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PK Subban: "Jordan’s skill level is much higher than mine"


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Fedor Fedorov

Steve Kariya

Yan Stasny

Jarkko Ruttu

...and another big one I can't quite remember...

LOL. We sure like to get little brothers.

The only good brother of a superstar we ever got was a twin brother.

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Fedor Fedorov

Steve Kariya

Yan Stasny

Jarkko Ruttu

...and another big one I can't quite remember...

LOL. We sure like to get little brothers.

The only good brother of a superstar we ever got was a twin brother.

Jarkko was the older brother.

Ps we had both courtnalls

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Fedor Fedorov

Steve Kariya

Yan Stasny

Jarkko Ruttu

...and another big one I can't quite remember...

LOL. We sure like to get little brothers.

The only good brother of a superstar we ever got was a twin brother.

We sure got the better Bure :emot-parrot:

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Ya, but have you seen this kids moves, or his fights? The only comparason we could watch of Bruno was of him Karting, and he was still in F1, which, even as a back marker makes him a very very good race car driver. Last I seen, he was driving in the LeMans series??

Brings back sad memories when I hear Senna's name, Ayrton and Gilles my favorite drivers ever..both gone.
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Take this with a grain of salt. It's simply an older brother talking up his sibling. If he stays 5.9, he won't be making an impact in the NHL. Sorry to break it to you all.

True to some extent, but I disagree that he won't have an impact if he stays 5'9" which he likely won't.

For a defender, height is key for defending . It essentially marks you down as a shutdown guy, a 50-50 guy, or a pylon. Subban is a 50-50 guy with what I've seen if him. He's more of an offensive dman due to his height restriction and due to that, he has the potential to make impact by doing what he does best and that is getting on the scoresheet. Some of the best dmen in the game today are small and comes to show Jordan can get it done too. Karlsson is 6 feet 175 lbs. Letang 6 feet 195 lbs. Voynov 6 feet 190 lbs. Dan Boyle 5'11" 190 lbs. Torey Krug 5'9" 180 lbs. Mark Streit 5'11" 190 lbs....the list goes on and on.

What I'm trying to get at is his frame won't determine if he'll make an impact or not cause as of now, they way he makes his impact is by scoring and play average-good D as much as he can do his disadvantage and as long as he uses his pros (scoring) to his advantage, he will be able to make an impact.

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Couple videos of fights with Jordan.







Here's one of Subbans highlights, showing some of his grit, but also showing his offensive talents, he's got some good hands for a D.

How come videos don't show up anymore? Why is it only just a link to the page?

remove the s at the end of the http in the link. it doesn't embed if you use the secure version.
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^ tell me about it. Jordan notched up friggen 51 points in 60 or so games in the OHL this last season; tell me that's not effective lol, and he grows some more too, it'll only be a positive.

well, he IS playing against smaller and younger opponents than in the NHL, but he'll just need get stronger as he matures. size may hamper him as far as reach, but if he fills out and stays fast he can still be effective.
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For a fourth rounder he is not expected to make it to the show but he has everything going for him,save some weight/strength and an inch or two.His shot,skating skills and playmaking abilities are already on display.The kid will even throw the mitts.

As for PK pumping his tires I think it is admirable but it is easier to be heard and does lend credibility to your siblings and the public when you have many millions of dollars and a Norris sitting in your parents living room.

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