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9 hours ago, Russ said:

Arrest, jail and charge all of them not just the pastor.  The damn people know whats going on, they shouldn't be left off the charges.

Canadian judges don't even put scumbag thieves in jail that commit home break and enters when the criminal code says the max sentence is life in jail.


Do you think these weak spined Canadian judges would jail people breaking a "no gathering" rule.


Sadly they won't....

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Wow...some posters on here have lost the narrative completely when they want to call covid-19 the china virus or the russian virus.




The virus kills any race or any country's people equally.  


Get off the computer and get some fresh air for goodness sake.

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3 hours ago, mayor MCcheese said:

Since when are facts name calling? It came from China and was caused by the Chinese. So Chinese virus is accurate.

They are french fries.  They have french in the name so obviously french fries come from France.



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2 hours ago, RUPERTKBD said:

And I think there's definitely some truth to that.


The polls we've seen lately show his (trump) support to be going up, in spite of the poor job he's done on this crisis.

If americans actually elect the giant orange turd again (which they may), we have officially witnessed the fall of the most powerful and progressive country in the world for the last 100 years. Not surprising as very few civilizations have had reigns of any length other than those that kill their own citizens to keep people in line.


Bye bye usa..... 

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2 hours ago, Junkyard Dog said:

I don't think that this is something he can be blamed for a bunch



The orange windbag said that covid-19 was just a democratic scam to affect trump's chances to get reelected.


trump speaks in sentences that even a drunk 6 year old would not.


The guy is an imbecile.

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16 minutes ago, Kanukfanatic said:

If americans actually elect the giant orange turd again (which they may), we have officially witnessed the fall of the most powerful and progressive country in the world for the last 100 years. Not surprising as very few civilizations have had reigns of any length other than those that kill their own citizens to keep people in line.


Bye bye usa..... 

Given how little Trump seems to care how many of the people down there die because of this, it's reasonable to argue that he is killing citizens.  We might need an enforced regime change  in order to hold that waste of oxygen accountable for his crimes against humanity and send him to the gallows.


We already have teenagers dying because their parents can't afford the hospital care.  This simply doesn't happen in civilized countries.

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Straight out of horses mouth about the so called Democratic hoax, 2.28.20

When Clinton lied nobody died, when GWB lied lot of people died.

Who knows how many will die because of Trumps incompetence.


“Now the Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus,” Trump said. “They have no clue, they can't even count their votes in Iowa.”“This is their new hoax,” Trump continued.



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so i am generally very much against conspiracy theories

as far far too often they distract from the truth and from reality

and attempt to create a different reality


yesterday i was monitoring the WHO webpage that provides corona updates live

basically it updates the virus data throughout the day

it switches its data daily at 7 pm (pst) - or at least i think that is the time

and yesterday i noted around 6:15 pm that the usa data stuck at an odd number

19,999 of new confirmed cases.

i kept updating this page and it did not change

it suddenly changed to 20,3** something

this over 20k number was not visible except for a minute or 2 on the WHO data page

and then for some reason the WHO web page started its new 24 hour clock a minute or 2 later


around 6:30 (i did not track the exact time as i was not tracking time.. i assumed it must be 7 .. then noted shortly it was not yet 7)


did anyone else notice this?

can anyone explain why WHO started the 24 hour clock on its web page early yesterday ?

am i the only one who noticed this ?

seems the usa did not want anyone to see their count went over 20k yesterday


currently the count is 24,492, i just refreshed.. and the page has not turned over to a new 24 hour clock yet

it's 6:41 (pst) now



has anything they can comment about this ?


edit: today the 24 hour clock started at 7 again

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1 hour ago, smokes said:

It's happening and this is why I'm scared.https://news.yahoo.com/stabbing-asian-american-2-old-190324496.html


Stabbing of Asian-American 2-Year-Old and Her Family Was a Virus-Fueled Hate Crime: Feds

The vicious stabbing of an Asian-American family, including a 2-year-old girl, at a Sam’s Club in Texas earlier this month has been deemed a hate crime by the feds, as authorities continue to raise alarm bells about a potential surge in racially motivated crimes amid the coronavirus outbreak.


I'm assuming these backwards idiots are claiming it's the families fault for not having more guns.

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3 hours ago, HKSR said:

Just because it happens in other places doesn't mean it has to happen here.  What about Singapore? Hong Kong? South Korea? Are they all making up numbers too?  Even Washington state's numbers settled down.  The limitations of BC's testing are the same limitations that other places face as well, so we're comparing apples and apples. 


There's a misconception that BC isn't testing enough, yet it turns out that other than Alberta, BC is testing more than the other big provinces of Canada:



You'll likely find doctors all over the world saying the same thing as they are in BC.  There simply isn't enough test kits available worldwide to test every single person that shows any symptoms.


The important thing is that the hospitalization and ICU numbers are in control. 

You’ve literally listed countries that have had success by not following this failed testing policy. That’s how they’ve gotten their numbers down. If you’re not testing, you can’t track the spread. Period. 



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2 hours ago, stawns said:

14 employees of Byland Nursery in West Kelowna tested positive.......75 in quarantine

that is quite a few, if included in today's numbers that would be almost all of the new Interior Health cases. Right where I live too, see all the Mexicans getting out of the Bylands vans at Wal Mart on the regular

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