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2 minutes ago, gurn said:

So if media gets things wrong, and Brietbart is media, then Brietbart gets things wrong? Am I doing this right?


 the problem comes when you start picking and choosing what you want to believe.  There will be click bait on the internet to tell you anything you want to hear.  The digital media industry is dieing and they are desperate to get get clicks and nothing sells like over the top controversial option pieces carefully disguised as info tainment.


nothing generates clicks faster right now then negative stories about trump, stories pushing fear and division.  Fear and hysteria can be very beneficial if your goal is to remove rights and freedoms

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5 minutes ago, 4thLineGrinder said:


 the problem comes when you start picking and choosing what you want to believe.  There will be click bait on the internet to tell you anything you want to hear.  The digital media industry is dieing and they are desperate to get get clicks and nothing sells like over the top controversial option pieces carefully disguised as info tainment.


nothing generates clicks faster right now then negative stories about trump, stories pushing fear and division.  Fear and hysteria can be very beneficial if your goal is to remove rights and freedoms

So you admit you have a problem, as you believe Brietbart. Good for you, acceptance is the first step to change.



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21 hours ago, stawns said:

Jesus Holy Christ, you're using Breitbart as a source?

You mean the website that used a picture of German national football player and world champion Lukas Podolski to illustrate how African immigrants use jet-ski to reach Europe? Cannot take them seriously. Seriously.





Edited by joe-max
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3 minutes ago, Jimmy McGill said:


honestly your constant apologizing for Trump is tiresome.


Here's the actual timeline of WHO statements for people interested in facts, vs. fluffing Trump:






i've been talking about the media.  You are the one who keeps getting fixated on trump. rent free

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3 minutes ago, RUPERTKBD said:

Hmmmm.....and do you also wonder why Justin Trudeau went into self isolation when his wife contracted the virus and encouraged all Canadians to social distance, while Trump was telling his citizens that he had it "under control", that it was only a few people, (and it was "not our fault") and that it would "probably be down to nothing" in a short time?


Do you wonder why Trump is the only world leader bragging about what a "great job" he's done, even while his country is the world leader in Covid-19 cases?



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1 hour ago, EdgarM said:

Some are born leaders some are not, I keep saying adversity brings out peoples true colors. Its very obvious to see Trump is not a born leader. He looks uncomfortable and appears not sure of what he is supposed to say most days. When he really gets pushed , he resorts to his go too of trying to ridicule people and blame others to deflect away from himself. He's a business man ,plain and simple, and I am not sure he is good one at that. ::D

He absolutely is not:






any of Donald Trump’s tweets aren’t worth paying attention to, but on Tuesday morning he posted a pair that demanded inspection. Like many other people, me included, the President had apparently been reading a story in the Times that punctured the mythology surrounding his business career. Based on Internal Revenue Service transcripts of Trump’s tax returns from 1985 to 1994, the Times report said that Trump’s core businesses racked up losses of more than a billion dollars in a ten-year period. During 1990 and 1991, the story said, Trump’s losses were so large that they “were more than double those of the nearest taxpayers in the I.R.S. information for those years.”


Trump could simply have ignored the report or dismissed it as old news. But, with cable-news networks featuring it prominently, and the Daily News, one of Trump’s home-town papers, running the front-page headlineBIGGEST LOSER,” he did what he usually does and counterattacked. This is what he wrote on Twitter:

Real estate developers in the 1980’s & 1990’s, more than 30 years ago, were entitled to massive write offs and depreciation which would, if one was actively building, show losses and tax losses in almost all cases. Much was non monetary. Sometimes considered “tax shelter” . . . you would get it by building, or even buying. You always wanted to show losses for tax purposes. . . . Almost all real estate developers did - and often re-negotiate with banks, it was sport. Additionally, the very old information put out is a highly inaccurate Fake News hit job!


The first thing to note about Trump’s argument is that, despite his parting jibe, he didn’t challenge any of the specific figures in the Times story. They show that, between 1985 and 1989, a period when the economy was forging ahead and Trump was busy portraying himself as a billionaire with the Midas touch, his core businesses—apartment buildings, hotels, and casinos—somehow managed to lose $359.1 million. That was only the beginning. As the economy weakened, in 1990 and 1991, Trump’s core businesses racked up losses of $517.5 million. And, between 1992 and 1994, as the economy recovered, they lost another $286.9 million.

By any standards, this is a lot of money to burn through. But what of Trump’s argument that they weren’t real losses of the sort that deplete your bank account and leave you struggling to make ends meet? Were they simply “tax losses”—“non-monetary” deficits that exploited loopholes in the tax code to minimize Trump’s tax burden?

The tax code is certainly friendly to real-estate developers like Trump. The I.R.S. allows developers and landlords to deduct from their profits and income every year a certain portion of the value of their buildings for “depreciation.” But there are limits to this practice. Owners of residential real estate have to depreciate a building over the course of twenty-seven and a half years, which means that each year they can deduct about 3.6 per cent of its value. For owners of commercial real estate, the depreciation period is thirty-nine years, which means that they can deduct about 2.5 per cent of a building’s worth annually. Say that a property is worth two hundred million dollars. If it’s a residential building, its owner can reduce his or her taxable income by about $7.2 million dollars a year. If it’s a commercial building, the deduction is worth about five million dollars.


These are significant sums, certainly. But, as the Times article points out, depreciation charges aren’t nearly large enough to create the massive losses that Trump’s businesses incurred. “Some fraction of Donald Trump’s losses can be attributed to depreciation,” Susanne Craig, one of the authors of the Times piece, wrote in a tweet, responding to Trump. “We found most of it was just bad business.”


Click the link for even more examples of what a lousy businessman Donald Trump is....



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5 minutes ago, RUPERTKBD said:

Hmmmm.....and do you also wonder why Justin Trudeau went into self isolation when his wife contracted the virus and encouraged all Canadians to social distance, while Trump was telling his citizens that he had it "under control", that it was only a few people, (and it was "not our fault") and that it would "probably be down to nothing" in a short time?


Do you wonder why Trump is the only world leader bragging about what a "great job" he's done, even while his country is the world leader in Covid-19 cases?

I wonder many things, I try not to wonder too much about Trump these days and focus on my own country but it is difficult .. I now wonder if Melania had contracted the virus whether Trump would have self-isolated though

I am sure many here would be cheering if he did :)

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1 hour ago, Chicken. said:


Nikki Haley backs investigation of WHO's COVID-19 response: America deserves answers



"I mean, look at the timeline," Haley exclaimed. "You have got December 30th: Taiwan goes and tells the WHO, 'We believe and have evidence that there is human-to-human transmission.' Then you have January 14th: The head of the WHO, Tedros, says, 'We don't see any evidence of human-to-human transmission. Then you go a week later and they have an emergency meeting to decide if this is an international crisis."


"They don't make a decision that day," she continued. "Instead, Tedros travels to China to go meet with them. It is a week later [that] he comes back and says they decide, 'OK, this could be an emergency, but you don't need to limit travel and you don't need to limit trade.' Yet, the president does it anyway and Tedros criticizes him for doing that."


"The American people have every right to ask the WHO questions. The American people deserve to know why Taiwan was ignored and China was listened to. Those are real questions that we need real answers [to]," she told the 

Meanwhile Nikki Haley ignores that the US president possibly knew about this as far back as late November or Mid December and is utterly silent.


But yes, better yell at the WHO

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1 hour ago, 4thLineGrinder said:

Breitbart.  HAHAHAHAHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah *gasp* HAHAHAhahahahahahahahahahaha


I absolutely dare you to read through these links before posting them ever again







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3 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Meanwhile Nikki Haley ignores that the US president possibly knew about this as far back as late November or Mid December and is utterly silent.


But yes, better yell at the WHO

Shes prepping for her 2024 presidency run ^_^

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14 minutes ago, Jimmy McGill said:


honestly your constant apologizing for Trump is tiresome.


Here's the actual timeline of WHO statements for people interested in facts, vs. fluffing Trump:




Further to that, Nancy Pelosi, although many orders of magnitude more intelligent than Donald Trump, is hardly an "expert. She also does not say that there is "no risk", as Mr FAKE News! is alleging....


Finally, there were several models presented earlier in this thread that demonstrated the inefficiencies of a travel ban when combating a virus, as opposed to isolation and social distancing. If Trump had promoted both measures instead of the one that fits so well with his worldview, the US would be in a much better position right now.


In typical fashion, Trump and his plethora of sycophantic supporters is attempting to deflect blame away from him, towards the WHO. The are issues with the WHO, but those issues come nowhere close to mitigating the mistakes of the US administration.

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