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The Walking Dead Thread


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Great episode but man does Talking dead suck. They don't even acknowledge that there's another group torturing and carving "W" into foreheads.

ive been pretty bitter that it took comic book mens time slot for a while now. I dont think ill ever get over it. Love the suspense building up. Also what is up with rick/chone?
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anyone else think it's awesome Rick went Full Shane?

Great episode but man does Talking dead suck. They don't even acknowledge that there's another group torturing and carving "W" into foreheads.

They actually sort of picked up on it or rather that random actress chick said she thought it was actually a M and that it's Morgan.

I wonder if maybe they weren't allowed to really talk about it? Obviously something big is going down in the season finale.

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Are they making us hate Rick so they can...

Rick & Carl Grimes are not going anywhere.

On another note, I read a brilliant article on a theory for Daryl last night;


This has actually been something I’ve been telling anyone who would listen for a couple weeks now, especially my writing team who even they did not want to hear it. Mostly because they, like everyone else that is a fan of the show, says they would jump “The Walking Dead” ship if such a thing were to happen. Well get ready to take that leap or buckle up, because I do believe it will happen!

Nothing was directly said that would signal such a drastic move for the show, but for someone like myself who prides in understanding the bigger picture in storytelling, I did notice a lot. I also have a proven track record of predicting what Hollywood might do by being able to closely study past history and following the proper sources.


Daryl and Aaron

I first got the hint this would be a possibility in S5 | E10 “Them”- The brutal aftermath from the heart wrenching deaths of fan favorites “Beth” and “Tyreese”. This is when, in my eyes, the writers begin to plant the seeds to distance Daryl from the group after the death of Beth. The part that got my attention most in this episode was where Rick says to the group in dramatic fashion “That we ARE the walking dead” to which Daryl rises to surprisingly disagree with everything Rick had just said by simply saying “We ain’t them”! Now to the casual watcher this is not much to scoff at all……to me as a writer, it spoke volumes! This to me as a writer signaled the beginning points of turning Daryl into an unlikeable character that would be easier to transition away from the show.

This distance between Daryl and the rest of the group became far more evident during the arrival into Alexandria (the new town they now live in) and more and more so throughout the entire stay in this new town.

The hints were more alarming each and every week, when on Norman Reedus’ own Facebook page he would post a new interview article with hints from Reedus himself foreshadowing a very hurtful and traumatic season five finale. Each week the headlines would seem more and more dire, even to the point one headline reported Norman Reedus has not felt this emotional to the point of crying, since the filming of Merle and Beth’s deaths!


Daryl = Horse?

Then came the final nail in the coffin for me. In the last Walking Dead episode S5 | E13 we have Daryl and his new “buddy” Aaron who went off on a tracking mission after Daryl discovered his follower. In this episode we see a black horse that the two men try to help get away from danger only to have the horse cornered and eaten by zombies. The more tangible clue to me was of course when Aaron brought up to Daryl the option to be a long range recruiter for the town of Alexandria. There is now only one inevitable fate for our beloved Daryl and that is he will no longer be a part of our group and the show for quite some time.

Does this mean Daryl is going to die?!

That I am not going to predict….I am just going to predict that Daryl is LEAVING the show. I will go as far as to say they will leave season five finale on such a cliffhanger where it will seem like Daryl has been killed but if he is not eaten or transformed into a walker on camera…….then he is not DEAD!


Boondock Saints 3

One thing to keep in mind here is this folks. Norman Reedus is a major movie actor! It has been long known that Norman Reedus has hinted that Boondock Saints 3 will be filming soon. There is another rumored project Reedus name has been attached to as well. This means Norman will need time off the show anyways.

I know everyone says “If Daryl dies…..I’m done with the show”. Well I’ll believe THAT part when I see it in the ratings numbers.

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