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10 minutes ago, debluvscanucks said:

1,120 new cases over the weekend!   






830 of them in the Fraser Health region.


these people are going to overwhelm the healthcare system, with Christmas coming its going to be very bad. 


We have our own little pocket of ''merica just down the #1. 

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3 minutes ago, Jimmy McGill said:

these people are going to overwhelm the healthcare system, with Christmas coming its going to be very bad. 


We have our own little pocket of ''merica just down the #1. 

The Jackass Meeting at the Granville Street Narcissist Convention will be the next big spike.


Idiots think invincibility is real when, really, it's COVID that's the real deal.  So blind.  And stupid.  I still say we ship them to an island and say party on.  Boat'll pick you up next year some time.  Maybe.

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6 minutes ago, Jimmy McGill said:

these people are going to overwhelm the healthcare system, with Christmas coming its going to be very bad. 


We have our own little pocket of ''merica just down the #1. 

with our BC governments failure to lead.... we all knew deep down inside that this is where it would lead to.... 

Increased indoor winter socializing will put us over the top ....     


When i heard people were going door to door trick or treating during a pandemic.... i just shook my head. 

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2 minutes ago, kingofsurrey said:

with our BC governments failure to lead.... we all knew deep down inside that this is where it would lead to.... 

Increased indoor winter socializing will put us over the top ....     


When i heard people were going door to door trick or treating during a pandemic.... i just shook my head. 

I'm no Horgan fan... but thats just not where we can lay the blame. Everyone knows getting together in large groups is bad, there's no excuses King, none. 

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31 minutes ago, debluvscanucks said:

Just did the drive thru covid test (1.5 hour wait...not nearly as bad as expected).  


My hat's off to all those people working in those tents .... I told them so too.  It makes you really have a sense of "all in this together" when people show up and do their jobs despite the risks involved.


Two bunnies scooted through the tent...kind of took the edge off for me (as I was so nervous...have a badly deviated septum that can be problematic).


Now the waiting begins....

Fingers crossed for you Deb....

Take care  and rest.  Stay strong.



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5 minutes ago, Jimmy McGill said:

I'm no Horgan fan... but thats just not where we can lay the blame. Everyone knows getting together in large groups is bad, there's no excuses King, none. 

People copy what they see.  When we are the only province to allow non maskers to go about their business.....  then this is how they behave.


BC has the most lax covid protocols of any Canadian Province.  That is on Dr. B and Horgan.  Thats their  job, to lead. 

Having an anti mask PHO pretty much told people to not take covid seriously.....   That was the WRONG message to send out. 


We needed a PHO that erred on the side of caution.. Not our PHO that erred on the side of playing roulette with pandemic virus. 

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Just now, kingofsurrey said:

People copy what they see.  When we are the only province to allow non maskers to go about their business.....  then this is how they behave.


BC has the most lax covid protocols of any Canadian Province.  That is on Dr. B and Horgan.  Thats their  job, to lead. 

you're making excuses for people in FH. We're told daily what the simple rules are. 


You can only tell people so much and they have to have the personal responsibility to follow through. Not sure why you're letting people off the hook. Unless you're clinically low IQ you know by now to wear a mask in public and not to go to large gatherings. 

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3 minutes ago, Jimmy McGill said:

you're making excuses for people in FH. We're told daily what the simple rules are. 


You can only tell people so much and they have to have the personal responsibility to follow through. Not sure why you're letting people off the hook. Unless you're clinically low IQ you know by now to wear a mask in public and not to go to large gatherings. 

100% wrong.  Almost every major city in Canada has mask regulations.  EXCEPT Vancouver / Surrey .

Covidiots will only be controlled with the threat of fines. 


We pay our leaders to lead. I expect more from my leaders that cute jingles, DR. marten photo ops... and volunteering for NDP reelection ads....


I expeect hard decsions / unpopular decions....   erring on the side of caution decisions...      

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Just now, kingofsurrey said:

100% wrong.  Almost every major city in Canada has mask regulations.  EXCEPT Vancouver / Surrey .

Covidiots will only be controlled with the threat of fines. 


We pay our leaders to lead. I expect more from my leaders that cute jingles, DR. marten photo ops... and volunteering for NDP reelection ads....


I experect hard decsions / unpopular decions....   erring on the side of caution decisions...      

Where is personal responsibility in all this for you then? 


You can't protect people from being stupid. 

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1 minute ago, Jimmy McGill said:

Where is personal responsibility in all this for you then? 


You can't protect people from being stupid. 

I don't care to argue about personal responsibility.. could / should / would discussions.


I only care about results.   I only want to see people wearing masks... or else tossed into a police car.  I want results so my family is safe.


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6 minutes ago, Jimmy McGill said:

Where is personal responsibility in all this for you then? 


You can't protect people from being stupid. 

30 gr. 12's sit all morning in a portable with no ventilation.  They do not have to wear masks.  Many don't.


Do you really think they are being conditionned to wear a mask outdoors with 20 of their buddies on Granville st after a few beers.


DR. B and Horgan have failed with their inconsistencys.     I  think you mentionned you had kids.   You do realize how important it was a parent to be consistent in your expecations.... right ?   You ever train a puppy... ? Same approach we needed to see from our govenment.   MASK on , all the time . No exceptions.  That is consistency.  

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Just now, kingofsurrey said:

I don't care to argue about personal responsibility.. could / should / would discussions.


oh come on. Of course thats a big part of this, and many other things in life. 


Just now, kingofsurrey said:


I only care about results.   I only want to see people wearing masks... or else tossed into a police car.  I want results so my family is safe.


I get this sentiment, I do. But we don't have the jail space. 

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Just now, kingofsurrey said:

30 gr. 12's sit all morning in a portable with no ventilation.  They do not have to wear masks.  Many don't.


Do you really think they are being conditionned to wear a mask outdoors with 20 of their buddies on Granville st after a few beers.


DR. B and Horgan have failed with their inconsistencys.     I  think you mentionned you had kids.   You do realize how important it was a parent to be consistent in your expecations.... right ?   Same approach we needed to see from our govenment.   MASK on , all the time . No exceptions.  That is consistency.  

I do, and I know its up to us as parents to make sure we know what to do. I'm responsible for my kid, not Bonnie. I respect her a lot and listen to her advice and act accordingly, I don't wait for the RCMP to roll up and tell me what to do. 

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Just now, Jimmy McGill said:


oh come on. Of course thats a big part of this, and many other things in life. 


I get this sentiment, I do. But we don't have the jail space. 

When you decide to discipline a group... you just pick out one...  Then you  hammer him right infront of all the rest. Make it a show.

It is a teaching moment.  The rest will change and follow the rules... 

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11 minutes ago, Jimmy McGill said:

I do, and I know its up to us as parents to make sure we know what to do. I'm responsible for my kid, not Bonnie. I respect her a lot and listen to her advice and act accordingly, I don't wait for the RCMP to roll up and tell me what to do. 

These covidiots  likely come from non funtionning families...  They have not been taught right and wrong from their homes. 

Society needs to teach them.    Hammer on one, and let the rest see what happens when you break the law. 


OK - lets paint a picture


You are playing ice hockey and an opponent slew foots you and you land awkward and hard.


Do you say it was his personal responsibility to not do that..  ?  OR  Do you look to the  ref for a penalty ? If not penalty given, do you board him through the glass next shift and spear him when he is on front of your net.   Life can be dirty...   Some guys only learn the hard way..... covidiots are in this category. 

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Canada's Public Safety minister says will keep its border with the US closed as long as needed

Tue 3 Nov 2020 00:08:41 GMT


A lot of countries have a lot of borders closed right now.

CAD and the US has been closed for months now (since March, essential travel excepted) in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak. 
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41 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Knock off your melodramatic whining


They've been ALL over this.  3rd most populous province in the nation but 4th in cases.  Grow up and start laying the blame where it belongs.  On the people who STILL refuse to follow simple directives.


Guarantee the government locks down everything, does everything you want.  Shuts down schools cities transit and there's still cases that you lay at the feet of the government


At this stage, 8+ months in to this health crisis the blame and fault is almost entirely at the feet of the people too selfish to change their ways

religious groups and U30s. They know exactly what they're doing, they just don't care. 

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21 minutes ago, Jimmy McGill said:

religious groups and U30s. They know exactly what they're doing, they just don't care. 

Yes, but in a province with no laws/bylaws - our police hands are tied.   Our leaders in BC have failed us.


Kumbaya  / cute covid jingles/slogan - doesn't work with covidiots.  Tickets and enforcement might.......

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1 hour ago, Warhippy said:



Guarantee the government locks down everything, does everything you want.  Shuts down schools cities transit and there's still cases that you lay at the feet of the government



Having laws and bylaws in place in BC  has nothing to do with locking things down... you are being way overdramatic and childish.

Lets give our police the tools they need so they can help encourage people ( covidiots ) to mask up and socially distance properly.



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