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37 minutes ago, Me_ said:

A great argument in favour of an amendment to

the second amendment is, the second amendment was added on December 15, 1791.




No point arguing against the 2nd amendment in the USA. 


Smiling happily, Heston held up the gun and said: “I have only one more comment to make: From my cold, dead hands.”


The gun nuts will say it's their right to protect themselves.  Needed to combat a corrupt government if need be.  Blah Blah Blah.

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4 minutes ago, Ghostsof1915 said:

Or maybe because it takes skill to use a bolt action, lever action rifle, or shotgun? There's still tons of options if you want to hunt. 

Or if you don't want to have to worry about aiming....



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2 minutes ago, BPA said:

No point arguing against the 2nd amendment in the USA. 


Smiling happily, Heston held up the gun and said: “I have only one more comment to make: From my cold, dead hands.”


The gun nuts will say it's their right to protect themselves.  Needed to combat a corrupt government if need be.  Blah Blah Blah.

Well, they may get their wish if the Orange KKKlown is “re-elected”. In the end, they may suffer most. 

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8 minutes ago, BPA said:

No point arguing against the 2nd amendment in the USA. 


Smiling happily, Heston held up the gun and said: “I have only one more comment to make: From my cold, dead hands.”


The gun nuts will say it's their right to protect themselves.  Needed to combat a corrupt government if need be.  Blah Blah Blah.

I think he might've been suffering even then from the effects of Alzheimer’s disease.  The following is from the SAME man way back in 1963.  1963!:



This is a guy that marched WITH Dr. King.

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18 minutes ago, Heretic said:

"Transgender inmate faces deportation after B.C.'s high court denies judicial review".

Why do they need to mention "Transgender"?  It doesn't matter what their gender nor race is.

Given that part of their appeal is based on a lack of hormone treatment and gender re assignment surgery available in the US, it is understandable that her/his trans status is mentioned.



VANCOUVER — The British Columbia Court of Appeal says it is time to stop the "endless merry-go-round of judicial reviews and subsequent reconsiderations" by denying another request to stop the extradition of a transgender inmate.

Haedyn-Khris Beaumann, also known as Kevin Patterson, is charged with first-degree murder in Washington state and has been denied her eighth judicial review of a ministerial order of extradition.

Beaumann's lawyer argued the justice minister unreasonably rejected the latest application on her inability to access hormone therapy and gender reassignment surgery if she's extradited to the United States.

The court agrees the minister's response was brief and "leaves much to be desired," but notes that, like all seven previous applications, it was submitted late, giving the minister discretion to refuse the application.

Beaumann is charged in the bludgeoning death of her roommate, but fled to B.C. where she was arrested and remains in custody fighting the extradition order issued in 2015.

She appealed to the Supreme Court of Canada but the case was refused last year and the B.C. Court of Appeal says the matter must end.

The unanimous ruling says Beaumann's judicial review applications have covered grounds ranging from concerns about the death penalty to her discovery of Aboriginal heritage.

The ruling says it wasn't until the seventh submission that Beaumann revealed her transgender status and the reassignment surgery was not discussed until the eighth legal application.

"According to her counsel, the applicant has identified as female since 2013," Justice Christopher Grauer says in the written decision released Thursday. 

The issue of treatment policies in Washington state "for transgender persons with gender dysphoria could and should have been raised well before this," he says.

The question is whether extraditing Beaumann, thereby denying her treatments available in Canada, would "shock the conscience of Canadians," Grauer says, adding he does not believe the case rises to that level.

"In these circumstances, I conclude that the need for finality is an appropriate ground for denying the applicant's request," he says.

"Remitting the submission to the minister for reconsideration would serve no useful purpose; that the minister would come to the same conclusion is inevitable."

This report by The Canadian Press was first published April 30, 2020"

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Relatives mourning Texas teen's coronavirus death test positive for virus





A Texas family grieving the loss of their 17-year-old daughter who died after contracting the novel coronavirus say that her mother, her biological father, her stepfather, and an older sibling have also since tested positive for COVID-19. Jameela Barber, a junior at Lancaster High School, is believed to be the youngest victim in Dallas County, Fox 4 News reported.




No mention of the teenager having underlying health problems.



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2 hours ago, RonMexico said:


I don't disagree at all but it's not like assault rifles were fine up until 2 weeks ago. So why wait until something has happened to do something? 

because its worse to continue to do nothing. 

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9 minutes ago, BPA said:

Back on Topic...


Relatives mourning Texas teen's coronavirus death test positive for virus





A Texas family grieving the loss of their 17-year-old daughter who died after contracting the novel coronavirus say that her mother, her biological father, her stepfather, and an older sibling have also since tested positive for COVID-19. Jameela Barber, a junior at Lancaster High School, is believed to be the youngest victim in Dallas County, Fox 4 News reported.




No mention of the teenager having underlying health problems.




Yet here we are with Ontario and Quebec, the two hardest hit provinces talking about reopening some levels of business and school. The government knows best right? After all, they just banned big scary guns in the name of public safety.

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3 minutes ago, RonMexico said:


Yet here we are with Ontario and Quebec, the two hardest hit provinces talking about reopening some levels of business and school. The government knows best right? After all, they just banned big scary guns in the name of public safety.

Apparently in Quebec, parents have been sent pamphlets that say Covid-19 stays on surfaces for only 2 hours and that masks are optional for everyone; a far cry from finding Covid-19 on the Diamond Princess 17 days after evacuation.

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4 minutes ago, RonMexico said:


Yet here we are with Ontario and Quebec, the two hardest hit provinces talking about reopening some levels of business and school. The government knows best right? After all, they just banned big scary guns in the name of public safety.

Yo.  Gun threads are that way ------------------------------------------------------------------------>>>>

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As B.C. flattens curve, think carefully about expanding social circle: Henry





Yay....I get to see more people than just my wife and kids.

Boo...most likely my in-laws.  Nice and all but keep hearing the same stories over and over and over.  But at least I get a beer out of it.





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2 minutes ago, BPA said:

Yo.  Gun threads are that way ------------------------------------------------------------------------>>>>


I'm trying to understand why its ok for provinces to start opening up business again when everyday a public health official is cautioning against it.


Like what 3 weeks ago we were told hundreds of thousands are going to contract this and and die based on their coveted modelling. Fast forward to today and there's reasons for optimism now?


Which one is it?? They keep changing their minds and dangling the public's health in the balance. 

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3 hours ago, The 5th Line said:

Deborah, I'm talking about the WHO specifically at this time because they are under scrutiny from many countries, so 'i'm confident enough to feel justified talking about the situation.  There are plenty of other things I would like to continue discussing but it's been made clear that's these things aren't allowed to be discussed here because they(possibly)contradict some of  the information handed out by the mainstream media/government/health officials.  So you're right I likely won't be changing any minds here because I"m not even being given the opportunity.  Discussing possible contradictions brought forth by anybody should be and is nothing more than free speech but because this is a privately ran website, free speech does not come in to play here.  Spooky    


The bias in this thread is abundantly clear, it's a Trump hating(covidiots, bone spurs, cheeto, orange man, bafoon), Trudeau loving, anything we do is right and anything they do is wrong type of community.  I don't like Trump either but god damn at least keep your eyes open while putting him on blast, or at least have your "head on a swivel". 


If you disagree with the people in power and try spreading different information, you're in the minority, if you're in the minority you're weak, if you continue trying to express yourself while in the minority there is a good chance you will just be shut down completely so that nobody can hear your voice.  And no I'm not talking about CDC specifically... I'm talking about around the world.  People are banned from websites all the time for trying to discuss their political views. 





mainstreammedia/government/health officials.”

There's the problem right there. Not all “mainstream” media is wrong. Not all “government” is wrong. Not all “health officials” are wrong. In fact, most of "mainstream media" is good. Most "government" is good. And most "health officials" are good.


But when one says a blanket statement like “mainstream media / government / health officials“, that person’s argument sounds bias right from the start.


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4 minutes ago, RonMexico said:


I'm trying to understand why its ok for provinces to start opening up business again when everyday a public health official is cautioning against it.


Like what 3 weeks ago we were told hundreds of thousands are going to contract this and and die based on their coveted modelling. Fast forward to today and there's reasons for optimism now?


Which one is it?? They keep changing their minds and dangling the public's health in the balance. 

It's called projections and data collections and trends.


At first, no one knows how bad this can get.  So when the first modelling comes out, it is with the recent data collected at the time.  As more information comes to light, the modelling changes with it.  So what was predicted 6 weeks ago, is not the same as today (where we have more information).  Couple with that, we have procured (or will have procured) much needed PPE for first liners to be best able to respond to the pandemic.


Also, the shutdown was to FLATTEN THE CURVE.  You must know that by now.  It was meant to not overload/collapse the healthcare system.  Otherwise, we might have been dealing with far more cases/deaths.


As for opening business...the Economy needs to be revived before we reach the point of a total collapse.  So the Government, like many other countries, are cautiously opening some businesses that are probably deemed less risky to spread the virus.  And then see the data collected from that before re-opening others or shut it down again.



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3 hours ago, RonMexico said:



Much like the legalization of pot not shutting down the illegal sales of marijuana, this will have the same useless effect. Shutting down the legal trade and ability to own an assault rifle doesn't stop people from illegally acquiring or using them. I have never owned any gun and do not plan to. But this is classic pandering. OMG we had a mass shooting, when is the government going to protect us from these crazy gun owners?? More nanny state stuff. It's like everyone with their hands out wanting government bailouts due to Covid-19. People forget that money doesn't grow on trees and we will be paying it all back and more.

I could not possibly care less.  It is a statement that these weapons are not tolerated in our society.  In my opinion, that is a deeply important statement to make, as a country.

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3 hours ago, The 5th Line said:


I clearly wrote "possibly contradicts".   If people could stop putting words in to my mouth that'd be greeeaaatt.  

Make sure your words come across as you intend. Can’t blame others for interpreting incomplete thoughts.

They will fill in the blanks.


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Something more inspiring ....


B.C. family credits video messages with helping grandfather survive COVID-19





"He says, 'You know what, I was ready to call you and say my goodbyes, because it was just too much for me ... I got of bed, I fell to the floor and I told them to just leave me here because I am done,'" White said.


"When he called me, he's like, 'I'm so grateful I got to see my grandsons, because they were the ones that made me to fight to get out of here.


"'I'm sorry, I should never have given up, I have way too much to live for.'"





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3 hours ago, The 5th Line said:

What was incomplete about it?  I wrote what I wrote, then you picked out a certain part of the paragraph, quoted it, misinterpreted it, then tried to flame me for it?  Your bias isn't shining through at all......

You just sound like you believe the world is a massive conspiracy and you know the undebatable truth and have the key to unveiling the lies.


Bless your soul.


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1 hour ago, BPA said:

No point arguing against the 2nd amendment in the USA. 


Smiling happily, Heston held up the gun and said: “I have only one more comment to make: From my cold, dead hands.”


The gun nuts will say it's their right to protect themselves.  Needed to combat a corrupt government if need be.  Blah Blah Blah.

Not only do they feel it's their right, but it

the fact that a lot of people in the US feel they need to own a personal arsenal of weapons. If you feel you need 3 pistols, 5 semi auto rifles with 30 round magazines, and a mini gun, you have much greater needs in life. 

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