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On 7/23/2018 at 8:05 PM, EoH said:

Thanks for the informative answer and although I stopped squatting for a week it’s still nagging me. By any chance do you happen to be a chiro/physio nearby and may be able to treat me ? Or any recommendations in the lower mainland? 


It will still nag you because it's not a problem that is onset by the squat, it's a biomechanical problem that you will experience with basic things such as sitting and standing. Which region do you live in? I may be able to recommend myself or a specific colleague based on where you are. 

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2 weeks of eating 3500 - 5000 calories a day, and I'm done lol. For the first time in my life, I hate food. 


Im yet to check results, as I'm getting a new weight machine due to my other one being broken.

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The body is wack. 

Kill it on squats, no problem. Kill it on leg press, no problem. Kill it on a combination of them, no problem. Split squat - something I haven't done in a long time? Got wrecked. After 6 sets x2 weeks now, I am absolutely wiped. I go in with energy, and ready to leave on a stretcher. My energy totally sapped, fatigue kicks in, I feel so tired half way through the set, literally sleepy tired I could nap on the bench. It has got to the point where it is not really practical to do them because I need to take 6-7 minute breaks between sets I feel so tired, and if I push it then I start to feel nauseous. 

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3 hours ago, Tortorella's Rant said:

The body is wack. 

Kill it on squats, no problem. Kill it on leg press, no problem. Kill it on a combination of them, no problem. Split squat - something I haven't done in a long time? Got wrecked. After 6 sets x2 weeks now, I am absolutely wiped. I go in with energy, and ready to leave on a stretcher. My energy totally sapped, fatigue kicks in, I feel so tired half way through the set, literally sleepy tired I could nap on the bench. It has got to the point where it is not really practical to do them because I need to take 6-7 minute breaks between sets I feel so tired, and if I push it then I start to feel nauseous. 

The beauty of unilateral training. Rest time changeups I think are really good. For example, if you squat 3x5 and rest 60s in-between each set, when you change to split squats you can do 90s after doing both legs or you can drop the rest down to say 30-45s, but in between legs. When we did Bulgarians for college our variations sometimes were.


4x4-5, 60s rest

4x8-12, 90s rest

4x6-8 with 2-second rest or 3 second eccentric, 30s rest between both legs


Each one, however, would have different rest times, ways of performing. I also think 6 sets is very high in my opinion. 4x4-5 Bulgarian Split Squats with a 60s rest. It will suck, but you won't feel like absolute garbage at the end. 

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16 hours ago, MoneypuckOverlord said:

what to do when a gay guy can't stop checking you out? hella annoying.

Do you work out in a very very small room with coat hangers, a shoe stand and a broom?


Maybe you could...come out? in the long run it might reduce your annoyances.

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On 2018-07-31 at 8:27 PM, MoneypuckOverlord said:

what to do when a gay guy can't stop checking you out? hella annoying.

1.). Maybe it’s in your head.


2.) introduce yourself.  Most likely a conversation will make him aware that you are not interested.

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On 7/31/2018 at 3:00 PM, Rough Neck said:

The beauty of unilateral training. Rest time changeups I think are really good. For example, if you squat 3x5 and rest 60s in-between each set, when you change to split squats you can do 90s after doing both legs or you can drop the rest down to say 30-45s, but in between legs. When we did Bulgarians for college our variations sometimes were.


4x4-5, 60s rest

4x8-12, 90s rest

4x6-8 with 2-second rest or 3 second eccentric, 30s rest between both legs


Each one, however, would have different rest times, ways of performing. I also think 6 sets is very high in my opinion. 4x4-5 Bulgarian Split Squats with a 60s rest. It will suck, but you won't feel like absolute garbage at the end. 

I don't like taking that short of breaks as you are lifting real light weight then. But what does that have to do with split squats kicking my ass where regular heavy squats aren't a problem? That's what I don't get in all of this. I

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Started running again a little this summer as I didn't want to pay to go to a gym to lift ;) Today I almost hit my goal of 5k in <30 mins (30:54). I've seen some big gains in speed early as at the start of the summer I was running 5k in 35+ mins.


The hope is to hit the above goal and also do a 10k to completion and then next summer run a 10k in under an hour. I'm a short guy so speed isn't really my thing, lol!

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29 minutes ago, debluvscanucks said:

Not cool, even if it is a joke.  Neither. is staring or making someone uncomfortable, but the way to address it is verbally not through physical assault.  Or even just ignoring him, as that sends a message of not being interested.  I have gay friends and relatives, some of whom have had to endure bullying and physical violence.  We don't condone that here, at all

100% agree.  If the target of the staring feels the need “kick the ass” of the person staring, who is the predator?  

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I agree, Alf....."someone's staring at me" can only be noticed through....staring back.  Perhaps that person's feeling the same way?  "Why does that guy keep looking at me?".  So it's best to just ignore them, to avoid any of that confusion. 

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On 2018-08-01 at 2:00 PM, NucksPatsFan said:

@EoH Let me know how your appt goes!

So I just recently got back from seeing Jonathan today. I am actually really impressed on his techniques that he used. Being that he did his program in Belgium, I was really surprised how efficient and smooth everything went..even though some of the pressures he applied were insanely painful haha.


All 3 of the previous chiros were recent graduates of UBC. So I have made the realization that most of our Chiros/Physio’s here use more or less of the same technique that we’re taught in their programs and maybe I’m just too use to all the techniques being applied onto my body. 


But definitely, thanks for the recommendation again.

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