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[PGT] Vancouver Canucks at Detroit Red Wings | Oct. 16, 2021

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-Vintage Canuck-

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Canucks played well, especially considering its was the 2nd game of b2b.   However special teams are concerning right now, which is one reason I didn't like the OJ trade.  There is no one to PK on the left side if OEL is in the box, and he shouldn't be playing the full 2 minutes anyway.  I would like to see Miller drive the net when Petey has the puck on the PP, looking for a rebound, and Petey should be shooting at the goalies feet to create rebounds more often.

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Zadina's an ass for how he responded....not cool.  Red Wings are a little too full of themselves...if it wasn't for goaltending we likely would have beat them 8-3.  I hope the league does address this because this kind of stuff is so inappropriate!  Garland is a workhorse and maybe if prima Zadina skated instead of reached he wouldn't have put himself in a bad position.


"I'm ok... I was just reaching for the puck and he just reversed me I guess, you know, like the midget like he is," Zadina said. "It's pretty normal, you know, that he reversed hit because I don't think he's strong enough to battle me in the corner one-on-one."

It's unclear if Zadina will be disciplined by the league for his choice of words. The word midget is widely viewed as a slur against people living with dwarfism. In 2019, Hockey Canada stopped using the word -- as well as novice, peewee, atom and bantam -- to name the different age groups in minor hockey, saying in a statement that "We believe everyone should feel welcome in the game..."


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1 hour ago, McBackup said:

Boohoo. They were further west than half the league at the time. Columbus was in the West too. Canucks used to play in the East division, and until the arrival of the Kraken Vancouver was for the longest time absurdly far from any of their opponents. Geography isn't fair.

When did the Canucks play in the East?


And just to clear some things up - every year a schedule is made and some math guy adds up the overall travel miles.   Not once (ok maybe one year but i can't find it anyways) has Vancouver travelled the most - it's usually a CALI or believe it or not, an Alberta team, or COL or CHI even.   Go check it out.  For example, last year it was EDM who did the most miles in our division.   In 2017-2018 we ranked 7th.     Overall from top to bottom, the teams that are further apart OR have the worst schedule, travel about 15,000 more miles - or 30% or so more.    Maybe it's an issue but it is what it is.    TB travels about 3-5000 miles less then we do that's it.   CHI and LA fly about the same as we do, sometimes more sometimes less.   Only PIT (who is one of the least travelled teams) has won a cup the last decade or so.  St Louis, 1.5-3 less then us very close to where we are.   Boston right in the middle. 

Edited by IBatch
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16 minutes ago, Wolfgang Durst said:

Greiss is German and is no longer playing for the national team because of some twitter messages that caused some controversy.  Funny thing is that in the off-season 2020 when Canucks added Holtby they could have signed Greiss who was also an unrestricted free agent for less money. Greiss  would have been  a homerun for the Canucks. well that's the past and we should look forward.

you can't deny that PP + PK and FO numbers are lower than in previous seasons. One of the assistant coaches I miss the most is Manny Malhotra, because he had such a positive impact on the FO percentage numbers. Horvat constantly over 50% , Beagle + Sutter close to 50%.

The PK is indeed a problem because Motte is out - who is a PK specialist - , Hamonic absent due to personal reason-  . As good  as a Goalie is, sometimes you just have to shoot the puck to the net to get a rebound and beat the goalie or to sneak into the backdoor to get open and bury the puck. How many times score forwards positioning themselves at the backdoor ? Countless times.

Sorry i must have him confused with Gerber?  Some guy we played against in the Olympics that stoned us every time.   


Edit:  We played Gerber in 2006, beat them 1-0, shots 49/18 


In 2010, with Hiller in net who we peppered again, we lost 2-0....  


My mistake, i thought Griess was Swiss, and last nights game reminded me of those two games. 

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20 minutes ago, -DLC- said:

Zadina's an ass for how he responded....not cool.  Red Wings are a little too full of themselves...if it wasn't for goaltending we likely would have beat them 8-3.  I hope the league does address this because this kind of stuff is so inappropriate!  Garland is a workhorse and maybe if prima Zadina skated instead of reached he wouldn't have put himself in a bad position.


Ok people, time to organize to cancel Zadina. 

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43 minutes ago, Shayster007 said:

I feel like this is the type of post you get when someone doesn't watch the game and just sees the stats. Canucks were all over the wings last night. They were throwing tons of hits (definitely not the 5 recorded, even Shorty said that was bogus). They were playing fast, physical, and got under the Wings skin to the point the entire team was playing like crap besides the goalie.


Well said.  I was typing a response but deleted it.  No point with some who just likes to weigh in with that brilliant (lazy) insight.  Good game analysis (not).


Give credit where it's due.  Just like the  Sedins were called "soft".....tough isn't always just about dropping the gloves.  This is anything but a soft game and the physicality the team is bringing is appreciated.  Those comments are soft in my view.


If you only watch for fights you're missing some really great hockey in between.  Maybe try boxing?

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11 hours ago, stawns said:

Again, that'll be called every time.  He made contact with Greiss' head, not like he got caught up in his pads.

Definately a penalty, lapse of judgement there by Hoggy, he had loads of space to give the goalie a few extra inches, he didn't need to cut it that close.  Playing on the edge does that, I have no issue with his play or the call, as unfortunate as it is.

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24 minutes ago, Wolfgang Durst said:

that's a good point. Who are the bottom six guys who can play on the PK? Highmore ? Dowling? Höglander?. There is definitely a lack of PK specialists on this team. Neither Gadjovich nor Mac Ewen would have solved this problem. Jim knew that Motte is out with an injury and should have signed another role player in free agency.


Highmore has been alright, and I don't mind Dowling as a 4C. Might have to just work through it with the forwards we have. Highmore could be good in time, certainly has the wheels ala Motte.


Im wondering about the backend, I don't think Burroughs kills penalties so you basically have only 3D (OEL, Pooly, Myers) that can kill right now. Hunt can't either so the only other option is Schenn. Would be nice to have another lefty who could.

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Canucks certainly played well enough to win. Wings tender had a great game. Standouts for me were Garland and Hogs. 
Garland’s edge work is fun to watch. Cannot think of a comparable. Look out Sabres the Canucks will be in a nasty mood.

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8 minutes ago, CRAZY_4_NAZZY said:

Ngl last nights game made me miss Roussel a bit haha. That game is right up his alley. He and Galrand wouldve just annoyed the hell put of the opposition. 

If Lockwood makes the team one day I have a feeling he will be another agitator from what we saw in the preseason. 

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Small sample but...


PP = 25.0%

PK = 57.1%


PP is nice and would be great if it's that high all season. To give it some perspective...EDM last year had the best PP at 27%. 


Ouch...that PK % is gonna kill us unless we improve.  Typically should be around 80% on a good team.

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Watching the game last night we outplayed them badly at times. Our first period wasnt that great but as the game went on we got better. I had no issue with the goal being called back as Hogs definitely hit the goalie in the head just before the shot got there. That's a good call and one of the challenges that come from driving the net. Those will even out over the season.


What wasnt a good call was the call on Garland for the Zadina incident. That was just the referees trying to save face for a call they absolutely blew. The original call was based on a suspected elbow thrown and they thought Garland hit him in the head with his elbow and injured him. It should have been no penalty whatsoever as Zadina basically lowered his head and skated into Garlands back. Sometimes players get hurt playing hockey and its their own fault not the opposition. Since they had called a major penalty on the play and had to review it they were embarrassed to have to reduce the call to begin with. The refs have been bad so far this season.

The OEL/Garland trade looks like a steal for JB. Garland has started to show his worth and if this keeps up all year we will have quite the top 9.

OEL has played well and takes some of the heat off Hughes.

Poolman has played pretty good Im not sure of his turning into Tanev but if he can play a decent game he is going to be alright.

Halak scares me. That was not a good game by him and maybe being measured against Demko isnt fair but he doesnt play the puck well and I really didnt like the first Detroit goal. It wasnt that hard of a shot and seemed to blow right past him.

The two guys that need to get going are Horvat and Petterson. They havent shown a lot so far this season and we need them to be offensive leaders. Missing Brock has hurt on the power play and 5 on 5. Getting Sutter and Motte back would help the PK.

Lastly Im glad Chaisson is signed for one year at league minimum. I am not seeing what a few others are saying. He is slow, was signed to screen the goaltenders on the PP and so far that hasnt been very successful. If he sits in the press box once Brock is back i wont cry about it.

I think the team has played well, but they look like there is more there.  They definitely deserved a better result last night. At least a point.

On to Buffalo, Chicago and Seattle. Those are all winnable games and if we can come home with them its a very successful start to the season. Hopefully we bring the same passion we saw last night. I didnt think they got pushed around but it definitely worries me to see 5'9 Garland having to stand up for OEL. We will see how this goes. Go Canucks Go!





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51 minutes ago, -DLC- said:

Zadina's an ass for how he responded....not cool.  Red Wings are a little too full of themselves...if it wasn't for goaltending we likely would have beat them 8-3.  I hope the league does address this because this kind of stuff is so inappropriate!  Garland is a workhorse and maybe if prima Zadina skated instead of reached he wouldn't have put himself in a bad position.


when you put your face into a guys number, you'd think there would be a bit more humility.


And Detroit picked this guy over Hughes :lol:

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1 minute ago, JM_ said:

when you put your face into a guys number, you'd think there would be a bit more humility.


And Detroit picked this guy over Hughes :lol:

Wings seem to have some real cockiness....Bertuzzi came off that way too.  But they also unhinge easily.

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12 hours ago, stawns said:

Again, that'll be called every time.  He made contact with Greiss' head, not like he got caught up in his pads.

yeah that was unfortunate, literally an inch from tying and probably winning it in OT.


Ah well. I like what I see so far from the team, a lot to like so far this year. King needs to get working on the PP tho, so far thats the big weak point on the bench.

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