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Status Replies posted by Putgolzin

  1. You get one free punch to any active NHL player without any repercussions, legal or physical. Who would you choose? Remember, they have to be an active NHL player. 

    I would say Trevor Zegras.

    1. Putgolzin


      Logan Couture - don't even dislike him, it's just that when you look up the dictionary definition of 'punchable face' it's a picture of him

    2. (See 33 other replies to this status update)

  2. I wonder what an all star team of Canucks draft busts would look like.

    1. Putgolzin


      I'll never forget when Nonis stepped up and said "Patrick...White" with an air of smugness/certainty that everyone was going to be "OOOhhhhhhh!!!!", but there was just silence as people flipped through their charts to wonder who the F that was.

      And then there was an article the following year where White said he'd been drafted into the WHL but didn't really know what that was, and he really just wanted to play with his high-school friends anyway.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  3. Dick Van Dyke’s name is too offensive. He should change it to Richard Van Lesbian. 

    1. Putgolzin


      I think Penis Van Lesbian would be appropriate enough

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  4. Does anyone like bbq here? It's not whole hog, but I cut a shoulder into slices and smoked over oak with a simple rub...  

    1. Putgolzin


      Looks delicious!


      I've smoked a few briskets successfully (and a couple bombs), pork butt, ribs etc but lately I've been getting into stuff that doesn't take the whole day.


      Chicken wings are only a couple hours and still bring all that smoky goodness!


    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  5. If Canucks win 1st or 2nd overall, would you agree with them trading for a slew of other assets?

    1. Putgolzin



      But it would be interesting to know how much people might overpay for this much hype.

      If you could get five great pieces (like Lindros mentioned above), it would definitely be a lot to put beside Petey.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  6. according to cap friendly, abby now only have 8 forwards. what am i missing?

    1. Putgolzin


      Right - for example, I kind of think Chase Wouters has the potential to become our 4th line C at some point but he's only an Abby Canuck right now, no contract with the big club.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  7. Do we have one of the best top 9s in the Pacific , assuming we can keep Boeser and Miller...


    If we can roll 3 lines


    Kuzmenko Petey Podkolzin

    Pearson Miller Boeser

    Hoglander Horvat Garland

    1. Putgolzin


      You're also missing Karlsson from this group - he could potentially factor into it too.

      I've looked at it this way and I like the idea of three strong forward groups, but I think it waters down the offense too much as seen at the beginning of last year.

      Better to push all the strongest players to the Top 6 and figure out how to add a great 3C to center whoever can't push themselves into that Top 6?

      Petey Miller Boeser

      Kuzmenko/Podkolzin Horvat Garland

      Podkolzin/Kuzmenko/Pearson (Copp) Karlsson/Hoglander


      Assumes some injuries and maybe Pearson moved for cap space for Copp

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  8. Glad to see that Tyler Motte is getting such positive reviews in New York. Good, honest player who brings it every game. Hope he signs for what he's worth, which is more than the minimum.

    1. Putgolzin


      Yup, good for Motter.

      I liked the idea of him doing so poorly that we could pick him up for a nice price in the offseason.

      But no chance he would play along on that pipedream.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  9. :lol: Friedman saying the Sharks are exploring trading Karlsson or Burns because they don’t have the luxury of having two Norris caliber right shot D.  Lmaoarotfav

    1. Putgolzin


      Burns straight up for OEL?

      Doesn't help their (or our) cap scenario, but helps out with both teams right-side, left-side issues

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  10. I wonder what a UFA era PK Subban would cost

    1. Putgolzin


      I was thinking about this just the other day.

      It's an interesting consideration.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

    1. Putgolzin


      We were super excited when a contractor-friend called me to say they'd recommended my firm to design the McDavid's summer place in Collingwood, Ontario.

      That contractor eventually built the house, but we never got the call. 

      We use too much colour maybe, ha.

    2. (See 23 other replies to this status update)

  11. will Travis Green still be coach by next home stand?

    1. Putgolzin


      I think if we play poorly in the next two games he's finished.

      Even if we play great and lose the next four games against good teams - which is pretty likely, I think he'll be done.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  12. This is by far the most insane NHL stat I have ever seen, maybe the most insane sports statistic in history!

    1. Putgolzin




      What I love even more is looking at the jump in points between each member of the list.

      On these Top 5 you've listed they jump about 30 - 50 points between each spot.

      As you look at the list in the Top 50 or Top 100, it averages maybe 5 - 10 points per spot all the way from 100th up to 2nd.

      Then the jump from 2nd to 1st is a THOUSAND

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  13. I used to hate Jagr when he (and I) was younger. He seemed so cocky and arrogant. But over the years he's won me over. He seems to be a true team guy now. And STILL playing hockey at 49. 

    1. Putgolzin


      Everybody hated Jagr when he was younger and nobody can put a real finger on why.

      But I'll tell you why - because Cherry singled him out as Euro, and shield-wearing, arrogant and smug.

      I don't know if there is any sports figure anywhere that has had such a dramatic make-over with regard to their public perception.

      Everybody loves Jagr now, even though they hated him when they were young. I don't think Jagr changed that much (sure he probably grew up a bit and turned into an old grizzled vet).

      I think we changed as hockey fans more than Jagr ever did.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  14. Benning flips a coin. 1/2 the people are mad. 

    1. Putgolzin



      1/2 are mad. The other half are mad at the people who are mad.

      I would land in the second half - but yesterday on twitter I'm sure I didn't see one person blowing up about Petey's comments, everything I read was just people blowing up on those people (who I assume actually existed but never saw for myself).

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  15. JFresh (a hockey analytics guy on twitter) is dead to me if he's so blinded by the numbers, he can't see that losing Rome hurt the Canucks in 2011



    1. Putgolzin


      From my perspective Rome was part of it, but not Rome the player. Rome, the point of swinging momentum.

      In my opinion it had way more to do with AV's stand-back coaching.

      We'd come out buzzing, would go up 1-0 and then try to clench our cheeks until the final buzzer sounded. And roast them on the PP, but otherwise play red-rover on our blueline.

      Once the media shouted the refs down to the point that they wouldn't call a Sedin getting speed-bagged cause we were 'whiners and divers' (but they would throw Rome out for a legal hit (at that time)) AV's system just wouldn't work anymore, we weren't given the PP's that he relied on.

      That system had lost to the Blackhawks both prior years and allllmost lost to them that year, and then eventually failed against the Bruins.

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  16. I really wonder if we’re done making moves or if Benning wants to go for another top six forward and roll with something like


    Miller - Pettersson - Boeser

    Garland - Horvat - xxxx

    Höglander - Dickinson - Podkolzin

    Pearson - Sutter - Motte

    1. Putgolzin


      With the above lineup, why wouldn't you just keep Pearson with Bo and have Garland on his natural side?

      I've also looked at the option of another Top 6 player, but that would allow a hardcore Top 9 with Miller in the middle

      xxxxx Pettersson Boeser

      Hoglander Miller Garland

      Pearson Horvat Podkolzin

      Motte Sutter Highmore




      Hoglander Pettersson xxxxx

      Garland Miller Boeser

      Pearson Horvat Podkolzin

      Motte Sutter Highmore


    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  17. Anyone else really jealous of NJ for their Hughes bros and of CHI for their Jones and Dach bros?


    We need to sign Emil Pettersson

    1. Putgolzin


      Our one Hughes is better than the other two combined.


      And the comment above about Sedins being 'arguably' the best - it's only an argument if you count Brent Gretzky's 13 career games.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  18. if things had have worked out the way JB had hoped, we could have seen our forward lines;

    petey, boeser and ferland; horvat, pearson and virtanen; hoglander, miller and podkolzin; and maybe motte, highmore and gtaovac. he had the right idea, it just didn't all work out.

    1. Putgolzin


      ferland would have potentially been nice and you're correct - just didn't work out

      it's tough to see virtanen projected with horvat and pearson though when toffoli continues to look the same as he did for us

      Hoglander Petey Toffoli

      Ferland Miller Boeser

      Pearson Horvat Podkolzin

      Dang that would be sweet

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  19. CDC! For those college/university/students/past students out there! When is the best time to start college/university? Fall or winter?

    1. Putgolzin


      definitely pull the trigger and start in the fall.

      as a mature student, once you start, you will love it sooooo much. the learning part of school is the greatest thing ever once you have the maturity to appreciate it - my second time at school I absolutely loved it, and it led into a fun, rewarding career. the first time I did post-secondary school i loved it too, but just because I was learning a little while goofing off a lot.


    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  20. Offseason target? Emil Pettersson? 22 goals, 48 points in 52 games in the Swedish Hockey League (Vaxjo Lakers).

    Or should we look at more physical players? 

    1. Putgolzin


      Is SHL really considered less skilled? Really?

      I think it's perhaps an easier league to play in, but I think it's likely more skilled (Canadian mindset vs Swedish mindset).

      Now, based purely on stats he's not as good at 27 as his brother was at 19 - but I would argue that it's still pretty impressive to be essentially a ppg player in one of the best leagues in the world.


    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  21. If you had to eat a single food for two weeks what would it be 

    1. Putgolzin


      That's easy. Pez. Cherry flavoured Pez ... no question about it.

    2. (See 21 other replies to this status update)

  22. Lemieux, Gretzky or Jagr. You can only choose one but your only getting the player they were from 90’ - 99’.


    1. Putgolzin


      Wow. That's tough. I think I'm still taking Gretzky.

      A quick look at stats - I'm giving Lemieux 5 supremely dominant seasons in that span, Jagr 7 or 8 dominant seasons and Gretzky 7. 

      Tie goes to my hero.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  23. I have no idea what 3 year olds want for Christmas. Any suggestions? Something under $20. 

    1. Putgolzin


      lego - even when they're little. it's the best toy in the world.

    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  24. Is it bad luck to be superstitious?!(askin for a friend)


    Read that recently...

    1. Putgolzin


      I'm not superstitious....I'm a little stitious - Michael Scott


    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

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