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[Injury] Burrows Out


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Wonder who gets the call up. I can't imagine they don't call someone up. Grenier, Pelletier or Archibald?

Whoever they do call up will be played in the bottom 6 unless of course Schroeder comes back pretty soon. But It'll be Archibald if they do call someone up.
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Bergeron played through broken ribs and cartilage damage among other things.....

Again, in the PLAYOFFS, not regular season. Do you not understand that if a player is injured during the regular season he sits out but if he's injured during the playoffs he plays through it unless it's a season/career threatening injury? Think before you post.

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Whoever they do call up will be played in the bottom 6 unless of course Schroeder comes back pretty soon. But It'll be Archibald if they do call someone up.

agreed, and in all honesty should never have been sent down in the first place.. How long does it take to waive the worst Corsi play in the league.

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How many players were tried with the Sedins that didn't work?I can name only two with the Canucks that worked well. Carter and Burrows


Great. Still a massive overpayment if we can only expect goals from him while playing with them. We complain about the stupid contracts on our team but nobody sees a problem with this contract because everyone loves Burrows. That love is blinding.

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Burrows out. Now Edler out.

Remember Sturm and Samuelsson were both 'injured' at the time of the trade for Booth. Just sayin'

Still no word on what the hell happened to Edler.

He banged his knee. They showed the replay. These situations are so far from similar. Not really worth mentioning but okay.

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Great. Still a massive overpayment if we can only expect goals from him while playing with them. We complain about the stupid contracts on our team but nobody sees a problem with this contract because everyone loves Burrows. That love is blinding.

If all you expect is goals I'm not sure how much you understand about the game of hockey.

Burrows needs to score for sure. He was massively underpaid for years not only scoring goals but also playing really good hockey. Now he's overpaid but only because he hasn't been scoring. Outside of that his game has been great. I'd trade Burrows in a heart beat if it meant making this team better but that doesn't change your blinding need simplify things to the lowest common denominator. In two games something Burrows did resulted in a goal he got no credit for and he saved a sure goal from going in. Those don't show up on a stats sheet though so they don't count? Well they don't count to people who don't understand at least. The point earlier was that not many people work with the Sedins. Your point about him only getting points because of them is silly. I'm sorry you see anybody that disagrees with you here as a love struck fan boy. I'm not one though. I only disagree with you because you're being foolish.

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If all you expect is goals I'm not sure how much you understand about the game of hockey.

Burrows needs to score for sure. He was massively underpaid for years not only scoring goals but also playing really good hockey. Now he's overpaid but only because he hasn't been scoring. Outside of that his game has been great. I'd trade Burrows in a heart beat if it meant making this team better but that doesn't change your blinding need simplify things to the lowest common denominator. In two games something Burrows did resulted in a goal he got no credit for and he saved a sure goal from going in. Those don't show up on a stats sheet though so they don't count? Well they don't count to people who don't understand at least. The point earlier was that not many people work with the Sedins. Your point about him only getting points because of them is silly. I'm sorry you see anybody that disagrees with you here as a love struck fan boy. I'm not one though. I only disagree with you because you're being foolish.

LOL. I understand the game plenty.

Let me restate my opinion on this because I never really did that aside from calling his contract garbage. Yes, he's usually pretty good with the twins. He's an effective PKer, agitator, grinder, physical player with respectable defensive awareness. Nobody disputes this. But the point I'm making is that despite this it still doesn't justify his contract @ 4.5. That's profoundly retarded if anyone thinks differently. You might as well give Dale Weise a similar contract. I knew long before he got that contract his offensive output was largely in part due to the twins. Continue to call me foolish if you want but I think it's incredibly foolish to pay someone a massive amount of money when the biggest part of his game for the past x number of seasons has been piggy backed by significantly better offensive players. If that player EVER hits a rut, struggles to find his game, you're paying 4.5 million for a third liner or fringe second liner, which is exactly what we're doing now.

Not to mention this team is and has been hampered with stupid ass contracts for years now.

Critical thinking. It's amazing what it can do for you!

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LOL. I understand the game plenty.


But the point I'm making is that despite this it still doesn't justify his contract @ 4.5. That's profoundly retarded if anyone thinks differently. You might as well give Dale Weise a similar contract.


Critical thinking. It's amazing what it can do for you!

Not as profoundly retarded as making a statement like that to try and support your argument.

What your missing I think is that while any player that plays with the Twins will benefit from their skill, only a few players have actually contributed to making the twins better. Burrows is the only player on our team with that claim at this point (Bertuzzi and Samuelsson were the others) and rather than just taking he points on offer he's also been the best and most consistent point producer while adding all the things you agree he's very good at already.

If he didn't bring anything to the table offensively apart from what the twins provide, then they possibly wouldn't have had their career years and he wouldn't have done any more than what guys like Carter, Klatt, Pyatt, King, etc. have done.

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Continue to call me foolish if you want but I think it's incredibly foolish to pay someone a massive amount of money when the biggest part of his game for the past x number of seasons has been piggy backed by significantly better offensive players.

Yeah, good thing he had the Sedins here:

Here too, didn't do any of this on his own:

Anyhow, don't have time to dig them up.

Here's the thing - you undermine the sport by suggesting the set ups equate to goals. There has to be finish. Jostling for position and getting out of the way of the puck. If you haven't seen the amount of abuse Burr's had to incur in order to BE in that spot for the Sedins' set ups, you're not watching closely enough. As well, it diverts some of the attention AWAY from the Sedins to allow them room to do their stuff when he creates chaos elsewhere. Duh.

This totally discredits you...to suggest that Burr is the beneficiary of anything. Everything he gets is earned out there and you look like a fool if you try to argue anything else. God, even guys who can't stand him (Ron McLean, looking at you), would give credit as due in that.

No piggy backing at all. Nose to the grindstone hard work.

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LOL. I understand the game plenty.

Ok. Fair enough. Then surely we can agree that Burrows was underpaid for several years . Scoring 35 goals, and 25+ on three other occasions.

We are paying him now . If he starts scoring he is worth this 4.5mil in its own right. If not, he still brings many other tools to the table such as PK, checking, and grit.

When we talk about 'overpaid ' we can look to Luongo who was never underpaid or Booth who is severely overpaid. Calling Burrows out is barking up the wrong tree.

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