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[GDT] Vancouver Canucks vs. Vegas Golden Knights | August 29th, 2020 | 6:45pm PT, SNP | R2G3

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2 minutes ago, Kevin Biestra said:


How would you describe the Brendan Leipsic termination?

You answered it yourself. Termination.

The Capitals placed him on waivers and he (Leipsic) would then have to agree to terminate his contract.

He (Leipsic) was also fully within his rights to grieve the termination of his contract with the Capitals but apparently decided not to.

Also, the NHL itself was involved so this would bring it to a higher level.

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9 minutes ago, Lionized27 said:

Excellent retort.

I must admit that this (obvious upcoming series) will be reduced to goaltending and the Canucks will have a decided advantage in that aspect.

I totally agree with goaltending giving us the edge. I think also if we beat Vegas, the momentum of beating 2teams that on paper should have beat us and a Wild team that gave us fits and was much better then their actual record will be huge.

Vegas was the one team I really didn't want to face but like the Blues Marky being the better of the goalies and the # of weapons this team evens things out against teams who should be able to grind us and come at us in waves and have tons of recent playoff success.

We saw it against the Blues and in-game two against Vegas we were badly outplayed for 15 mins only to score, must be terribly frustrating for teams. Vegas still scares me but they have more flaws then I realized, one being they seem to be mentally pretty weak under pressure going back to the game 7 collapse last year and how easily they seem to lose their composure when things aren't going their way. 


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5 minutes ago, Alienhuggyflow said:

I totally agree with goaltending giving us the edge. I think also if we beat Vegas, the momentum of beating 2teams that on paper should have beat us and a Wild team that gave us fits and was much better then their actual record will be huge.

Vegas was the one team I really didn't want to face but like the Blues Marky being the better of the goalies and the # of weapons this team evens things out against teams who should be able to grind us and come at us in waves and have tons of recent playoff success.

We saw it against the Blues and in-game two against Vegas we were badly outplayed for 15 mins only to score, must be terribly frustrating for teams. Vegas still scares me but they have more flaws then I realized, one being they seem to be mentally pretty weak under pressure going back to the game 7 collapse last year and how easily they seem to lose their composure when things aren't going their way. 


The Canucks simply need to continue playing their game.

Dictate the play and they'll win.

It should be that simple.

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7 hours ago, Chicken. said:

Wow Troy Stretcher sitting at a + 7 for the playoffs ?? Who woulda thunk... 


A bit sad seeing Jake at the bottom there but if there was ever a time for him to step up its noww. Also shows the depth we got when someone of his skill set and pedigree can barely crack the lineup

The complains about size can finally go to rest then. 

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7 hours ago, Chicken. said:

Wow Troy Stretcher sitting at a + 7 for the playoffs ?? Who woulda thunk... 


A bit sad seeing Jake at the bottom there but if there was ever a time for him to step up its noww. Also shows the depth we got when someone of his skill set and pedigree can barely crack the lineup

This about Jake.


This is the moment. However, he’s taken the opportunities he’s been able to out of sheer will when he is given the chance.


Do not discount the beef he brings.


And in game 2, he took a couple of great shots.

Hes where he’s supposed to be. 

It may also be that historically, big men take longer to get going in a season. With the prolonged break, perhaps we have yet to see our Virtanen. I feel he’s getting better.


But honestly, a Toffoli comes back from injury, you make space.



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5 hours ago, Alienhuggyflow said:

I actually think he along with the gun girl, often gets vilified unfairly by the Left and In Kaitlens case the pro-choice crowd.

I am shocked at the events that led up to the shootings.

The media painted him and the shootings in a completely different light and just another example of media bias.

I find it telling that in this case, the Blake case and the Floyd case now that details are coming out especially the 2 latter, are showing clear evidence that both were nowhere near cut and dry as the Left fake news wanted the masses to believe.

The slogan "I can't breathe" the rallying cry of the BLM, was not only spoken 13 mins before any force was put on his throat and is now more likely because he was high on two drugs that have an opposite effect on your heart and can cause heart attacks or failure, especially already damaged hearts.

But as usual mob mentality cares little about facts like how the coroner has come out and said he didn't die from asphyxiation 

So why didn't they call an ambulance then??? 

What you say is even more damaging for a police officer that should know how different drugs affect the body/mind. And then put his knee over the neck.wich everybody should know is a risk for breathing.


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On 8/26/2020 at 9:13 PM, Qwags said:

think if we win this, we're in a good spot. Just gotta continue off of last game.

I'm curious: do you think the lack of travel helps a western/coastal team?  I haven't heard this discussed, most just comment on the lack of an advantage for home teams.

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40 minutes ago, gameburn said:

I'm curious: do you think the lack of travel helps a western/coastal team?  I haven't heard this discussed, most just comment on the lack of an advantage for home teams.

This is a huge benefit for the canucks. 


I think I read a stat somewhere about km's logged in the 2011 run compared to the Bruins and it was insane. 

Chicago, Nashville, SJ then Boston. 

Thats a lot of air miles. 


This year, it would have been Minni, St Louis, Vegas, and so on. 

The fact that we are mainly playing teams in different timezone is crazy. 

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3 hours ago, canuck2288 said:

I have watched all material and have the following comments:


- what happened at Evergreen was frankly a bizarre event propagated by frankly an emotionally disturbed black professor that effectively incited the student body. The student body having years of their own racial experiences struck out in a mob mentality and the target was Mr. Weinstein: this was further exasperated by weak leadership at the university that feared being labeled racists themSelves. All in all a odd situation but in my opinion not indicative with what is happening in other incidents across the US

I want to first add a disclaimer to my post so that I don't get labelled by anyone as a conservative, and so my words do not get written off right away as being left or right or whatever. I'm not a conservative. I'm not part of the left or right spectrum but rather consider myself a centrist free thinker. I try not to take every sound bite at face value and wait to hear all the evidence before making judgement, which, btw, it won't surprise me in the slightest if the 17yo kid will not be charged with murder, as I do feel now that all the evidence is being brought forth that he was acting in self-defense. I've only ever voted NDP in elections, but I could see myself voting for any party depending on my riding and the direction I believe I'd like to see it go. I'm a progressive who believes in liberal principles. I want police reform as much as anyone else, and I do think that there are some police incidents that are racially charged, but I firmly do not believe that all homicides against black people are because of racism. Ok, here we go...


I disagree that it's a bizarre event, as we're seeing very similar behaviour across North America since; students calling for the cancellation of professors, university presidents and other administration, faculty, etc., is not strictly an Evergreen issue - I work at an Island institution where the outgoing president and provost are both stepping down after student protests against raising international tuition fees, citing the increase as racism against international students. The protests show a clear lack of knowledge about economics or how the post-secondary landscape functions. It was also a mob mentality that shut down any kind of discussion or debate about the subject - they wouldn't hear any of how most of the funds were being allocated towards supporting international students. It was simply racist policies by a racism institution that's run by white people; but let's not get into how diverse this institution is, of course. Now what we're seeing in post-secondary, as well as within the general society, is this same mob mentality towards anyone who may question some ideas being brought forth about what does and does not constitute racism. You can see this in many instances, from cancel culture, to BLM mobs harassing people for not putting their fists up in solidarity of the movement, to the fiery but mostly peaceful protests in the US, to the quick labeling of racism towards posters for benign statements. 


The reason why I pointed out Evergreen is because it hardly made the news when it happened, is something that not many in the general public are aware even happened at all, but an incident that is well-known in academic circles for being the epicentre of wokeness, or at least the OG outcry of wokeness. Btw, have you or anyone else heard much about what's happening in Portland for the last long while? Probably not. Regardless of anyone's political stripes, we should all be questioning every news source, because Fox News is not the only echo chamber out there who reports only what they want their viewers to see. 


3 hours ago, canuck2288 said:


- I do not feel this incident at evergreen is indicative of people’s perceptions to video evidence of incidents involving people of colour like the Floyd case. yes it is a boiling point and often acts like that trigger pent up frustration to a point where people need to act and speak up. This is an option much more feasible in today’s Digital world 

Here's the thing about so called police brutality in the US against black people compared to other "races": no matter what statistics you look at, the data doesn't support the claim. In fact, the data shows that it's actually white men who are being killed more often than other races. What happened to George Floyd is wrong and it should never have happened, same as what happened to Tony Timpa. Does anyone here recall Timpa? See it plastered all over CNN for days? The answer is almost certainly no, because it's not as newsworthy as a black man getting the same kind of treatment. 


I'm glad that you watched the talk between Weinstein and John McWhorter, as it's important to also hear black scholars/academics talk about these issues so that people can see that, yes, even black people do no support the constant claims of racism here and racism there. In fact, for a great video on police brutality from a black ex-cop, check this one out: Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report talks to Brandon Tatum. Tatum knows that racism is real (anyone who denies this is delusional), but to say that racism is the cause of all of black people's problems is simply untrue. There are many reasons for inequality in the US and elsewhere other than race, but unfortunately the new narrative of what racism is now simplified to racism as the ultimate cause. 


3 hours ago, canuck2288 said:


- you asked if I felt the definition of racism has changed. I do not feel the definition has changed at all. It is an inherent  bias or hate for another not justified by a factual reason. What has changed is the perception of racism and what happened at Evergreen is individuals with their own predetermined bias determined a persons actions or inaction to be racist. 

Merriam-Webster recently added to the definition of racism after a young girl asked them to update their definition, and they did. This may seem innocuous to many, but the ramifications are immense, and here's a first-hand example that I was taught in a politics of race class I once took in university.


Racism is barely about the discrimination towards someone based on race anymore. It is now about a power system that oppresses people based on race. The idea now is that only white people can be racist in the world because only the history of white colonialism oppressed groups of people based on their skin colour e.g. Indigenous peoples, black slavery, Chinese head tax. (Why don't we ever learn about how my Ukranian ancestors were put in internment camps in Canada when they arrived here? Is it because their skin colour was white and it doesn't fit this new definition? Let's let that question marinate.) There is now a belief that reverse racism against white people isn't true, that it's impossible for racism to be expressed towards white people because remember, only white people are racist under the new definition. And in a sense this is, in fact, true, because there's no such thing as reverse racism: racism is racism...


"A belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race." This is still part of the definition, so why do so many people ignore all the racism against white people these days? As soon as someone says what I just typed they yell and scream racism towards the person who said it. I forget where I heard this, but it was a statement that made me go hmmm (I'm paraphrasing): there is a large portion of the population these days that do not want to end oppression but rather want to flip the table of oppression. It makes me think of Hannah Arendt in her piece On Violence, in that she states that you can't fight violence with more violence. Well, you can't fight racism and oppression with more racism and oppression. Here's a recent story about black students demanding black only student housing at NYU: https://reason.com/2020/08/24/black-nyu-students-segregated-housing-race/. The university said no. There is a program now where I work that gives priority admission for Indigenous, Black, and other intersectional groups of colour. Last time I checked, this is actually a form of systemic racism, as it's being put into policy against a group of people based on race. 


I've already gone on way too long within this GDT, but I hope you can see that there is so much more than what people are seeing is going on in the news. This topic is incredibly convoluted and is so much more than simply being (sorry) black or white. 

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3 hours ago, Me_ said:

This about Jake.


This is the moment. However, he’s taken the opportunities he’s been able to out of sheer will when he is given the chance.


Do not discount the beef he brings.


And in game 2, he took a couple of great shots.

Hes where he’s supposed to be. 

It may also be that historically, big men take longer to get going in a season. With the prolonged break, perhaps we have yet to see our Virtanen. I feel he’s getting better.


But honestly, a Toffoli comes back from injury, you make space.



As I dislike talking about race in the GDT, and I just posted a long af read about it, I'd like to chat about Jake, ha! 


He's had some moments, but I think he's shown that he's not someone to step up like the rest of the team has. He's still looking like a young kid who rides the coattails of others. I've been a huge supporter of him since the beginning, and I always will, as I see the potential, but my patience is running thin with him, and I could see him being expendable at some point in the near future. If he can't step it up right now when the entire rest of the team is then will he ever? How many chances are we going to give him? 

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Some players raise their level of play in the playoffs. This is why I'm confused about Jake. These are his first NHL playoffs, and he has 1 goal in 11 games. Tyler Motte has 4. You would think Jake is made for the playoffs, but is he?  

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19 minutes ago, NUCKER67 said:

Some players raise their level of play in the playoffs. This is why I'm confused about Jake. These are his first NHL playoffs, and he has 1 goal in 11 games. Tyler Motte has 4. You would think Jake is made for the playoffs, but is he?  

I’m starting to think that Jake is made for the 1-2 games immediately following a benching.

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