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Rate The Last Movie You Saw - 2


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Lucy - 2/10

80 minutes of my life that I'll never get back. Terrible movie with a terrible plot coupled with mediocre acting. The writers and directors need to take a few science classes. Half of what was said was very inaccurate and/or outdated.

I feel bad for Morgan Freeman. This film was definitely a money grab on his part. Can't really blame him though. I'd do a short crappy film for millions if I was offered it as well.

Too bad.... I could watch ScarJo running around kicking some ass ANY time :wub:


Edited by J.R.
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Couple funny bits, but never had me roaring. Not much for plot or acting as one would easily guess.

Not saying this because she's overweight, just because of her comedy style; but Melissa McCarthy is exactly like Zach Galifianakis. The comedy is exactly the same every time, like most comediens I guess, save for a few that have some versatility.

Otherwise, like Galifianakis, the comedy gets tiresome very quickly and people move onto the next thing. Will Ferrell went through it and has had some success shying away from his humour style, at least critically (Stranger than Fiction, Everything Must Go); but even he has people saying "it's Ferrell doing what he's known for." So regarding McCarthy, I think she can be funny, but I also don't need to see her do the same thing over and over again to get that she's "the female Chris Farley". Her comedy, to me, is one that people will grow tired of within another year or two, tops.

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Not saying this because she's overweight, just because of her comedy style; but Melissa McCarthy is exactly like Zach Galifianakis. The comedy is exactly the same every time, like most comediens I guess, save for a few that have some versatility.

Otherwise, like Galifianakis, the comedy gets tiresome very quickly and people move onto the next thing. Will Ferrell went through it and has had some success shying away from his humour style, at least critically (Stranger than Fiction, Everything Must Go); but even he has people saying "it's Ferrell doing what he's known for." So regarding McCarthy, I think she can be funny, but I also don't need to see her do the same thing over and over again to get that she's "the female Chris Farley". Her comedy, to me, is one that people will grow tired of within another year or two, tops.

You're allowed to say it because she's fat. Why else does she get work? She was hilarious in Bridesmaids and has completely run with it since. However, NOTHING else she's been in has been funny.

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The Purge: Anarchy- 7/10

When you compare this to the first one, it is just soooooo much better. There are a couple crappy supporting actors, but the main guy was badass. They actually used the concept in a much more proper manner this time around by actually showing the actual Purge. It's not a great movie but it's decently good, it's a masterpiece when compared to the first one.

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The Purge: Anarchy- 7/10

When you compare this to the first one, it is just soooooo much better. There are a couple crappy supporting actors, but the main guy was badass. They actually used the concept in a much more proper manner this time around by actually showing the actual Purge. It's not a great movie but it's decently good, it's a masterpiece when compared to the first one.

I can pretty much some up the movie from the trailer I think.

Guy wants revenge on some guy that killed a family member and sees the yearly purge as a perfect opportunity. On his quest to seek revenge he saves some innocent people from being killed. Most likely throughout his journey he realizes that revenge is not the answer but is eventually captured by some wealthy old farts who want to witnes people getting executed. A gigantic gun blazing climax ensues etcetera etcetera.

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I love me some Hitchcock, but for whatever reason Notorious didn't do it for me. Other than the Bergman-Grant chemistry it just didn't have a lot going on .

Have you seen Shadow of a Doubt? That's my personal favourite.

As I replied earlier, will be watching this tonight. Rating to come.

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I love me some Hitchcock, but for whatever reason Notorious didn't do it for me. Other than the Bergman-Grant chemistry it just didn't have a lot going on .

Have you seen Shadow of a Doubt? That's my personal favourite.

Shadow Of A Doubt is such a good Hitchcock film!!!! Easily in the top 10, maybe top 5. Tough to put it over some others...


Rear Window


North By Northwest

Strangers On A Train

Shadow Of A Doubt


The Wrong Man

The Birds


The 39 Steps



My top 10 just became a top 13. If I thought about it more, a few of the orders might change, and I feel like I am missing a really good movie, but I cant think of it. God Hitchcock is the best!

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Listen To Your Heart: 9.5/10

No one is allowed to judge me for liking chick flick type movies. I just watched this yesterday, and this is one of the most beautiful pieces of work I have ever seen. For a basically low budget indie film, that as far as I knew never made it to theaters, but is on Netflix at least, this movie is amazing. The story is incredible showing us the ups and downs of life and love, the acting is phenomenal, the music is inspiring. All around incredible movie. I'm a dude, and there are few movies that have made me cry in my life. This movie did it though. I really connected with this film and would recommend it to anyone, guy or girl.

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Lucy - 2/10

80 minutes of my life that I'll never get back. Terrible movie with a terrible plot coupled with mediocre acting. The writers and directors need to take a few science classes. Half of what was said was very inaccurate and/or outdated.

I feel bad for Morgan Freeman. This film was definitely a money grab on his part. Can't really blame him though. I'd do a short crappy film for millions if I was offered it as well.

I saw this just tonight. Mostly agree. Outside of the box office returns, I don't see why Freeman or Johansson were in this film. They weren't bad, but they didn't really add anything.

I was surprised to see that this was a Luc Besson film. I usually like his films (more than I liked this one, which I didn't hate, but I'm still feeling a bit negative towards).

I agree about a lot of the "science talk" being a bit out of date. I kinda' turned off my brain after a while when they started in on that stuff. I suppose we were to supposed to be accepting since it was Morgan Freeman saying it. Only 10% of our brain capacity, eh?

The opening segment with Morgan Freeman's lecture, and a few other places in the film (like the white lab) reminded me of Stanley Kubrick's "2001". I suppose the sequences with the "original" Lucy at the water hole was also one of these Kubrick scenes.



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I saw this just tonight. Mostly agree. Outside of the box office returns, I don't see why Freeman or Johansson were in this film. They weren't bad, but they didn't really add anything.

I was surprised to see that this was a Luc Besson film. I usually like his films (more than I liked this one, which I didn't hate, but I'm still feeling a bit negative towards).

I agree about a lot of the "science talk" being a bit out of date. I kinda' turned off my brain after a while when they started in on that stuff. I suppose we were to supposed to be accepting since it was Morgan Freeman saying it. Only 10% of our brain capacity, eh?

The opening segment with Morgan Freeman's lecture, and a few other places in the film (like the white lab) reminded me of Stanley Kubrick's "2001". I suppose the sequences with the "original" Lucy at the water hole was also one of these Kubrick scenes.



luc besson's other recent movie, The Family, starred Robert De Niro, Michelle Pfeiffer, and Tommy Lee Jones, and it is sincerely one of the worst movies i've ever seen

Besson is STILL riding the credibility he has from The Professional and The Fifth Element

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luc besson's other recent movie, The Family, starred Robert De Niro, Michelle Pfeiffer, and Tommy Lee Jones, and it is sincerely one of the worst movies i've ever seen

Besson is STILL riding the credibility he has from The Professional and The Fifth Element

I have yet to see "The Family". Managed to be busy when it was making the rounds I suppose.

I think I like him more as a writer than a director (eg. "District 13"). Not sure what he was thinking to be involved with that screw up "Brick Mansions". Lots of money thrown his way, I suppose.



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luc besson's other recent movie, The Family, starred Robert De Niro, Michelle Pfeiffer, and Tommy Lee Jones, and it is sincerely one of the worst movies i've ever seen

Besson is STILL riding the credibility he has from The Professional and The Fifth Element

The Family is truly terrible. The worst part of the film, and that's saying something because it is a turd,

is how the mob guy in prison finds the link near the end with "the paper" montage that De Niro's son writes in his school newspaper from France

. I know you have to suspend disbelief to a certain point in films, but yeesh, that was painful to watch.


Shadow of a Doubt - 10/10

After watching it, halfway through, I remember watching this when I was 9 years old. After watching Notorious and now this, I'm going on a Hitchcock marathon. Next film will be either Rear Window or Strangers on a Train.

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The Double - 6.5/10

Enemy - 8.5/10

Inspired by this Slate article http://www.slate.com/articles/arts/movies/2014/05/the_double_and_enemy_a_double_review_new_doppelganger_movies_star_jesse.html to watch these as a double-header, because, twos and all.

The Double had all the components of a movie I should love, perfectly minimalist cinematography, surreal set design, fantastic score/soundtrack, and clear influences like Dostoevsky, Kafka and Gilliam's Brazil. But it fell pretty flat. I constantly found my attention wandering. I don't particularly dislike him but I think it might have been Jesse Eisenberg - he just doesn't seem to be up to carrying an entire movie, and having two of him on screen really highlighted this.

Enemy on the other hand was much more subtle. A little slow getting going but as it moved on I was more and more engrossed. That end scene, and the credits .... wow.

There was a Marx quote the professor tells his students in Enemy- something like "All events in history are destined to happen twice, the first time it's tragedy, the second it's farce." Maybe I should have watched these in the opposite order. But it was a worthwhile evening exercise in bilocation.

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Elite Squad 1 & 2 - 10/10 for both

Damn these 2 movies were great. Loved how the narration interacted with the background story about the police, drug trade, and politics in Rio. Acting was superb and the dialogue was so well done it reminded me of a classic Martin Scorcese movie.

300: Rise of an Empire - 5/10

Action and visuals of course were stunning but the story plays out in almost the exact same way for the majority of the movie like in the original. I don't know why since it was in development for a while and was expecting a better delivery. Even ends in a similar fashion.

Take Shelter - 9/10

Notice some you guys mentioned this as one of your all time favorites and decided to watch it. Very impressive. Thought I may have trouble sitting through this one, but the whole movie kept me hooked thanks to Shannon's character which was a hell of a performance.

Noah - 7/10

Thought this had potential to be a masterpiece and I wouldn't say it completely failed. Story was good although silly at times. Visuals and action were great. Russel Crowe was awesome as the main character, but everyone else were really dull. Didn't like the ending either.

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Take Shelter - 9/10

Notice some you guys mentioned this as one of your all time favorites and decided to watch it. Very impressive. Thought I may have trouble sitting through this one, but the whole movie kept me hooked thanks to Shannon's character which was a hell of a performance.

Very glad you liked it. Whenever someone asks me now if I have seen any good movies lately, all I mention is "Take Shelter" and tell them it is a must watch. So far, not one person has come back to me saying that I overhyped it. The emotion that Shannon and Chastain conveyed was mesmerizing. And I really can't remember the last film I watched where the chemistry between an onscreen husband and wife was as authenticate as it was in "Take Shelter." After one viewing, and I've seen it 3 times now, I quickly vaulted it into my Top 10 list.

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