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Does LE retire if buried in minors?

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21 minutes ago, Timråfan said:

I've seen posts from fans here talking about the difference in how Loui played before and how he was used here. That is on the coaches, not Loui. 

If it means Benning didn't know what he did back then, ok. It still isn't Louis fault. 

You're trying to make personal performance and capability, the responsibility of anyone but the individual.

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8 minutes ago, Robert Long said:

Mac brings physical play Loui can't. Loui has played his last game in a Canucks jersey, I'm sure of that. 

Yes, but Mac is to inexperienced or unqualified for this l3vel. It showed in the playoffs. 

Leivo on the other hand before the injury had the qualities to push Loui out.  

Whats funny is that when Loui  played we had a chance. Without him it seemed only Demko showed up. 

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11 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

LE's positioning is so strong he doesn't even break a sweat during the game.  I'd rather give the spot to a player willing to at least try to play like they belong in the NHL.  The fastest LE moves is when someone tells him there's cake in the dressing room.

Why do you love the huff and puff playera that actually don't contribute more than a goal post? 

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6 minutes ago, VegasCanuck said:

You're trying to make personal performance and capability, the responsibility of anyone but the individual.

If I'm the coach I put the players in the best position to succeed. 

But some coaches use a system where they want certain players. They can't change the system instead of the players. 


Did that explain my take on it? 

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One of the media reported that Loui's agent said that a team was interested in him if we retain salary. If there is actually a team interested in him, then he should mutually terminate and sign for cheap. He's already raked in a lot of money. Do the right thing Loui. Just one more little thing for the fans, who've treated you so well.

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20 minutes ago, Timråfan said:

If I'm the coach I put the players in the best position to succeed. 

But some coaches use a system where they want certain players. They can't change the system instead of the players. 


Did that explain my take on it? 

I get your take on it, If you've tried a player in every position to succeed and have tried more than one coach, at what point does it become the players responsibility to perform at the level he is expected to perform at?


Loui has had 2 coaches, he's played with the Sedins, 2 of the best players in the history of the NHL, he's played with Pettersson, a kid who smashed Swedish records that stood for 47 years, which even Forsberg didn't get close to breaking.


I'm a firm believer in giving players the best opportunity to perform and succeed, but at what point do you have to say that its on the player.


NOW, when Loui vented to the press, if he had taken ownership of the fact that he's struggling and that its up to him to perform, I'll have all the sympathy for him, but when he puts it on Green after the opportunities he's been given, as a fan, I can't just let that go. That's whining about stuff you shouldn't whine about.

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1 minute ago, VegasCanuck said:

I get your take on it, If you've tried a player in every position to succeed and have tried more than one coach, at what point does it become the players responsibility to perform at the level he is expected to perform at?


Loui has had 2 coaches, he's played with the Sedins, 2 of the best players in the history of the NHL, he's played with Pettersson, a kid who smashed Swedish records that stood for 47 years, which even Forsberg didn't get close to breaking.


I'm a firm believer in giving players the best opportunity to perform and succeed, but at what point do you have to say that its on the player.


NOW, when Loui vented to the press, if he had taken ownership of the fact that he's struggling and that its up to him to perform, I'll have all the sympathy for him, but when he puts it on Green after the opportunities he's been given, as a fan, I can't just let that go. That's whining about stuff you shouldn't whine about.

Well,take the Sedins for a start. Why put Loui with them? 


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Just now, Timråfan said:

Well,take the Sedins for a start. Why put Loui with them? 


Because, he showed chemistry with them at the World Cup. this coupled with the fact that he scored 30 goals in Boston the year before he signed here, was why Benning made the offer to him in the first place.


Loui has been a goal scorer, that's what he was signed to be, but he has yet to show that ability here, no matter who he is placed with.


So, answer me this. You've put a player with every center on the team, multiple times, moved him up and down through the lineup, been through 2 different coaches, given him every opportunity, and when asked about it by the press, he put his production and play, on his coach.


You're not willing to draw a line at that?

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Loui is not even a shell of the player he used to be. Only way we get any bang for the buck if if coach Green lines him up with Petey and Miller and I doubt that will occur. Petey could help his game. But  we have other options like Virt or Boeser who likely take that spot on the top line.

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5 minutes ago, VegasCanuck said:

Because, he showed chemistry with them at the World Cup. this coupled with the fact that he scored 30 goals in Boston the year before he signed here, was why Benning made the offer to him in the first place.


Loui has been a goal scorer, that's what he was signed to be, but he has yet to show that ability here, no matter who he is placed with.


So, answer me this. You've put a player with every center on the team, multiple times, moved him up and down through the lineup, been through 2 different coaches, given him every opportunity, and when asked about it by the press, he put his production and play, on his coach.


You're not willing to draw a line at that?

We can start with the Sedins. 

Loui showed chemistry with them at WC. 

NA has smaller rinks, the Sedins get less time to find Loui, voila, mismatch. 


You have to look what made Loui score 30 goals. 

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2 minutes ago, KirkSave said:

Loui is not even a shell of the player he used to be. Only way we get any bang for the buck if if coach Green lines him up with Petey and Miller and I doubt that will occur. Petey could help his game. But  we have other options like Virt or Boeser who likely take that spot on the top line.

He's been pushed and grind down to a defence player that covers for other players.

I don't have a clue if it's his or the coaches fault.

No one knows... That's why you as a fan should be behind your player and let the coach make the decisions. 

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2 minutes ago, Timråfan said:


Try to analyse what I'm talking about. 

If you convince me your right I might agree. B)

You said you don't care about Loui, yet I don't see you defending other players like when most were dumping on Jake, etc... It seems over half your post count has been on this very topic of Loui. If you have to defend him so many times, and everyone is saying the contrary, maybe you should re-analyze what you really think of the player.


The hate he gets, for the most part, is justifiable. We have young guys coming up who can challenge for a roster spot, and Loui can't be in the way of their development. His contract is an absolute anchor, and leading up to the signing, his production, and work ethic warranted a long term contract like that, and Benning, having had a year with him in Boston, thought he knew what he was getting. He's had 4 seasons, and hasn't contributed anything, aside from PK work. Fell off a cliff in one offseason, and hasn't improved over 2 coaches, and numerous playing partners, like the Sedins and Horvat. It's time for a player elected contract termination. Maybe he can go play for Timra.

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4 minutes ago, Timråfan said:

He's been pushed and grind down to a defence player that covers for other players.

I don't have a clue if it's his or the coaches fault.

No one knows... That's why you as a fan should be behind your player and let the coach make the decisions. 

It's the player's fault at this point beyond a shadow of a doubt. I don't know how long you've been watching the Canucks but he's had a horrid performance for multiple years under 2 different coaches. It's the player. I know you're defending your countryman, but it has nothing to do with him being a Swede. Vancouver loves Swedes. We'd be saying the same thing if he was a Canadian, or American or any other nationality. When a contract is signed there's a responsibility on both parties and Eriksson has failed miserably.

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1 minute ago, Chickenspear said:

You said you don't care about Loui, yet I don't see you defending other players like when most were dumping on Jake, etc... It seems over half your post count has been on this very topic of Loui. If you have to defend him so many times, and everyone is saying the contrary, maybe you should re-analyze what you really think of the player.


The hate he gets, for the most part, is justifiable. We have young guys coming up who can challenge for a roster spot, and Loui can't be in the way of their development. His contract is an absolute anchor, and leading up to the signing, his production, and work ethic warranted a long term contract like that, and Benning, having had a year with him in Boston, thought he knew what he was getting. He's had 4 seasons, and hasn't contributed anything, aside from PK work. Fell off a cliff in one offseason, and hasn't improved over 2 coaches, and numerous playing partners, like the Sedins and Horvat. It's time for a player elected contract termination. Maybe he can go play for Timra.

Jake has his own high priest for once... You'll be damned if you badmouth Virtanen. 


About the young players coming up. It's on the coach. He has the power to put Loui in the press box and let the youngsters get experience. Why do you blame Loui for that? 


I am new here and one thing I noticed is that if you say something bad about Benning and Green you get ridiculed. 

This means criticism on management turn to criticism of players .. 


Is it because HF have been a realky bad place or is it because we have paid lackeys here? 

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2 minutes ago, Vanuckles said:

It's the player's fault at this point beyond a shadow of a doubt. I don't know how long you've been watching the Canucks but he's had a horrid performance for multiple years under 2 different coaches. It's the player. I know you're defending your countryman, but it has nothing to do with him being a Swede. Vancouver loves Swedes. We'd be saying the same thing if he was a Canadian, or American or any other nationality. When a contract is signed there's a responsibility on both parties and Eriksson has failed miserably.

Loui has played well in the position Green put him in. 

The problem was at the start when they tried to make a large rink composition work on a small rink... Really bad and it's Bennings and coaches fault. 


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