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The center of your happiness (share)


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I'd long lamented the exponential-boom of tech in our lives, but it also makes me feel like the ultimate hypocrite.

Been pretty dependent upon the home pc, the past decade+


Canucks games & CDC, music, documentaries, fav alt news sites & blogs, chess.com...it's enough to turn a guy into a hermit crab!

But I've been blessed with a lovely wife, & great kids, now in their 20's.

I miss Canada sometimes, but life in Japan is pretty awesome. Greatly admire & respect the people here.

You play the hand you're dealt, & this is where I'm meant to be.


Also cycling/camping trips in nearby mtns is my ultimate, peaceful getaway.


edit: btw, nice thread/question @Rush17 !

Edited by Nuxfanabroad
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Friends/ family,

appreciating simple things,

walks, being in nature, 

relaxing music,

good food,


Brooklyn 99 (comic relief),

This is Us (for when I want the cozy/ feel good stuff),

also being present and just "here" when I find my mind going either to the past (regret) or future (worry).

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6 hours ago, Rush17 said:

I wanted to ask what the center is on anyone's happiness who is willing to share. What makes you happy in your daily or life in general. I thought maybe sharing our happinesses may help others struggling to cope in this challenging times. 


Personally. I am sitting at my favorite coffee shop right now listening to music and sipping on a latte. This isn't an every day pleasure but once every week or two it is a splendid treat that brings me immense happiness and a feeling of well being. I have read a lot of books here - I've also done a lot of writing here. This is like a second home too me as weird as that sounds.


I personally have been struggling with the ups and downs of our world current predicament. This is the first time I've been able to enjoy my coffee from here inside. It is remarkable how life feels so normal despite knowing it's not. Feels nice I must say.


Trying to cope has been a challenge without the ability to do something meaningful. I have unfortunately been off work since April and it doesn't look like my work will be returning in the near future. The search continues for a temporary replacement job.


Just curious how you ladies and gents all cope and what brings happiness in your lives. Perhaps your hobbies or passions can spark something in others! Wishing you all well during these trying times. 


What kind of work you in?  Or where abouts are you?  Yea lots of jobs probably aren't coming back unfortunately. 


For me, waking up and seeing the wife and kids are all I need.  Everything else is wiped out by the time I get home from work, no matter how crappy my day is, going home to see them is all I need to be happy every day.

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Family (wife, kids and dog)







Designing and building things



I too am struggling with what comes next after a 'temporary' layoff in March and the compete shutdown of my industry. But thankfully I have a lot of pleasant distractions ^ and a fantastic family.

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9 hours ago, Master Mind said:

Family and friends would be the obvious choices for me. Although I can't help but feel great satisfaction when crushing everyone in a hockey pool ;)

Ah, so you're like me, a hockey pool is not a gambling endeavor, it's an investment opportunity!


Seriously though, my centre of happiness is watching my kids grow up and having them and my wife to share life's laughs and tears.


As far as hobbies go, I still enjoy using geocaching as an excuse to explore our community.  I've also had a ton of fun putting together my Canucks binder.  I'm trying to find a card, as a Canuck, for every player that has played a regular season or playoff game in a Canuck jersey.  384 down, 65 to go!

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