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Francesco Aquilini owes Canuck Nation an explanation.

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50 minutes ago, grandmaster said:

Ridiculous thread.


Ownership here has always paid to the cap ceiling, wants to win and is involved in the community. 

They owe nothing to you. It’s their team and they have the right to run it how they want. Not you. 

This is a private company. Not government and you are not a shareholder.


They take all the risks and they can do as they wish.


Please delete this.....

They pay to the salary cap but word is everything else they cheap out on or get rid of. The province had an article about this. We need a billionaire not a guy that trains orcas or whatever the hell he does. SELL THE TEAM!! SELL THE TEAM!!! SELL THE TEAM!! SELL THE TEAM!!!!

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An honest question.


Do you guys that support Benning and Green genuinely enjoy the style of hockey our team plays? Do you watch other teams and say, man I wish they played more like the Canucks?


I can tell you from my perspective I dont care as much about winning or losing. But I HATE watching boring hockey. And the Canucks style is one of the most boring in the NHL to me. 

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13 minutes ago, tas said:

it wasn't that long ago that seasons had to be capped at 17000 (out of 18630 or whatever) seats and had a 7 year waiting list. this market is volatile and fickle, but it always has and always come back with a little bit of winning. ownership has no reason to worry about a season ticket holder exodus. 

So are you buying your season tickets.


I must say some people are easily pleased, low expectations. I guess if it's only other peoples money that's easy.

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6 minutes ago, wallstreetamigo said:

An honest question.


Do you guys that support Benning and Green genuinely enjoy the style of hockey our team plays? Do you watch other teams and say, man I wish they played more like the Canucks?


I can tell you from my perspective I dont care as much about winning or losing. But I HATE watching boring hockey. And the Canucks style is one of the most boring in the NHL to me. 



I even enjoy the peaks and valleys that come with a young team growing together.

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5 minutes ago, wallstreetamigo said:

Its been 7 years of largely terrible hockey and we just got told that same crew is sticking around. 


There is a real risk if it goes sideways again ne t year that the same excuses we have heard for 7 years wont cut it. I think people underestimate just how frustrated a large portion of the fanbase actually is. There is little room for error with this strategy. At leadt a GM or coach change woukd reset the frustration meter to some degree.


The Canucks should be better next year if they make the right moves this offseason.


But I dont know if its a good idea to count on it suddenly becoming a competitive team. More likely it will continue to rely on lights out goaltending to win games, much like the last 7 years. 

this same doomsaying was happening in 2014 and 2017 (and 2008 before those). it'll always be trendy to support the Canucks when they're good and trash them when they struggle. the fairweather fans always come flocking back, squawking like they're diehards who never left. 


the only thing that'll hurt the brand image is caving in to the bleating of "fans" with kneejerk firings that set the team back years. 

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10 minutes ago, Fred65 said:

So are you buying your season tickets.


I must say some people are easily pleased, low expectations. I guess if it's only other peoples money that's easy.

I live 1000km away and couldn't afford it even if I didn't, but would that I could, regardless of on-ice product*.


*within reason. I don't think I would have been willing to buck up during the keenan years, for example. and I also wouldn't pay money to watch players that I hate, so if they traded for matt tkachuk and brad marchand and tom wilson and nazem kadri and drew doughty and whatever other little rat bitch players out there they wouldn't get my butt in the seats. 

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30 minutes ago, wallstreetamigo said:

Hughes was a no brainer where they picked him. Boeser too was a consensus pick in that range.


Petterssen was a clear homerun for sure. 


Hoglander I cant recall where most analysts had him projected to go tbh. 

I just took a look at those drafts and who I would've taken and I think Benning did as well as you would expect. He's the expert. You wouldn't tell educate a doctor about medicine just like you don't try to educate a hockey executive about drafting. Even Mike Gillis knows more about the work required at the draft table than I do. 

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2 minutes ago, tas said:

I live 1000km and couldn't afford it even if I didn't, but would that I couldz regardless of on-ice product*.


*within reason. I don't think I would have been willing to buck up during the keenan years, for example. and I also wouldn't pay money to watch players that I hate, so if they traded for matt tkachuk and brad marchand and tom wilson and nazem kadri and drew doughty and whatever other little rat bitch players out there they wouldn't get my butt in the seats. 

It always strikes me that folks have grand ideas if their advise is aimed at "some one else" when push comes to shove they prefer to give others advise and stand on their pulpit guiding other. I've been through thick and thin with the Canucks, a season ticket holder since 1973. But frankly I get tired of excuses especially when it goes on for many consecutive. years. I don't believe I'm the only STH that's going through this dilemma 

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1 minute ago, Fred65 said:

It always strikes me that folks have grand ideas if their advise is aimed at "some one else" when push comes to shove they prefer to give others advise and stand on their pulpit guiding other. I've been through thick and thin with the Canucks, a season ticket holder since 1973. But frankly I get tired of excuses especially when it goes on for many consecutive. years. I don't believe I'm the only STH that's going through this dilemma 

so stop season ticket holding. you owe them nothing just like they owe you nothing. being privileged enough to have season tickets doesn't make your insight any more valuable. you being angry doesn't mean firing people is the right decision. 

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4 minutes ago, tas said:

so stop season ticket holding. you owe them nothing just like they owe you nothing. being privileged enough to have season tickets doesn't make your insight any more valuable. you being angry doesn't mean firing people is the right decision. 

So many cling to the rinse and repeat concept with apprently no expectation of improvement, some thing like the orchestra playing as the Titanic sank, Nero fiddled while Rome burnt  :lol::lol:

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1 minute ago, Fred65 said:

So many cling to the rinse and repeat concept with apprently no expectation of improvement

all this team has done is improve, until this year. this year should be considered an aberration. hell, pretend it didn't even happen -- it almost didn't, right? where would we be if the NHL season had been cancelled? the exact same place, only without the experience of extraordinary adversity in the rear view mirror.

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11 minutes ago, tas said:

all this team has done is improve, until this year. this year should be considered an aberration. hell, pretend it didn't even happen -- it almost didn't, right? where would we be if the NHL season had been cancelled? the exact same place, only without the experience of extraordinary adversity in the rear view mirror.

2014-15  8th O/A

15-16     28th "

16-17     29th "

17-18     26th "

18-19     23rd "

19-20     17th .... here we go  

20-21      24th  "   nope rinse and repeat


And that of course is improvement ??  I think some forget just how successful this team was at one time

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11 hours ago, RU SERIOUS said:

Canuck's Nation & Season Ticket Holders demand ownership step up in front of the microphone at a news conference and explain what the game plan is and answer all questions from reporters.   It's been 7 years now with JB & Co. and we're right back at square one - actually much worse this year than back then.  The cycle of excuses and attempted distractions from JB's incompetence, like hiring Trevor and the chatter now about hiring the Sedins/Courtnall doesn't cut-it. We know that's all smoke and mirrors.  Jim Benning Has Failed this franchise and should be removed NOW!


WE (Canuck's Nation & Season Ticket Holders) WAN'T TO KNOW WHAT THE GAME PLAN IS GOING FORWARD   Be a Man Francesco and step up to the podium and answer for these sins!

Karen? Is that you?

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Just now, Fred65 said:

2014-15  8th O/A

15-16     28th "

16-17     29th "

17-18     26th "

18-19     23rd "

19-20     17th .... here we go  

20-21      24th  "   nope rinse and repeat


And that of course is 

that looks like a line graph of the dictionary definition of a rebuild. 


last gasp with the twins






potential temporary setback in an anomaly season

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1 minute ago, tas said:

that looks like a line graph of the dictionary definition of a rebuild. 


last gasp with the twins






potential temporary setback in an anomaly season

Wow how many excuse can fans bring up 7 years of excuses, sorry I give up,  for every fact there is an excuse.

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The fact you think we're "right back at square one" shows either how little you understand about hockey, or simply just don't care and make up your own narrative.

Benning inherited a aging core and nearly empty prospect cupboard. The team was always going to struggle over the last number of years. We now have an extremely solid young core of players who are going to lead the team for years to come. You have zero credibility with the statement saying we haven't moved at all. This team is night and day different from when Jim started, and the future looks so bright it hurts.

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7 hours ago, VancouverHabitant said:

Not great?  

No, our drafting has been great. You lack perspective on the odds of draft picks making the NHL if you think our drafting has only been “good”. 

I thought I was pretty complimentary. I think you're just trying to pick a fight.


What about when JB picked Juolevi over Tkachuk/Sergachev/Keller/Chychrun or when he picked Virtanen over Ehlers/Tkachuk/Sanheim/Fiala/Larkin?


I'll give him a pass for 2016 because that was a historically thin draft. But 2014? It was his first year, he'd been studying this group of players for the whole year with the Bruins and by all accounts he was looking to move up to #1, probably to pick Ekblad. Florida asked for Horvat + 6 for +1, which Benning refused. Obviously, Benning was right to refuse that trade we'd be setback majorly by a move like that. 


That's what I mean by good, not great. If he was great, he would've nailed those picks like Yzerman/Sakic. Virtanen will be out of the league soon and Juolevi is probably a #4 or #5 guy, hopefully he can be a #3. If he turns out to be a #3, I'll revise my statement and say it was a decent pick. But Virtanen? I mean he never had the hockey sense but he was a solid hitter and he skated well. I remember seeing Brian Burke on Sportsnet talking about how the first thing you do when drafting a player is evaluating his skater, then his hockey sense. As you may know, size doesn't matter as much as it used to. Our team could really use a top six forward like Tkachuk or Ehlers. In fact, we would've been a playoff contender this year with one of those guys.



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2 minutes ago, Fred65 said:

Question is Karen and you in the same grade by any chnace

Well Fred, I doubt very much that Karen and I are in the same grade since I've been watching Canucks hockey since 1971. I am merely referencing a term for those that feel they can demand change in this fashion. Social media rants and message boards will have the effect of the square root of "F" all, It's his business to run. If Karen  doesn't like it don't buy tickets, don't watch games and stop buying jerseys, trinkets and fluffy Canucks slippers. Stop spending times on these boards which build web impressions the team then sells to partners. But for god's sakes stop the incessant whining. My response that you clearly determined childish (as if I was still in Grade school) was terse and quick to the point because his argument was like that of a petulant child that had his toy taken away. It got the response it warranted


Am I pleased with this season? No. Damn glad I didn't have to pay for my seasons' tickets. Did I expect they might make a GM change? 50/50 I think there are pros and cons for JB and the cons side is growing with a huge setback from last year and the BubbleDome. However, in the light of everything going on today it's pretty high on the trivial and meaningless list. Given a litany of reasons I've chosen to give them a free pass this year. Same results next year and I'll join Karen in the March on Rogers Arena.                                                                        


PS. When taking a shot at someone for their grade/education you tarnish the effect by  spelling a simple word like "chance" incorrectly. 


Cheers Fred65!!!

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As an owner/chairman, you are effectively a leader of the franchise. And, currently, next up on the hierarchy is Benning. These guys are the faces of our team, at least from a managerial system. Communicating often with your fanbase is a great way to get them to understand and buy in to what your franchise is doing, especially during tumultuous times. 


I absolutely want to see them take accountability for what they've done. All either of these guys have done is blame other factors for their failures and hide from the media/fanbase. It's pathetic to throw a (unsigned) Green out to the media for the Virtanen situation or after every terrible loss. 


You can call it "whiney" or "entitled", but we're the customers. The owner is trying to make their product marketable to us, because we control their revenue. And at this point there's definitely a large portion of this fanbase that has no interest in funding this garbage team with no accountability and a terrible, cowardly front office. This is how all businesses work. If I hear about a restaurant giving a customer salmonella, and the owner of that restaurant says nothing and doesn't fire the responsible employees, then I sure as hell won't ever fund that restaurant. Same thing here. 


It technically is his team and, yes, he can do whatever he wants to it. But this franchise and its brand has been losing value over the past decade and, if he's trying to make money, he's running his team stupidly. 

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