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[Waivers] Evander Kane

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3 minutes ago, Goal:thecup said:

I'm not sure what you're getting at here but E-Kane is one hell of a consistent point-getter (and PIM but that's not always a good thing Martha).

His PPG is incredibly constant.


Jimmy's Kadri comparison really hit home; if that pos (and Marchrat for that matter), are respected as helpful players, how is Kane worse?


We desperately need, and have needed since Kass imploded, a mean piece of work on the wing (actually at least 2 please).


Watching Kane recently, before this hit the fan, I noticed he still hits and mixes it up, but he wasn't supported by the rest of the team (only my opinion; easy now).


Like JM said, if we take him on, we need to be prepared to support him completely; who knows, we may be just what he needs (to become the local boy turned good and helped the team win The Stanley Cup).


Time to spread the net and look for a 'distressed' RHD?

I’m in agreement with you,. Regarding that post,  another poster commented how well his team did that year .


Kane is a  high return, short term low risk.

it’s a real in the moment opportunity , that if goes well could be expanded on to great value.


Most others answers here to finding a player type of his caliber is all fantasy until another opportunity presents itself.

but that I’m sure would be high cost.

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9 minutes ago, Boudrias said:

Both you and Sam have made valid arguments. As fans we don’t know much. As rule I think the hockey world is pretty small. My question then becomes why has no one signed this guy? 

It’s still being disputed and litigated..

as far as teams being interested,

Kane has/had a 3 team limited trade clause, so he gets a say as well.… 

and waiting to have taken him closer to the trade deadline would have the Sharks take more of a hit I presume.

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Just now, SilentSam said:

It’s still being disputed and litigated..

as far as teams being interested,

Kane has/had a 3 team limited trade clause, so he gets a say as well.… 

and waiting to have taken him closer to the trade deadline would have the Sharks take more of a hit I presume.

Aren’t the Sharks out of the equation? They cut him loose.

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6 minutes ago, SilentSam said:

It’s still being disputed and litigated..

as far as teams being interested,

Kane has/had a 3 team limited trade clause, so he gets a say as well.… 

and waiting to have taken him closer to the trade deadline would have the Sharks take more of a hit I presume.

He’s no longer a Shark contract is terminated. 

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16 minutes ago, canuck73_3 said:

This. And problems far outweigh the benefits.

I look at this like Antonio Brown

A team Like Tampa, (why is it always Tampa?) has the strength and structure within the team to deal with him.

As I mentioned, the Canucks are 5 weeks removed from catastrophic meltdown

Canuck fans are funny, and in times like this it becomes clear why so many believed in Benning for so long,

After 5 weeks of winning with a pretty easy schedule and not even 1 long Eastern road trip,  "ALL IT RIGHT WITH THE WORLD"

JR hasn't even finished his evaluations yet and fans are clamouring for waiver pickups and Head cases.

It explains how so many fell for the "Quick Turnaround/Age Gap" theories the Benning was pedalling

many fans really want to believe, even now, that a couple of quick moves puts us in Stanley Cup contention.

the problem with Benning was that he had no patience, the problem with many of his followers is that they have no patience either 

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1 minute ago, lmm said:

I look at this like Antonio Brown

A team Like Tampa, (why is it always Tampa?) has the strength and structure within the team to deal with him.

As I mentioned, the Canucks are 5 weeks removed from catastrophic meltdown

Canuck fans are funny, and in times like this it becomes clear why so many believed in Benning for so long,

After 5 weeks of winning with a pretty easy schedule and not even 1 long Eastern road trip,  "ALL IT RIGHT WITH THE WORLD"

JR hasn't even finished his evaluations yet and fans are clamouring for waiver pickups and Head cases.

It explains how so many fell for the "Quick Turnaround/Age Gap" theories the Benning was pedalling

many fans really want to believe, even now, that a couple of quick moves puts us in Stanley Cup contention.

the problem with Benning was that he had no patience, the problem with many of his followers is that they have no patience either 

The Brown comparison is reasonable.  Tom Brady, Bill Belichick, and Bruce Arians couldn't keep him in line.

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38 minutes ago, Odd. said:

Alright I’m going to say this for the 5th time.


Kane has had locker room issues with 2 of the 3 teams he’s been on. Let’s look at Winnipeg.


Buffugly came to camp out of shape every season. Came late to practices, and threw his teammates clothes in the change room. Wow great teammate. 

Let’s look at Wheeler and Schiefele. Laine asked for a trade because of the way those two controlled the locker room. They treated the younger players on the team like garbage, and Wheeler has come out and publicly apologized to Laine. Scheifele has put down his teammates and coaching staff in interviews. Gee, such great locker room guys huh?


let’s look at the Sharks. Sharks have always had a leadership issue. Joe Thornton was stripped from his captaincy because he lost the locker room. He publicly called out Todd Mclellan, and Tommy Wingels and Couture had to come out to defend the coach. Pavelski held it down but he chose to walk shortly after. They sign Karlsson to an albatross contract and he’s been mediocre to say the least. Plays uninspired hockey and gets called out by teammates. 

These two teams he’s been on has had a considerable amount of locker room drama. It’s important to note since Kane became a Shark, he’d been out of trouble as far as reports come until his baby mother accusations came out. Then the gambling addiction issues came out and his bankruptcy became public which put him in a vulnerable spot in the media. And then of course, the media came out and suggested he was a locker room problem and everyone hates him for whatever reasons, none of which have been confirmed. 


All I’m saying is why don’t you guys who are so quick to bash Kane take a chill pill and wait until we get more information. You guys are quick to throw labels out on Kane because of the way the media portrayed him in his Winnipeg days when we now know the locker room issue there back then and even still now is far larger than just Kane himself.

What information are we waiting for exactly? You say take a chill pill and wait till we get more information, but year after year and scandal after scandal all the information that ever comes out around Kane, is problematic. If you're saying we need to wait till we get information, does that mean we just disregard years of things that have come out in regards to him to find out the real story is a NHL conspiracy to slander Kane because he hooked up with Betmans Neice? This argument doesn't make any sense to me. Multiple organization's, over a players entire career have lead to a reasonable assumption to make surrounding Kane. What shoe are you expecting to fall that changes all that?

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1 minute ago, Boudrias said:

Aren’t the Sharks out of the equation? They cut him loose.

That’s is also in dispute I suppose,


does this grievance mean the Sharks have to go back and stay stat quo with the original contract if the grievance wins?

I doubt they get Kane or his services back, but they will have to honour and pay him the remainder of the contract .


Capfriendly lists him as a UFA terminated..


yet I’ve seen nothing from the NHL announcing or allowing it yet.. 


that NHL approval I beleive is necessary. 


In the meantime I’m sure his agent can be talking to anybody interested .


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2 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

The Brown comparison is reasonable.  Tom Brady, Bill Belichick, and Bruce Arians couldn't keep him in line.

that is true

but he did not sink the whole Pirate Ship

he merely got his own but kicked to the curb

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