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[Waivers] Evander Kane

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24 minutes ago, lmm said:

you are suggesting that posting a guys stats is a legit argument?

where is that photo of him playing telephone with 2 stacks of cash?


lets be honest here we are both trolling, so no real need to pretend we know about each other drug habits


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31 minutes ago, gurn said:

How many have been involved in the issues Kane has. Also how many of them falsified a vaccine card?

Also, this is about Kane- not Joe, George, or Frank, or any other player.

Aside from the fake vaccine card and suspension, aside from whatever Covid rules he is supposed to have broken and aside from the fact you would expect him to be on his best behaviour after the turmoil and baggage  that he brings wherever he goes…I guess it’s OK that he is above a silly thing like team rules. 

As per Elliotte Friedman the Sharks say he was supposed to report to the Barracuda on Dec 31 but only came back on Jan 6. If true, what’s a week late for a guy that’s got stuff to do.





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21 minutes ago, Dannydog said:

Hey , lots of people hated Lappy, Torres, Burr , Kes but i bet you cheered em on like every other Canuck Fan. Id take Kadri here under the right circumstances also. Same as Kane.

I would take under the right circumstances

I just do not believe that those circumstances are happening at any time this season

I think there are teams that could use Evander Kane this season

Teams that could use Kane this season, IMHO, Vegas, Boston, Pittsburg, Tampa, Carolina

I think these teams have a much more solid core and they are much close to a Cup

Teams with Stone/ Petrangelo, Marchand/ Bergeron, Crosby/Letang,

It wasn't clear 5 weeks ago whether Miller and Horvat were on the same page, now is not the time to ad a disrupter like Kane to this mix and we are not near close enough

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1 minute ago, lmm said:

I would take under the right circumstances

I just do not believe that those circumstances are happening at any time this season

I think there are teams that could use Evander Kane this season

Teams that could use Kane this season, IMHO, Vegas, Boston, Pittsburg, Tampa, Carolina

I think these teams have a much more solid core and they are much close to a Cup

Teams with Stone/ Petrangelo, Marchand/ Bergeron, Crosby/Letang,

It wasn't clear 5 weeks ago whether Miller and Horvat were on the same page, now is not the time to ad a disrupter like Kane to this mix and we are not near close enough

This. And problems far outweigh the benefits.

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1 minute ago, canuck73_3 said:

I could just fake a vax card and hope on a plane with covid while being a week late reporting to work ;)

Your going off media reports..  that’s why this is all in dispute with the NHL.


none of us here have privilege to player / agent/ team notifications that were given.


that’s why this is in dispute.


similar to the tennis player this week,. That tall thinned straw man :)


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7 minutes ago, SilentSam said:

Last year ??   Lmfao








I'm not sure what you're getting at here but E-Kane is one hell of a consistent point-getter (and PIM but that's not always a good thing Martha).

His PPG is incredibly constant.


Jimmy's Kadri comparison really hit home; if that pos (and Marchrat for that matter), are respected as helpful players, how is Kane worse?


We desperately need, and have needed since Kass imploded, a mean piece of work on the wing (actually at least 2 please).


Watching Kane recently, before this hit the fan, I noticed he still hits and mixes it up, but he wasn't supported by the rest of the team (only my opinion; easy now).


Like JM said, if we take him on, we need to be prepared to support him completely; who knows, we may be just what he needs (to become the local boy turned good and helped the team win The Stanley Cup).


Time to spread the net and look for a 'distressed' RHD?

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Regardless of his locker room character, just the (alleged) fact that he has flagrantly disregarded Covid protocols on multiple occasions should be a non-starter. Even if he gets along well with teammates, if he is potentially encouraging the spread, and thus other players being added to the protocol list, that's detrimental.

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19 minutes ago, Odd. said:

Alright I’m going to say this for the 5th time.


Kane has had locker room issues with 2 of the 3 teams he’s been on. Let’s look at Winnipeg.


Buffugly came to camp out of shape every season. Came late to practices, and threw his teammates clothes in the change room. Wow great teammate. 

Let’s look at Wheeler and Schiefele. Laine asked for a trade because of the way those two controlled the locker room. They treated the younger players on the team like garbage, and Wheeler has come out and publicly apologized to Laine. Scheifele has put down his teammates and coaching staff in interviews. Gee, such great locker room guys huh?


let’s look at the Sharks. Sharks have always had a leadership issue. Joe Thornton was stripped from his captaincy because he lost the locker room. He publicly called out Todd Mclellan, and Tommy Wingels and Couture had to come out to defend the coach. Pavelski held it down but he chose to walk shortly after. They sign Karlsson to an albatross contract and he’s been mediocre to say the least. Plays uninspired hockey and gets called out by teammates. 

These two teams he’s been on has had a considerable amount of locker room drama. It’s important to note since Kane became a Shark, he’d been out of trouble as far as reports come until his baby mother accusations came out. Then the gambling addiction issues came out and his bankruptcy became public which put him in a vulnerable spot in the media. And then of course, the media came out and suggested he was a locker room problem and everyone hates him for whatever reasons, none of which have been confirmed. 


All I’m saying is why don’t you guys who are so quick to bash Kane take a chill pill and wait until we get more information. You guys are quick to throw labels out on Kane because of the way the media portrayed him in his Winnipeg days when we now know the locker room issue there back then and even still now is far larger than just Kane himself.

Both you and Sam have made valid arguments. As fans we don’t know much. As rule I think the hockey world is pretty small. My question then becomes why has no one signed this guy? 

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8 minutes ago, lmm said:

I would take under the right circumstances

I just do not believe that those circumstances are happening at any time this season

I think there are teams that could use Evander Kane this season

Teams that could use Kane this season, IMHO, Vegas, Boston, Pittsburg, Tampa, Carolina

I think these teams have a much more solid core and they are much close to a Cup

Teams with Stone/ Petrangelo, Marchand/ Bergeron, Crosby/Letang,

It wasn't clear 5 weeks ago whether Miller and Horvat were on the same page, now is not the time to ad a disrupter like Kane to this mix and we are not near close enough

Vegas would be hilarious to be honest.

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1 hour ago, lmm said:

there is a lot of information there

are you saying that because Evander is 209 # he would help Vancouver?

or is it because he is -67 that he helps

or is it because he was born in Vancouver that helps the most, I mean we already have Brad Hunt and he was born in Maple Ridge, surely that is close enough


the best value that JR could extract from bringing in Evander Kane at this point is that he would be a good tool to root out those that would fall in with him as the season unravels

"Party at Evander's, Stan will be there with free bus tickets out of town!"

I would sure rather party at Evander's house than your negative Nelly apartment 

Edited by Xur
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