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[Report] Tanev and Canucks not talking - Major interest from KHL

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It's going to be interesting to see how things shake out for Ian White.

Given the current climate--cap reduction league-wide and the big money frenzy long passed--there's a good chance that White will be forced to take a serious pay cut to secure NHL employment.

He's coming off a $2.875 million AAV deal and his last season probably devalued him. His strong numbers in 2011-12 probably mitigate things somewhat but, at least on paper, his 2012-13 season was disastrous (in terms of setting value going into free agency).

He had huge drops across the board in terms of his productivity (while still getting pretty good minutes and power play time). It also doesn't help that he sat as a healthy scratch for the last dozen or so games of the regular season and for the entire playoff run.

All things considered, he might be available for something under $2 million (possibly well under) on a short-term deal.

He's a good fit for the Canucks in many ways (RH shot, pretty smooth skating, good puckmover, offensive potential, PP ability, etc.) but he's also very undersized and doesn't play physical at all. Assuming Tanev's back and Weber stays for depth, adding White would make for a pretty soft overall group (and would require the top-four Ds to shoulder the entire load in terms of bringing grit and physicality). I'd hate to see the Canucks put into a situation where they absolutely had to play some big bruiser who can't skate just to balance out the lack of physicality on their back end.

That said, White still ticks quite a few of the boxes and he's a better option than many of the other possibilities. I'd just be happier if he was a little bigger and stronger, even if not all that physical (Hainsey comes to mind here as a better option--if the reported price tag is even close to accurate).

If White's value plummets and he's available for a serious discount (around $1 million), then I'd certainly be on board for bringing him in for depth (even if Tanev's re-signed). However, for anything above the $1.5 - 2.0 million range, I'd rather give Tanev whatever he wants (within reason) and look to add some cheaper depth guys with a little more size.

White folds like a cheap accordion when subjected to physical pressure. Gets by during the regular season but cannot handle playoffs. Pass!

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White folds like a cheap accordion when subjected to physical pressure. Gets by during the regular season but cannot handle playoffs. Pass!

Didn't I mention that his size and his lack of physicality were among my primary concerns?

That's why I'd only consider him at a discount and for depth purposes (and with his signing augmented by the additional signing of other depth Ds with size and grit).

This is not a player that I'd like to see penciled as a regular in the Canucks' starting six, especially during the playoffs (unless there was a serious rash of injuries--which pretty much wrecks any team's chances for the postseason anyway).

That all said, you basically conceded (by saying that he "gets by during the regular season") that he could be useful depth over an 82 game schedule. I wouldn't be looking for anything more than "getting by" from Ian White (as that's pretty much the definition of a depth player's role). Like I said, I'd only sign him at a discount and for depth--and if he provided more than that (like a return to his 2011-12 production), it would be a huge bonus.

It takes a wide variety of players to fill-out a roster and depth chart. On defense, the Canucks have a set top-four that shoulders most of the load. Tanev (if re-signed) and a couple others will help take some of the weight but most of the players beyond the first 5 or 6 Ds are not going to be expected to play more of a role than some very limited sheltered minutes and injury relief (especially during the playoffs).

However, to get to the playoffs, you need to have regular season success. 82 games is a marathon and guys go down with injuries. You need capable replacement players. No depth player comes with the perfect package of attributes for his position (if he did, he'd be a starter in the top half of the lineup). As far as the D, you need players who can sub in to the bottom pairing and who can occasionally play top-four roles when needed.

While White lacks size and grit, he does have the skillset to play 20+ minutes (including PP time), move the puck, and occasionally provide some scoring punch. You need this type of player during the regular season.

The Canucks currently have a couple holes to fill on the D depth chart. There are a number of options out there and White is one of them. I've been pretty clear that he's not my first choice. However, the Canucks must compete with 29 other teams for players and Vancouver has limited cap space to throw at the remaining depth signings. If White fits their budget (and allows them to spend more money elsewhere), then he's not a bad pick-up. He could be useful, if the price is right (and the right complimentary depth players are also added to the D).

This isn't the time of the year for signing depth players intended for the playoffs. Right now, you complete a roster that gets you through 82 games and hopefully wins enough games to get a spot in the postseason. The month leading up to the trading deadline is the time for readdressing depth charts with a view to the playoffs. At the point, depending on the health and performance of the lineup, the Canucks can look toward adding a depth D for insurance during the postseason (if necessary).

EDIT: grammar and flow

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I think folks are slightly exaggerating White's 'softness' - there's more grit to this guy than is being suggested here - he's certainly not a bruising blueliner, but he's also not a shrinking violet - and he's also blocked 100-150 shots a season - which would have put him neck and neck with Edler for the Canuck's leader...

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This thread is now relegated to comedy gold.

So many people were freaking out and jumping to silly conclusions, some even calling Tanev's character into question.

And look at that, signed in August to a very reasonable deal. We should keep this thread as a cautionary tale.

If you posted something silly, I hope you learn from it. That's not too much to ask, is it?

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I like White as a player, but don't see a fit for him with the emergence of Corrado and the signing of Weber. Tanev should be back, it's just a matter of time until he's signed, so that doesn't leave a lot of spots open on the right, especially if we still use Garrison on his off side.

Opinion/conjecture rather than fact, which is exactly the opposite of the post you replied to. So he didn't forget them, but of course you knew that.

No need to summarize the knee jerk reactions of other posters when they seem to do just fine on their own.

Whatever you say, man.

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This thread is now relegated to comedy gold.

So many people were freaking out and jumping to silly conclusions, some even calling Tanev's character into question.

Of course, we are talking about Gillis who seems to want top players to take discounts so he can overpay plug 4th liners and 3rd pairing D so you never know, ;

Looks like the premature dramatizing has come to a conclusion.

Depth D - Tanev 1.5, Alberts 600k, Weber 650k, Corrado 599k. Other than Corrado's ELC, all one year deals, no NTCs, all reasonable cap hits...

O/MG - the overpayments here turned out to be epic!

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  • 3 months later...

Looks like the premature dramatizing has come to a conclusion.

Depth D - Tanev 1.5, Alberts 600k, Weber 650k, Corrado 599k. Other than Corrado's ELC, all one year deals, no NTCs, all reasonable cap hits...

O/MG - the overpayments here turned out to be epic!

Real question is how they do next offseason.

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Real question is how they do next offseason.

How who does?

Next offseason should be much less challenging.

Virtually everyone locked up - only Santorelli and Alberts are UFAs. Tanev, Kassian, Schroeder, Weise, Weber, Dalpe and Welsh are RFAs - but the team will have 7 million more in cap space to work with, and the option of a buyout if they want more or aren't satisfied with Booth's showing the rest of this season.

They have Stanton for another year at 550k before becoming an RFA, and Corrado a year closer to NHL ready. They'll also have a whole pool of prospects a year closer.

This past offseason was the heavy lifting imo.

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How who does?

Next offseason should be much less challenging.

Virtually everyone locked up - only Santorelli and Alberts are UFAs. Tanev, Kassian, Schroeder, Weise, Weber, Dalpe and Welsh are RFAs - but the team will have 7 million more in cap space to work with, and the option of a buyout if they want more or aren't satisfied with Booth's showing the rest of this season.

They have Stanton for another year at 550k before becoming an RFA, and Corrado a year closer to NHL ready. They'll also have a whole pool of prospects a year closer.

This past offseason was the heavy lifting imo.

Yes more space but will we use it for a 2nd/1st liner ufa? Trade etc?

Tanev signing long term at decent rate. Alberts back?

Santi new deal?

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Yes more space but will we use it for a 2nd/1st liner ufa? Trade etc?

Tanev signing long term at decent rate. Alberts back?

Santi new deal?

Hopefully they can get away with an added 2.3 for Santo and Tanev - Tanev 4 years / 12 millionish - Santo 2 years / 3 million with moderate raises for a few of the RFAs. Should leave a minimum of 4+ million to work with...

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i call bs on going to khl. he'll get 1.5ish to stay he's not going overseas and if he does nucks still own his rights when he come crawling back.plus no team would offersheet him or kassian. this strictly an agent doing his job to bad gillis knows these games well.

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i call bs on going to khl. he'll get 1.5ish to stay he's not going overseas and if he does nucks still own his rights when he come crawling back.plus no team would offersheet him or kassian. this strictly an agent doing his job to bad gillis knows these games well.

Well obviously not, he re-signed....

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