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[PGT] Chicago Blackhawks at Vancouver Canucks | Nov. 21, 2021

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-Vintage Canuck-

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5 minutes ago, khay said:


Pettersson isn't going to high danger areas like he used to. Sometimes, you'd see him just getting garbage goals but not this season. 


Now, he's just a perimeter player.


The reason why I think there is some issue with coaching is that it feels like everyone has become a perimeter player except Hog, Podz, and Garland.


Like even Horvat is a perimeter player now.


Sometimes, I see Pearson-Horvat and I swear I see two Pearsons. 


Maybe the new system requires centers to play a bit more conservative? 


Maybe it's not Green, it's all of them. Maybe it's Shaw who wants the team to play a certain structure?  Just something is off. They have a system that generates shots 5-on-5 but most are shots from the perimeter with very little net front presence and wingers aren't getting to the net. Yes, we have some guys that can score from the perimeter but most NHL goalies are going to stop what they see and when you run into a hot one like Fleury tonight, you aren't getting one past him unless it's a garbage goal. These games remind me a bit of game 7 SCF 2011. We generated lots of perimeter shots but not many from the high danger areas.


Anyhow, after that JB press conference, I've come to accept that they are not going to make much of a change this season and I'm just going to enjoy watching the games without thinking about the playoffs. If we somehow fix the problems and go on a winning streak and get to the playoffs, well great. If not, at least it's still fun to tune in to watch Podz, Hog, Garland, OEL, Demko, and so on. 


Yeah. I don't know what's wrong with the team either. It's just really frustrating because I want the team to do well. 


It's even more frustrating that we don't know what the root issue and cause is that's causing this team to underperform. 


I want to enjoy the games as well, but I can't help but get upset when they're playing so poorly....


Probably need a couple of beers just to handle all the losses, and the bone headed plays...



Drunk Happy Hour GIF

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5 minutes ago, khay said:

He spent two years in the professional league, KHL? You might have heard about it? Second best league in the world.


Green didn't teach hockey IQ, how to read plays, physicality, defensive positioning, passing in just two months.


Few things here and there yes, but Podz came ready to play like Hoglander last season.


Yes. I know the KHL LOL 


I think what you mean is that Podkolzin came more polished than other "rookies"


He's got things to learn still in the NHL, so I wouldn't say he came here into the best league in the world ready to produce. And Green, as much as I don't care for him or like his coaching, obviously has taught and brought him along even more. Podkolzin's game is more refined today than it was on his first day with the Canucks. 



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10 minutes ago, RU SERIOUS said:

only 15 games in.   Don't worry he'll ruin him like ALL the others.

Man, I really hope not. 


So many Canuck players underwhelming and underperforming. It's hard to fathom really. 


Everything that could go wrong, is going wrong. 



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1 minute ago, N4ZZY said:

Man, I really hope not. 


So many Canuck players underwhelming and underperforming. It's hard to fathom really. 


Everything that could go wrong, is going wrong. 



I hope not - also.  But unfortunately, he's done it to so many that it's a distinct possibility he'll be greens next victim.

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7 minutes ago, N4ZZY said:

none of us are alone. It's why we're on these boards. This team has us all concerned. 


something has to be in the works. I mean, for management, and ownership and coaches to do nothing different, but the same stuff over and over again, well, we all know that's the definition of insanity. 


When is their next game by the way? 









































































































Cause I ain't watching 

Well I'll be watching as I'm obviously a sucker for punishment...

They played a great first 2 periods bar for the most important thing, putting the puck in the net. Last period not so much so.... 

It was definitely not as bad most of the other defeats, and I feel very encouraged to see the performances of Garland and Podz in this game. Any player added to their line, and they continued their magic play. 
Yes they lost, happens (a lot unfortunately), but I felt there were so many positives to be taken from the game, that I'm nowhere near as despondant, as I was a week ago. 
Maybe I'm becoming lethagic with old age, but moaning and bitching, when the team showed inprovement is not for me. 
Had we been 1 point from a play off spot, I might have been unhappy, but the performance was good enough to win several games. 
PP looked dangerous, PK didn't conceed, first two periods they absolutely destroyed the deaf chickens, except on the scoreboard. 
I somewhat felt like a satisfied custumer...

Definitely not a performance that would turn me off watching them again. 
And yes before it is mentioned, I know it was against a poor team on its second leg of back to back games and we should have buried them, but it was entertaining nevertheless. 

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7 hours ago, -DLC- said:

Tough loss...the boys deserved the W and the Blackhawks are slime.


Sure glad we didn't end up with the Seth Jones train wreck.

this is not pee-wee hockey, nobody deserves anything. you either win or lose. we've just lost to the mother&^@#ing blackhawks.

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1 hour ago, khay said:


Pettersson isn't going to high danger areas like he used to. Sometimes, you'd see him just getting garbage goals but not this season. 


Now, he's just a perimeter player.


The reason why I think there is some issue with coaching is that it feels like everyone has become a perimeter player except Hog, Podz, and Garland.


Like even Horvat is a perimeter player now.


Sometimes, I see Pearson-Horvat and I swear I see two Pearsons. 


Maybe the new system requires centers to play a bit more conservative? 


Maybe it's not Green, it's all of them. Maybe it's Shaw who wants the team to play a certain structure?  Just something is off. They have a system that generates shots 5-on-5 but most are shots from the perimeter with very little net front presence and wingers aren't getting to the net. Yes, we have some guys that can score from the perimeter but most NHL goalies are going to stop what they see and when you run into a hot one like Fleury tonight, you aren't getting one past him unless it's a garbage goal. These games remind me a bit of game 7 SCF 2011. We generated lots of perimeter shots but not many from the high danger areas.


Anyhow, after that JB press conference, I've come to accept that they are not going to make much of a change this season and I'm just going to enjoy watching the games without thinking about the playoffs. If we somehow fix the problems and go on a winning streak and get to the playoffs, well great. If not, at least it's still fun to tune in to watch Podz, Hog, Garland, OEL, Demko, and so on. 


The coach is teaching them to play the perimeter?? I highly doubt that 


Posts aside, no traffic, Fluery will stop all those shots if he can see the puck 


Time for a change





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The only people who thought the Canucks were going to be a playoff team this year was Canuck management.  The rest of the league had us missing the playoffs. 

This club has a ways to go before they are a contender.  It takes ten years to do a complete over hall and that would have been if they had of blown it up. The problem now will be players who are UFA's in two years. Can they resign them or turn them into high quality young assets.


There was never a way to speed this up. Benning was categorically wrong and the owners were wrong to believe it.

You draft , draft , draft and then develop them. Some make it and some don't. Petey may or may not become a star.  Some players come in with a boom and go out as a bust. Some struggle then find their way. The solution is to just continue to draft and develop. 

The Canucks have never built a winning organizational structure. One that can continually supply talent. Moving their farm to lower main land is a good start.


Fans need to stop looking at the now and focus on the long term. If you ever want a cup "that is the way"

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19 minutes ago, appleboy said:

The only people who thought the Canucks were going to be a playoff team this year was Canuck management.  The rest of the league had us missing the playoffs. 


Well them and the people here. Everytime someone from the media or a hockey analysts predict the Canucks missing many people here were quick trash the analysis

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17 minutes ago, iinatcc said:

Well them and the people here. Everytime someone from the media or a hockey analysts predict the Canucks missing many people here were quick trash the analysis

Nah the team on paper can make the show in this division. What we didn't factor in was the boat anchor of a coaching staff we have. Every single player on this team is underachieving right now.

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3 hours ago, DeNiro said:

Yea Bennings lack of success in later rounds is actually killing us.


It looked like he was able to find so many gems there with the likes of Forsling, Tryamkin, Rathbone, Madden, and Gaudette. Yet nothing to show for any of those players. Add to that the double miss of Lind and Gadjovich and our depth is really hurting.


Now we continue to have to go out and overpay for average depth players like Dickinson and Pearson.


It's not easy to hit with the later rounds, and when you do hit some, they take time to develop. It's unrealistic that Benning would be like Tampa. They are the exception, not the rule.


Keep in mind, before Benning, we could not draft a single pick that wasn't a first round pick. And even then, they were only Horvat, Hodgson, and Hutton, primarily.


The weakness with Benning has always been pro scouting, and staying with an ineffective coach. I would've loved to see Benning operate under a different coach, and perhaps under a different owner.

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17 minutes ago, 73 Percent said:

Nah the team on paper can make the show in this division. What we didn't factor in was the boat anchor of a coaching staff we have. Every single player on this team is underachieving right now.

I think we were too optimistic here to be honest. I remember in the off season that poll on the most improved team this offseason and overwhelming here people voted for the Canucks. I also think we were kind of in a bubble since we also didn't anticipate the improvements the Ducks and Kings made as well. 

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26 minutes ago, Dazzle said:

So coach Green decides to play the lotto line, even tbough the best line that night was Garland and Pod.




He broke up that line in the third period.


Unreal coaching... Green is just terrible. This experiment should've been unplugged weeks ago. Personally, I never advocated for Green at all for this extension.


This team obviously can do so much better.

I think this team got a bad reputation. When we had the rookie trio of Benning, Linden, and Dejardins it felt that nobody with a a good resume wanted to work with the organization and Linden was kind of there to improve the image. Outside of Judd Brackett and Ian Clark I haven't felt much confidence in this group. 

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