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34 minutes ago, Gatzkek said:

Vaccinated people are dying more than unvaccinated people.  What's your theory. Here's another interesting graph. This is all cause mortality 25-44 years old. From https://www.usmortality.com/   Covid death peaked on Jan 2021. What's going on now?


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The page linked directly contradicts what you're saying

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15 hours ago, Gatzkek said:

Why should a physically fit 30 year old be forced to take a vaccine that won't benefit them?   That's bat$&!# crazy.  Vaccinated and non vaccinated are spreaders so that isn't a reason.


Now if you're an obese 30 year-old, you just might end up in the hospital. Should these people be mandated to the jab to spare the health care workers?


Now over 50 years old have a decent chance of having trouble with covid so that's a different story, that's why I am vaccinated and happy with my choice to this point. I hope there are no long-term effects, but even short term, this study shows people under 60 are more likely to die after being vaccinated than those who are unvaccinated. The vaccine may reduce covid death but may make you susceptible to other fatal conditions. https://alexberenson.substack.com/p/vaccinated-english-adults-under-60?token=eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNzQ5MDY1MCwicG9zdF9pZCI6NDQzMzc2NTQsIl8iOiIxQUpGRiIsImlhdCI6MTYzNzQyMDg2OSwiZXhwIjoxNjM3NDI0NDY5LCJpc3MiOiJwdWItMzYzMDgwIiwic3ViIjoicG9zdC1yZWFjdGlvbiJ9.9VUDRE1Y_ulQb4wd_dboCAGd9-rSnGy5XFczpoM1wbI


So my question is, how could you question people objecting to being forced to take a useless (for them) vaccine three times a year?

so the 30 year old can help save a few 70 year olds. 

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4 hours ago, CanuckGAME said:

This is the thing I've noticed with you guys, when challenged with facts you resort to posts like this.  You dont come back with anything intelligent.


Keep telling yourself that your obesity is genetic. 


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I'm pretty ticked that they closed the YVR test centre due to "hazardous weather" yet their solution is to direct people from Richmond to....North Van or UBC?


So we can't line up on flat ground at the airport but we can navigate to those locations?


Time for our Gov't to start doling out those rapid test kits rather than hoarding them.

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11 hours ago, Kurgom said:

Anecdote but my entire family got (probably) Omicron. Positive COVID test on my sister. The women have had it rougher than the men, but the worst it's gotten is a temperature with a stuffy nose and cough. I've been better for a few days now.

Everyone is different so one family can't really gauge on another family's experience.


Glad to hear you're better though.  Did you all test positive?  Was it a test done at home or at a testing site?  Curious as to the entire deal so we all can learn more about individual experiences.

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8 hours ago, bolt said:



I wonder how many hyperchondriacs  will show up to BC hospitals with the sniffles?  Will they count as hospitalizations ?

Did you not read the part where it said "with no symptoms"?  


And if by hypOchondriacs you mean responsible people who care enough not to share their sniffles with others unless they're sure of what it is they're carrying, sure.





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40 minutes ago, -DLC- said:

Did you not read the part where it said "with no symptoms"?  


And if by hypOchondriacs you mean responsible people who care enough not to share their sniffles with others unless they're sure of what it is they're carrying, sure.





so when "alt-facts" don't work, I guess they turn to insults to try to get people to not take the shot? wth?


Edited by JM_
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"OMG, more people that have been vaccinated got covid than those that aren't vaxxed.  "



The 88 % of us vaxxed people have been waiting for the day we out numbered the non vaxxers in covid cases and hospitalizations. So to us this is great news.

The sad part is this "balance" should have happened months ago; all that had to happen was more people getting vaxxed.


Oh well, maybe next pandemic?



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23 minutes ago, gurn said:

"OMG, more people that have been vaccinated got covid than those that aren't vaxxed.  "



The 88 % of us vaxxed people have been waiting for the day we out numbered the non vaxxers in covid cases and hospitalizations. So to us this is great news.

The sad part is this "balance" should have happened months ago; all that had to happen was more people getting vaxxed.


Oh well, maybe next pandemic?



Now we're going to have to teach basic statistics to the antivaxxers when they decide to try using this as an argument.

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The sad thing with these anti-vaxxers was where were they before all of this. Doing absolutely nothing about their beliefs until the opportunity existed to screw up everything for everybody else. Nice timing losers. :picard:


Then there are these anti government ideals. The facts are if you drive a car, shop at grocery stores, have a mortgage, pay power, heat, and water bills or have a job you're already woven into the fabric of society and fully entrenched under government control. Now these obsequious sycophants decide to take a stand when it throws everyone else under the bus and doesn't do anything but keep us mired in this pandemic even longer. The self centered stupidity is really on another level now.

Edited by Gawdzukes
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Just now, Gawdzukes said:

The sad thing with these anti-vaxxers was where they before all of this. Doing absolutely nothing about their beliefs until the opportunity existed to screw up everything for everybody else. Nice timing losers. :picard:


Then there are these anti government ideals. The facts are if you drive a car, shop at grocery stores, have a mortgage, pay power, heat, and water bills or have a job you're already woven into the fabric of society and fully entrenched under government control. Now these obsequious sycophants decide to take a stand when it throws everyone else under the bus and doesn't do anything but keep us mired in tis pandemic even longer. The self centered stupidity is really on another level now.


anti-vax has gone from skepticism to doctrine.


There's no point in trying to reason with them, just do what we can to keep them away from others. 

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