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[PGT] Chicago Blackhawks at Vancouver Canucks | Nov. 21, 2021

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-Vintage Canuck-

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19 minutes ago, Maginator said:

We need a new flippin coach.


These kids (Pettersson, Boeser, Horvat, Hughes) have been spoonfed opportunity after opportunity, and as a result have lost what made them successful to begin with (drive & determination mixed with skill).


Green still hasn't figured out who the hardest working players on the team are (Garland, Hogs, Podz).. And until they start getting rewarded - those mentioned above will continue p*ssing wins away.


That is 100% on coaching.


The kids need to find new ways to be successful.. and until they ride pine they will continue to play the same way. There actions need to have consequences.


PP1 needs to be garland, miller, hogs, bo OEL

2nd PP Podz, Petey boser, hughes and someone else 

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6 minutes ago, wallstreetamigo said:

Lol lots of people were bitching about Green and Benning. 

Green didn’t outcoach anyone in the bubble. They beat STL who played like crap then got dominated by Vegas other than other world goaltending by Demko. 

Losing players didn’t make Green a bad coach. He is just a bad coach no matter what players he has.

I mean I'm not pro Green by any means. 

But you kinda did the readers digest version of how it played out. 

They actually beat a very tough Minnesota Wild team in 5. Took the energy out of the defending Stanley Cup champions in 6.

On top of that come back 3 games to 1 and almost beat one of the odds on favorite to win it all.

Absolutely Demko played great, but it would be all for nothing if the 4 lines in front didn't score. 

Pretty sure that is a ALLL in all team effort. 

Green coached that 4 line team. 

Let's not forget that fellow nucks fans! 

I'm for change, but damn that coach better be special. 

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1 hour ago, davidgoliath said:

Some people questioning the system.

My first question, is there a system?

Second, if so, what is it?

Dump and Change 

Notice Podz didn't do that. End of his shift he saw an opportunity to enter into the offensive zone and keep possession. Green has been coaching that out of our forwards. 

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2 hours ago, Darius said:

You beat me to replying with pretty much same ideas regarding Miller


 His age and the fact you wouldn’t be selling low make him the prime candidate to move,   He would be the most attractive to teams because he still has one year at relatively low cap hit left.


There is no way I see him sticking around here when he goes to ufa even if the team is average.  

that said I would change the coach before any trades.  It might just ignite some positive ideas and changes , enough to pull this team out of the basement.


as for bb, id be careful.  I suspect he’d turn it around in a hurry on a good team , edler , Tanev, marky and Schmidt are all key players on their teams because they play on well coached well managed teams.  BB was one of our best players last year and top point getter.. with some confidence and a better roster he’d do well. I’d be careful thinking that Hogz and or podz can take over top line scoring from the wing.  Those guys have never been high end scorers at any pro level. 

Honestly, between his production and his cap hit he's extremely manageable if a team is looking to add closer to the deadline. Not only that, but they'd get an additional crack at the playoffs or at a cup with him. I've had pushback regarding Miller from those who see him as our most valuable forward, which is fair, but I simply don't see him being here long term. He may be extremely valuable to us, but he's also our best trade piece aside from our first, which absolutely should not be moved. 


If you can get a 1st+ for him you take it and run. If you can get a young RD you seriously consider it. I understand that fans get attached, but no player is more valuable than our competitive window and he's our oldest top six guy. We're not making the playoffs this season, a soft reset with a couple first rounders could help going forward. Hell, you could flip the lower first for immediate help too. I'm not nearly as attached to Miller as some are, I see him as the odd man out. 


Forwards don't immediately lose their value at 30, but I don't want to throw term and big dollars at Miller, assuming he'd even want to stay. Pettersson should bounce back eventually, Boeser needs a raise, Bo will get one. Then you've got guys like Hoglander, our inevitable Hamonic replacement. Myers down the road. You can only have so many forwards making big money before it starts to hurt the rest of your lineup. Money to improve other aspects of the team is gonna have to com from somewhere. 


I agree though, if we're average he's gone. We aren't making it this year, what if we stumble out the gate next year too? He'll be approaching the tail end of his prime and he'll want to win. Him and Bo are UFA's the same offseason, I'd prioritize the younger top 6 center in Bo. 


I agree with you regarding Boeser, because I believe that like Pettersson, he's better than he's shown. Like Bo and Demko, he's also young enough to compliment our younger guys in Podz, Hughes, Pettersson, and Hoglander. I'd rather not move him. 


I'd like to see what a different coach could get out of this group before considering any trade, but I'm not sure we'll get to see it. If we keep Green for the foreseeable future I'd still consider moving Miller though. 

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Jason King is effing useless. 

At this point, take Petey off the PP as the only play we know when he is on the pp is to feed him the one timer on the right halfwall. Something about Petey being set up over there makes everyone else stationary as well. 

If that's the case, it's up to King to figure out how to solve it whether it be taking off Petey or putting OEL at the point as he reads and understands the game better than everyone else on Pp1. 


I can guarantee, OEL would have gotten a shot through from the point in that final 2 minutes. 


So frustrating to watch. 


Also they should have pulled goalie for full 2 minutes. 


I knew we'd run out of time. 

A 6 on 4 is virtually every player being able to double team the opposition. We should have pulled the goalie as soon as we won the draw. No brainer... 


Only way I would even consider doing it later like we did is if we have a red hot powerplay but even then, why wait? 


Edited by CanucksJay
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4 hours ago, DeNiro said:

Lol. No you don’t, Travis no you don’t.


You already had a game like that in Detroit and you lost.


The amount of acceptance for losing from this coach is pathetic. They’ve set the bar so low.

So it means Canucks are winning the next 8 :emot-parrot:

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Just wondering...


Can they sometimes try Peterrsson on the other LHS side instead of the usual RHS corner on PP - and put Boeser on the opposite side. I thought they had decided to have a "fluid" PP and move players around but they went back to the same set up in the last minute today.


Teams have caught on this set up and seem to know how to play it.  If you look at Garland, he seems to be switching all over the place which allows him a bit more freedom and is not static setup. Or even change the PP personel like last game.  Pros should always have many different looks as possible -  McDavid can score any which way now and even has the central 1 on 4 move perfected.

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4 minutes ago, Wolfgang Durst said:

It's no longer about winning hockey games in VAN it's only about playing well. Playing well is the new gold standard in VAN.:) Tremendous work by Jim Benning and they all can be very proud of their culture.

No ambition to go out there and win hockey games.

We're back in moral victory territory again 

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4 hours ago, fanfor42 said:

Any one who thinks this team is going anywhere with the existing coach and management is dreaming.


Anyone who still supports this team with this coach and GM is a masochist.


I am disgusted and couldn't care less how they do until AQ gets rid of this useless GM and even worse coach.


FU for not respecting the fans and how hard this road has been Frank. Your fans are fed up to the point that they hate this.


Way to go buddy.




FA needs to step back & let someone with a GM resume to run this team.

His attempt to being involved in every hockey decision is not working.

No more puppet GM & coaches.

Holland/Tippett >>>  Benning/Green.  

Now Stop mickey moussing around, we're not mickey mouse fans. 


Edited by PuckYa
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8 minutes ago, PuckYa said:


FA needs to step back & let someone with a GM resume to run this team.

His attempt to being involved in every hockey decision is not working.

No more puppet GM & coaches.

Holland/Tippett >>>  Benning/Green.  

Now Stop mickey moussing around, we're not mickey mouse fans. 


Scary thing is this is not just the afternoon shift taking over the morning shift at the factory. 

How long is it going to take a new coach and/or GM to jump in and take over? 

Our new found window of opportunity that has sundenly opened a bit, can close pretty quick. 

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49 minutes ago, Vancan2021 said:

I mean I'm not pro Green by any means. 

But you kinda did the readers digest version of how it played out. 

They actually beat a very tough Minnesota Wild team in 5. Took the energy out of the defending Stanley Cup champions in 6.

On top of that come back 3 games to 1 and almost beat one of the odds on favorite to win it all.

Absolutely Demko played great, but it would be all for nothing if the 4 lines in front didn't score. 

Pretty sure that is a ALLL in all team effort. 

Green coached that 4 line team. 

Let's not forget that fellow nucks fans! 

I'm for change, but damn that coach better be special. 

They were shut out in the Vegas series 3 times. They scored a total of 14 goals in a 7 game series. Even the game they shut out Vegas Demko stopped 49 shots iirc.


Look at the scoring in that series again too. It wasn’t 4 lines scoring for Vancouver. It was basically 2 lines doing the lions share. They were outclassed by Vegas in every metric. That series was over in 5 if not for Demko and Demko alone.

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2 hours ago, VancouverHabitant said:

They are offset by Luongo recap coming off the books. 

Halak has some pretty easy performance bonus which amount to close to half Luongo’s cap recapture.  Those will be additional cap hit amounts if he achieves them.  1.25 million if he plays 10 games.  250,000 if he has a 0.905 save percentage (he’s currently at 0.903).

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25 minutes ago, Coconuts said:

We're back in moral victory territory again 

Are they really trying to convince us they didn’t go all in this season?


I feel like we’re back at the beginning of the “rebuild” again and they have all the patience in the world…


Just got to trust the process right? This is a

young team that has to learn how to win and all that.


The lack of urgency is astounding. Their window (if they end up having one) is smaller than they think. Players are already talking about wanting out if the team can’t become competitive.

You’re gonna waste the best years of core guys like Horvat and Miller. The time to do something is now. And if you don’t think you have the right pieces start making some trades quickly to keep that window open.

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