: HF Boards is putrid garbage juice

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7 hours ago, oldnews said:

Interesting analogy - that was a deep, complete team.  

This one does have its Toews, Keith, Kane kind of talent....


What a lot of people overlook/forget about that Hawks team:














it takes a complete build.



But the funny thing for me.....I thought the Leafs and their Spamaplan #proper-rebuild and #analyticz were supposed to be the next Blackhawks....

Or their tank counterpart - the Coil - who were supposed to terrorize us forever with their lottery champions.


The Canucks were a DimJim misadventure.....with not enough tank, too many #foundational vets, not enough stockpiled picks, etc....


I think back to back home runs with Petterson and Hughes changed the franchise. Who needs to win the lotto when you can pick 5th and 7th lol. 

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1 hour ago, whcanuck said:

We skated all over them in the latter half of game 5 and they couldn’t handle our speed in game 6 either. The Blues are a good team and the Canucks not only competed with them, but looked like the better team for large portions of that series. People can make excuses for the Blues all they want, they did get subpar goaltending, but you can’t deny how well the Canucks played!

Exactly.  And they had superb goaltending by Allen - check his stats.   JB or Allen didn’t have much chance on most of those goals that went in last night - it was obvious 2 minutes in which team came to play - had an extra gear - and that was our 10th playoff bubble game ...

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6 hours ago, DownUndaCanuck said:

Hell of a game by the Canucks from start to end and just a dominant performance in the face of adversity and lots of pressure by the Blues all season. Strong teams put away these elimination games, when you look back at Cup winners, what really decides them is how they perform in elimination games. I was worried the Blues would come out stronger but we absolutely walloped them.


Fair to say I think the key to this series was goal tending as it is with most. Last year, Binnington won them the Cup basically by himself. This year, he single handedly lost it. The Blues in the post game interviews were trying to defend him but he was straight up awful and made it easy for us. Yes, some of the goals were A-grade chances, but in the post season you have to be able to stop them. If Allen had started tonight it might have been different but thankfully they played their worst player, who really sunk their team after the Boeser goal. All were straight on shots, made it easy for the Canucks. 


This was a hard team to beat otherwise, they dominated us most of the time 5 on 5 but our special teams and goalie stole the show and hopefully they can do a number in Vegas. Tonight in particular full marks for our neutral zone play and forecheck which caused chaos and lead directly to goals.


I think beating the West's best team is nice but the Blues were struggling at the start. They did eventually arrive and gave us their all and we did bend, but our bounce back was impressive and something I don't think we even saw in 2011. This team's resilience is impressive. Give credit to the coaches, Markstrom and our leaders and veterans on this. While this game was a cake walk, Game 5 down 3-1 was a massive turning point. Whatever was said in that dressing room worked. 


Going forward, when the Canucks find themselves in trouble against Vegas, they can always look back to the turning points in this series where they literally out-played the best post-season team in the league.


Harsh they don't get long to celebrate or much of a break but this is a good confidence boost and momentum to ride off for everyone tonight. In particular I think that Boeser goal really fired him up.

The narrative that he won them the cup isn't true. He was 7th in gaa (middle of the pack) and bottom 5 in save%. If it was because of him he would of won the con-smyth. He also faced the least amount of high-danger shots.

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4 hours ago, FijianCanuck said:

Some good points here. If Vegas thinks we are that team in the regular season they are in trouble. However I fully expect them to come at us hard, goaltending will be a huge factor in this series.

especially when you look at the GAA this season over 3 games is 4.00 for BOTH teams.

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