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[Report] Canucks recall Travis Hamonic

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2 minutes ago, RU SERIOUS said:

i fully agree and am very, very worried he's going to pay the price.  I realize that Coach green is extremely desperate to win a single game to try and avoid what we all know is inevitable for his fate - but WOW - this smells of desperation and is dangerous for his health.


So sad to see the way green is coaching this team.  It's just unbelievable he's still here and allowed to carry on this way.

It's just unbelievable how much smarter you are than everyone who is actually paid to make these decisions.

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We don't really know how much Hamonic is ready to play now.  I fear he'll be playing catch up all game.  Which is something Rathbone at least would not be doing. He'd be driving rushes.


I'm certainly not as sour on Rathbone as some I guess.  IMO we so desperately need offence over defence anyways.  So for me, I'd rather sit Hunt.  I think Rathbone better exemplifies what this team is striving for going forward.  As well as the fact that we have no other offensive D other than Hughes.  And goals against is not a huge problem....its the offence. 


Yes, of course Jack could get more playing time in Abby which can only help him.  So its not a "mistake" per say.  But I do question if Hamonic is going to be even more of a risk coming back early, than Rathbone's risky play.  I'd play Rathbone > Hunt  no question.

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Good move, but Rathbone should have started the season in the AHL. 


Funny how everyone is hyper focused on the defensive game, and our defensive systems, but to me it seems like we have a much harder time scoring goals than defending against them.  And that starts with the power play.  With the skill and creativity we have up front this should not be an issue, but yet here we are.  

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32 minutes ago, TFerguson said:

I agree with you about people booing specific players to make a point for management…asinine. 

But the fact that you call for the Mods to do something about it is everything that’s wrong with our culture right now. People with opinions you disagree with are still entitled to their opinion.

Mods, at ease. 

Wanting the mods to prevent a user from advocating to run a player out of town (who's simply doing what he can out there) to get at management... this is what you think encapsulates everything wrong with our culture? My goodness :lol:


I'm all for people being entitled to their opinion, but this isn't just that. This is trying to sewer a player's career because he doesn't agree with management. Think about it from Hunt's perspective.


This fanbase/media has run enough players out over the years. This has a direct negative effect on the team, and the players shouldn't be subjected to this nonsense.



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5 minutes ago, spook007 said:

Sound pretty direct to me... 

maybe.  He says he is following all protocols. He doesn't say he is vaccinated and following all protocols. It is possible to see that as avoiding, but I don't think it is worth going there.

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14 minutes ago, Master Mind said:

Wanting the mods to prevent a user from advocating to run a player out of town (who's simply doing what he can out there) to get at management... this is what you think encapsulates everything wrong with our culture? My goodness :lol:


I'm all for people being entitled to their opinion, but this isn't just that. This is trying to sewer a player's career because he doesn't agree with management. Think about it from Hunt's perspective.


This fanbase/media has run enough players out over the years. This has a direct negative effect on the team, and the players shouldn't be subjected to this nonsense.



Fine, maybe send Hunt the message that his defensive play is unacceptable and he needs to either learn how to play defence or request a trade to a team where playing like trash in his own end is acceptable.  He simply can't be allowed to disgrace the franchise without someone saying something.


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 2 practices 1 game and he ready to go. 

that's not how players get injuries like groin tears but hey who cares about that he a slight  upgrade to our BOTTOM PAIR. 
we have so much depth that a bottom pair dman is the difference.  and we couldn’t cover him long enough to get him safely into game shape. 


It doesn’t matter  who green plays because green is the problem. That’s why we get the same result regardless of how many changes to personnel get made. 

rush him in then act surprised when he gets injured. Brilliant. 




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10 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

Fine, maybe send Hunt the message that his defensive play is unacceptable and he needs to either learn how to play defence or request a trade to a team where playing like trash in his own end is acceptable.  He simply can't be allowed to disgrace the franchise without someone saying something.


Give it a rest, he isn't disgracing the franchise.


Everyone knew what Hunt's capabilities were prior to being brought in. He's a depth D that should be primarily an injury fill in.


If he's expected to play as a regular when everyone's healthy, that falls on management for bringing him in, and coaching for his deployment.


Have some empathy for the player (for once). He'll do his best, even if it's less than the average bottom pair D. No need to make him feel worse for that.

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3 hours ago, J.I.A.H.N said:

To summarize.........................


So Hamonic get 1 game of conditioning?


Rathbone plays his best game and was one of the better players last game........so he gets sent down


Who is making these decisions? (rhetorical question)

CDC is, complaining that Green isn't doing enough so here we go - he's making a roster change and yet people still complain...

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7 minutes ago, Master Mind said:

Give it a rest, he isn't disgracing the franchise.


Everyone knew what Hunt's capabilities were prior to being brought in. He's a depth D that should be primarily an injury fill in.


If he's expected to play as a regular when everyone's healthy, that falls on management for bringing him in, and coaching for his deployment.


Have some empathy for the player (for once). He'll do his best, even if it's less than the average bottom pair D. No need to make him feel worse for that.

He's strictly an AHLer who needs to stay in the appropriate league.  Unfortunately Green did not understand what his capabilities are, but he still needs to stop playing like trash.

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