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4 minutes ago, TOMapleLaughs said:

As far as nations capable of being world leader nations is concerned, it's either the US or China.  The metrics being missed in this little bash don't include the most important ones:  The economic ones.  The financial ones.  The US has built a substantial hegemony due to it's vast economic resources that other nations simply don't have.  And whether we like it or not, that hegemony absolutely envelopes Canada.  I mean we can bicker about all sorts of other stats to take a piece out of them for giggles, but that really is meaningless.


As far as US covid stats are concerned, well NY has had the same outcomes as Florida despite wildly-differing policy.  So maybe covid ultimately doesn't care about policy.  This seems like 1yr old or 2yr old points anyway, as by now omicron impacts us all quite equally and we're pretty much on our own to deal with it.  Regardless of policy.

Why are you comparing NY to Florida? Both those states are over 3000 deaths per million. Canada is 876 per million. If we followed either of those two states we would have three times more death. 70 000 more deaths is not meaningless.  

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2 minutes ago, Playoff Beered said:

Why are you comparing NY to Florida? Both those states are over 3000 deaths per million. Canada is 876 per million. If we followed either of those two states we would have three times more death. 70 000 more deaths is not meaningless.  

he's trying to pretend that context doesn't matter 

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3 minutes ago, gizmo2337 said:

The same grey dodge truck has been pictured at least 5 times in social media. It was already reported to the police by the protest organizers. This person isn't part of the convoy.

he's there. No one is asking him to leave. 


He is part of the convoy. You're backing people like this. Good job. 

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13 minutes ago, Playoff Beered said:

Why are you comparing NY to Florida? Both those states are over 3000 deaths per million. Canada is 876 per million. If we followed either of those two states we would have three times more death. 70 000 more deaths is not meaningless.  

Approach on Policy.  But again this seems like discussion from 1 or 2 yrs ago.

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6 minutes ago, JM_ said:

he's there. No one is asking him to leave. 


He is part of the convoy. You're backing people like this. Good job. 

The truck isn't part of the protest, and was already reported as such. If the police do nothing, then what else can they do.

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1 minute ago, Playoff Beered said:

Florida had 30 606 cases yesterday out of a population of 21.4 million, that was yesterday, not 1 or 2 years ago. Canada had 16 044 out of a population of 38.2 million. YESTERDAY!!!

The reason I keep saying 1 or 2 year ago relevance is that today case counts don't matter.


We're all getting omicron regardless.  I can confirm this as I've gotten it despite double-vaxxing and following all protocols, and so has most everyone I know.


More and more governments are indicating that we all need to learn to live with covid.  What more is needed to talk about on this front?

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14 hours ago, fanfor42 said:



You say over and over on these pages how you enjoyed your youth and the old days.  You revere those free days.


Are you now just an old grumpy lady?


Can't you  see that there are a huge number of people here and not a fringe, peacefully demonstrating for your human rights?  And you want to cheer against them?Can't you identify with them as who you used to be when you were young and free and not terrified?


If not that's ok.  But maybe - just let them be and don't actively cheer against them like a grumpy old lady.







LOL nice personal attacks (might want to review the rules on that, I'll let it slide because clearly you're desperate to come up with something).


What human rights?  Let's hear it rather than spewing a bunch of attacks (which usually are a good indicator of not having a valid response).  I am quite capable of protecting my own interests and I'm not sure theirs line up with mine.  Change that, I know they're not.


I'll wait because I'm quite sure you won't be able to list any.  And, as old as I am, I have years to wait for your answer.   FTR, personal attacks don't make your point valid, probably even less so.  And if you've truly been a "for for 42" I'm going to guess you're older than I am.  



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27 minutes ago, gizmo2337 said:

It was already reported to the police by the protest organizers. This person isn't part of the convoy.

So the organizers are condemning him? 

Thats good. It undermines their entire protest.  Which is already looking very juvenile. 


How do you know he was reported to the police and that he wasn't part of the convoy? do you have a link?

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24 minutes ago, TOMapleLaughs said:

Where's Canada's?



You can thank previous governments for shuttering Canada's.  However, the Feds have announced numerous biomanufacturing projects.  So, we're not just sitting idle doing nothing.





Government of Canada investments of more than $1.3B in 29 COVID‑19 domestic biomanufacturing, vaccines and therapeutics projects




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5 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:

So the organizers are condemning him? 

Thats good. It undermines their entire protest.  Which is already looking very juvenile. 


How do you know he was reported to the police and that he wasn't part of the convoy? do you have a link?

I saw the Spokesman from the Private Motor Council of Canada on Global News this morning saying that extremist groups HAVE infiltrated the protest and it's a lot of garbage out there that they don't want to be associated with.  


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If I read one more time that these people are doing this for me I'm gonna puke.


They have a right to protest but quit pretending and overstating crap.


50,000 vehicles....we're gonna change the constitution....everyone supports us.... we are not lead by dodgy groups....



I hate the term Karen but damn, once these people get their message to the manager, hopefully they can get reimbursed for their paid protest and F' off back to their homes.  



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1 minute ago, -DLC- said:

I saw the Spokesman from the Private Motor Council of Canada on Global News this morning saying that extremist groups HAVE infiltrated the protest and it's a lot of garbage out there that they don't want to be associated with.  


They need to move them out. Their protest is already looking silly, if they let these elements hang with them, it's all people will see. 

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