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A Game Of Thrones: To the point of the TV show, no spoilers beyond that


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Given that I usually agree with you and gbassi on things related to movies and shows, I am utterly confused with how in love with this season you are

Considering I have no idea where the story is going to go, I like the level of intrigue. While no characters have been a revelation, or have vastly changed the way they act, I really like the way they're all being represented. Feels like they're getting the most out of everyone they can. Except Daenerys.

It's an improvement over the third season for me. Not that it was bad. Just that this is better.

To brush up on past events without spoilers, I just refer to the Game of Thrones wiki. It keeps things updated only as they have happened on the show. Any jack ass can come and edit in spoilers sure, but it seems to be well presented, and I haven't ran into any myself (I would guess that it's heavily moderated.)

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Another interesting suggestion I saw was that Cersei names Loras as her champion. He's got a reputation as a famed tournament fighter, and it's win-win for her. If Loras wins, she gets the satisfaction of Tyrion dying. If Tyrion's champion wins, Loras is dead and she doesn't have to marry him.

In that case though, I don't see who would fight for Tyrion. Bronn is a sellsword through and through, and there wouldn't be a big advantage in him siding with Tyrion at this point, and I'm not sure that one-handed Jaime would be up to the task, especially with the further wedge that would drive between him and sister and father.

I think it'll be either Bronn vs the Mountain or Oberyn vs the Mountain. There's no way that the Lannister's don't have the toughest SOB in Westeros on their side in this fight. Jaime doesn't make sense on so many different levels and I'm not sure about Loras.

Oberyn makes more sense since he already dislikes the Lannisters and he has a personal vendetta against the Mountain. Like you said, Bronn is a sellsword and could just be bought off or something (not sure whether or not he would stay loyal to Tyrion). Oberyn vs the Mountain is my prediction.

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we already saw Oberyn with a sword in the middle of a circle of people with someone else (i assume it's the mountain)in the season preview. I figured that it was going to be when Tywin fulfilled his promise after the trial, but now I'm thinking it's because he fights for tyrion.

The reasons for this are two-fold

1) There is no guarantee that Tywin will keep his promise since Oberyn isn't going to render a verdict anymore, and the deal can no longer be completed (contract is null and void now). By Oberyn stepping up, it guarantees he has the chance to avenge his sister and he doesn't have to trust a man he hates.

2) He still doesn't like Tywin/the lannisters in general, and he'd love to piss off Tywin even more.

Also, He potentially believes Tyrion is innocent, and he wants to help, but I doubt he cares about Tyrion's innocence one way or the other.

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The most intriguing aspect for me is how Essos and Westeros must eventually collide.

Arts has to go to Braavos as she has been setup for that from here dancing master and the faceless man.

I fell into a habit of referring to them as Cereal and Haagen Dazs

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we already saw Oberyn with a sword in the middle of a circle of people with someone else (i assume it's the mountain)in the season preview. I figured that it was going to be when Tywin fulfilled his promise after the trial, but now I'm thinking it's because he fights for tyrion.

The reasons for this are two-fold

1) There is no guarantee that Tywin will keep his promise since Oberyn isn't going to render a verdict anymore, and the deal can no longer be completed (contract is null and void now). By Oberyn stepping up, it guarantees he has the chance to avenge his sister and he doesn't have to trust a man he hates.

2) He still doesn't like Tywin/the lannisters in general, and he'd love to piss off Tywin even more.

Also, He potentially believes Tyrion is innocent, and he wants to help, but I doubt he cares about Tyrion's innocence one way or the other.

wow, nice essay. why don't you just watch the show instead of speculating on it? whats wrong with you? cant you just enjoy things?

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wow, finally caught up to the latest episode. S*** is getting real!

Like above said I think the title might have given it away...Oberyn will fight for Tyrion simply because he still wants to avenge for his sister, and against the Mountain and the Lannisters no less.

Cersei looks really good this season by the way, might be her new hairstyle.

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wow, nice essay. why don't you just watch the show instead of speculating on it? whats wrong with you? cant you just enjoy things?

discussing vs. nitpicking/constant critizing. learn the difference you hipster.
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discussing vs. nitpicking/constant critizing. learn the difference you hipster.

why don't you just tell me what the difference is

when is it okay to be critical and when isn't it? what does "discussing" mean?

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I heard some of you guys like nitpicking so I came up with some more.

Yara at the end of season 3: "I'm going to pick the fastest ship in our fleet. I'm going to chose the fifty best killers on the Iron Islands. I'm going to sail up the narrow sea all the way to the weeping water. I'm going to march on the Dreadfort. I'm going to find my little brother and I'm going to bring him home."


1. That is a very long journey and it was ridiculous to find out that Yara would just give up after coming so far.

2. At the end of season 3 it was set up to be some epic mission and it turned out to be one of the most anti-climactic things of the show.

3. Ironborn are renown as some of the fiercest and most hardcore fighters, they would never run from a fight. Standing right beside who she journeyed so far to get, Asha/Yara would never have backed down, no matter what.

4. Ramsay fighting without a shirt was just ridiculous.

5. Ramsay would never have let Yara escape. Roose was angry with him earlier for ruining Theon as a trading chip and now he lets another one go?

At least they're doing a good job of showing Theon's transformation to Reek.

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discussing vs. nitpicking/constant critizing. learn the difference you hipster.

Don't be hatin on hipsters.

I heard some of you guys like nitpicking so I came up with some more.

Yara at the end of season 3: "I'm going to pick the fastest ship in our fleet. I'm going to chose the fifty best killers on the Iron Islands. I'm going to sail up the narrow sea all the way to the weeping water. I'm going to march on the Dreadfort. I'm going to find my little brother and I'm going to bring him home."


1. That is a very long journey and it was ridiculous to find out that Yara would just give up after coming so far.

2. At the end of season 3 it was set up to be some epic mission and it turned out to be one of the most anti-climactic things of the show.

3. Ironborn are renown as some of the fiercest and most hardcore fighters, they would never run from a fight. Standing right beside who she journeyed so far to get, Asha/Yara would never have backed down, no matter what.

4. Ramsay fighting without a shirt was just ridiculous.

At least they're doing a good job of showing Theon's transformation to Reek.

Pretty much what I said earlier. She sailed all that way just to be like, well screw this I'm going back home?

They also built that up way to much with her epic montage speeches and music. She was completely in the zone. Then was just like eff this.

Don't be hatin on Ramsay's shirtless bod though. We needed to see his body :D

I am hesitant on his transformation though I haven't read the book. When they mentioned Robb as he shaved Ramsay he paused and got a look as if he was provoked by it. Though he finished I feel that was a sign of his old self. Yet he showed no reaction to Yara. I am wondering what the point of that pause was. Or Yara going to save him at all if it was completely unsuccessful with no major deaths.

I was hoping they would show Theon during the bath seen while Ramsay made that face. Something like this :bigblush:

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I heard some of you guys like nitpicking so I came up with some more.

Yara at the end of season 3: "I'm going to pick the fastest ship in our fleet. I'm going to chose the fifty best killers on the Iron Islands. I'm going to sail up the narrow sea all the way to the weeping water. I'm going to march on the Dreadfort. I'm going to find my little brother and I'm going to bring him home."


1. That is a very long journey and it was ridiculous to find out that Yara would just give up after coming so far.

2. At the end of season 3 it was set up to be some epic mission and it turned out to be one of the most anti-climactic things of the show.

3. Ironborn are renown as some of the fiercest and most hardcore fighters, they would never run from a fight. Standing right beside who she journeyed so far to get, Asha/Yara would never have backed down, no matter what.

4. Ramsay fighting without a shirt was just ridiculous.

5. Ramsay would never have let Yara escape. Roose was angry with him earlier for ruining Theon as a trading chip and now he lets another one go?

At least they're doing a good job of showing Theon's transformation to Reek.

Yeah, there was a lot wrong with that scene.

- Yara just fought and killed a bunch of armed warriors, but she's going to run from dogs?

- She just stands there and lets Ramsay unlock their cages?

- Somehow she is able to outrun the dogs all the way back to her ship? (Not to mention the fact that the Ironborn would have had to get through the Dreadfort gates)

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