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Status Replies posted by MikeBossy

  1. Take care, CDC. Time to take a break. Be well, folks. 

  2. First Christmas without Mom AND first Christmas where dad and I (Dad did 90% of the work) did the turkey dinner for the family. And it wasn't a disaster. 

    1. MikeBossy


      I am a firm believer that your mom was there right beside you making sure you did right :) Merry Christmas 

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  3. Is it me or has pods been underwhelming in his first season point wise? 

    I mean I wasn’t expecting elite lvl numbers from the get go, but 7 points in 27 games is very low imo. 

    How long is his leash development wise? Should he be sent down? 

    Too many what ifs…

    1. MikeBossy


      Two things I have noticed with the kid - his speed and his willingness to backcheck. I see nothing but good things from this guy!


    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  4. Bruce said just win the week.

    How’s 3-0 for ya all!?

    1. MikeBossy


      Typical CDC response would be - "SO what we are just going to lose next week" :emot-parrot:


      Great week for the boys - started 9 points out - right now 7 points out and only 8 behind the Coilers 

      GO CANUCKS GO!!!!!


    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  5. This might be an unpopular opinion, but I hate Sweet Caroline!

  6. I apologize if this is a dumb question, but when a team fires a coach or buys out a player can the owner claim those as losses come tax time? 

  7. Big weekend for the grandson's hockey team. Vancouver Academy U17 teams coming here for four league games. Play Troy Stecher's nephew's team (Langley Sharpshooters) early Saturday morning. We are putting our 4-0 record on the line this weekend and grandpa can't wait.

    1. MikeBossy


      Nice - what position does your grandson play?

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  8. Is there something ‘special’ in the water in ?Edmonton?  These fan closeups kind of make me wonder.  Omg!  “Deliverance” :lol:

  9. Happy birthday Joe! I hope things are going well in Smithers.

    I have driven though your hometown hundreds of times over

    the years. It is a nice town, with friendly people.

    1. MikeBossy


      Happy Birthday Joe - CDC's MVP every year in my opinion!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  10. The big Benning haters were comedy gold today, thanks fellas. 

    1. MikeBossy


      Agreed - I think under Shaw he may excel. I'd like a bit beefer 4th line as I'd like the kids protected more from clowns like that knuckle dragger Lucic and Kassian who likes to take runs at smaller players but overall solid B+


    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  11. The big Benning haters were comedy gold today, thanks fellas. 

    1. MikeBossy


      While I am not doing cartwheels over all the signings I am ecstatic Sleepy Lou is gone and once we get Petey and Quinn locked up I am curious to see what this team can do.

      I like the Schenn, Hamonic and Sutter signings - if we end up not in a playoff position this year we could flip Sutter for picks

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  12. Hugs between two male friends is a spot us men need to work on.
    Remember if you need support ask for it or just post it on facebook, Us guys and gals got to stick together. (also guys try not to lean on your wife so much that she is the only support in your life) also friendly reminder Alberta residents have great support for your daily stresses in virtual walk-in counselling and other specialized support groups like Men's group and women's circle, anxiety and depression and emotional regulation https://momentumcounselling.org/
    Don't drink your problems away instead share your emotions.
    1. MikeBossy


      Taught the stepson the value of a good hug - nice to see he gives his buddies a hug when they havent seen each other for a while :)


      love this (pre-covid obviously lol)



    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  13. If you are in the minority of people yet to get a single jab what are your reasons? Curious to know...

    1. MikeBossy


      Just received my 2nd Pfizer dose and other than an incredibly sore arm no other side effects. Being that I have had asthma my whole life I have always received flu vaccinations as an adult and in that time have had the flu a total of maybe 2 or 3 times. As someone who was working with vulnerable adults with disabilities during the pandemic (just recently switched careers) had to suffer through losing 7 individuals to COVID and watched several staff go through traumatic medical experiences after contracting COVID 19. So I will risk an unproven vaccine which has shown promising results if it offers others the opportunity to not have to go thru losing someone to this pandemic. Zero issue if folks don't want to get vaccinated BUT at a minimum I do expect everyone to follow the rules aka masking and social distancing due to the fact you could be putting others at risk.

    2. (See 36 other replies to this status update)

  14. oilers might be swept they have no defense or goaltending. still 

  15. I got vaccinated!

  16. This is not looking good for the Dems. Arizona, Michigan, Georgia, Nevada, Pennsylvania all going to be recounted. National guard reporting insufficient water marks on invalid ballots! Yikes. Arizona ballots not properly distributed.

  17. Does Benning know its Free agency? Every other team is adding defence meanwhile ours got extremely worse

    1. MikeBossy


      Seriously???? Feel free to go cheer for the Flames - there's a few former Canucks there now.

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  18. Dear Loui

    Please retire.


    That is all



    Canuck fans and team

    1. MikeBossy


      @King Heffy absolutely - he could even attend Binghamton or Cornell and get am associate business degree for when he goes back to Sweden.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  19. Dear Loui

    Please retire.


    That is all



    Canuck fans and team

    1. MikeBossy


      It was a joke as i highly doubt he reads these forum :rolleyes:

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  20. if we can just get through this year, we have over 20mil coming off the books next tear and over 19 mil the following year. 

    cernak would sure help.

  21. Anyone else wondering how long until Calgary signs Toffoli? :emot-parrot:

    1. MikeBossy


      You have to admit - it's a bold strategy on how to beat us - sign some of our great players. i do wonder though if Trevling realizes he only faces us what 4 times a year :P

      I think this goes to show the Benning haters that he does know how to build a team and I think he is learning from his mistakes like the Erikkson contract but being prudent on the contracts he offers now.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  22. 8 mil, barring trades or demotions or retirements won’t buy much more than gaudette and virtanen and a cheaper d man. i would love to see cernak and toffoli signed but contract will have to be moved. good luck benji.

    1. MikeBossy


      I also think once the season starts Ferland will end up on LTIR - I know he wants to play hockey but I guarantee with the style he plays he will end up with another concussion etc - wish the kids would hang the gloves up. That gives us another 3.5 million


      I think the priority right now is sign Toffoli - but again I am ok with Jim being cautious with what he hands out contract wise. I think these contracts he handed out before have made him wary of big deals.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

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