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Lucic says he'll never go to DT Vancouver

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Rivalries make this sport what it is.......but when rivalries become hatred for another team or player to the point in which you would like to see them get hurt in some form or another then, you have lost touch with reality. It's just a game....And that statement is from a guy who has watched the NHL since the mid 70's. These people are just like you and me, they have loved ones, family, friends and personal issues going on in their lives just like you and me.

I never really understood this hatred.....rivalries should be celebrated, with out them this sport would be boring to watch. Just look at how amped up people in Vancouver and this site get when a rival comes to town, but lets maintain some perspective and have a look around ourselves and see what is really important in life. Family, friends , loved ones...these are the important things....and how you would fell if somebody perpetrated violence against one of them..........hockey is just a game.

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I find it interesting that everyone just assumes the guy is a Canucks fan giving Vancouver a bad name ect. what's to say it isn't some ignorant leafs fan visiting from Toronto or a Hawks fan trying to rub in last year? Just because it happened in Vancouver doesn't necessarily mean it was a Canucks fan.

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Define classy fans. Show me a team (that has an actuial large fanbase) that has these super classy fans with zero incidents.

Every team with big fan bases have classless fans and I never said everyone needs to have class. BUT there is a fine line that fans shouldn't cross and when incidents like this happen to HOMETOWN HEROES like Lucic, it crosses that line. That's my problem, the fact that Lucic is from Vancouver and also played for the Giants. We shouldn't treat our fellow Vancouverites like this, it is a whole new level of classless.
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For all the people that are right now self-loathing Canucks fans due to what one Drunk idiot did, perhaps it would be worth it for them to revisit this little clip.

*Warning Graphic Language

So here we have 30+ Drunk Boston Fans and yet I still don't think it would be fair to lump the larger portion of Boston fans into a group from what these INDIVIDUALS chose to do.

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Every team with big fan bases have classless fans and I never said everyone needs to have class. BUT there is a fine line that fans shouldn't cross and when incidents like this happen to HOMETOWN HEROES like Lucic, it crosses that line. That's my problem, the fact that Lucic is from Vancouver and also played for the Giants. We shouldn't treat our fellow Vancouverites like this, it is a whole new level of classless.

You keep saying we as its every vancouverites fault this happened.

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I am not Lucic's biggest fan but this is a crap act by the people of Van city. Not only does this add to the whole "burn your city down" BS we get stuck with, it takes one of the best homegrown talents we have and throws him to the wind...Even if he is a dirty player, the only reason people hate on him is the jersey he puts on for games.

Show some f****n respect to people. Not that hard of a concept. I know for the most part none of us on CDC have anything to do with the crap image we have in the league, but it still makes me ashamed that a guy from Vancouver doesnt even want anything to do with his hometown anymore.

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Wow Lucic is only trying to chill with some of his buddy's he probably barely sees.

Then why not go to one of their homes or a smaller pub? Where he can visit in peace. Why put yourself in a vulnerable position? Why head down to Dbag central on a Saturday night? If you go looking for trouble you usually find it.

A little personal responsibility goes a long way in situations like this.

Sure he has the right to go anywhere in the city and do whatever but that doesn't mean it's a good idea.

Just because I have the right to don a white robe and pointy hood and wander around Watts County in LA. Does not make it a good idea.

Also, someone should inform him that threatening to kill people is a criminal offense.

We shouldn't treat our fellow Vancouverites like this, it is a whole new level of classless.

While we're on the subject of class.

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you know what sux about this?? if Lucic ever become a free agent or be traded.. there's no way in hell it's going to be vancouver after how some of the people treat him and his family here. So what he played on the Boston team that took the cup from us.. Are you guys going to trash every player that plays elsewhere and beat us in a championship game? sure it's only a minority.. but it's always the minority that makes it on the news and stereotype all of us normal fans.. what other free agents going to think about the city's fan? i don't think the "he prolly shouldn't be there, he's a professional" excuse should be made.. professional athlete ain't human now? they ain't allow to go have fun with friends like a "normal" person? so is he condemned from going to parties clubs for the rest of his playing career?

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it doesn't happen anywhere as far as I have ever heard or seen. Only here because we have the highest amount of loser fans in this city.

We have more fans than 75% of other clubs minimum. These fans come from all walks of life. I don't think we have more loser fans %-wise than any other team. They just get all the press. Of the 100's of thousands of Canucks fans, only a few 100 were involved in the riots as actual rioters. Most were watchers. We all get painted with the same brush.

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"Can't really blame the people of Vancouver"…what if he had gotten cracked over the back of the head with a bottle and was seriously hurt? Singing the same tune? This isn't the first time that he, his family, or his community has been harassed in his own hometown too. But I guess you "can't really blame the people of Vancouver" for defacing the church he went to growing up just because of the outcome of a hockey series.


^Now that's class…take notes, Boston!

The idiocy that is so prevalent in this fanbase is nothing short of embarrassing.

I have spent countless hours here educating people like you just how silly it is to paint an entire city as classless based on the actions of two people, so,I won't go down that road again except to say that it's a good thing we don't judge all of Boston by that act of two notorious and insane people now isn't it. That would be an absurd idea, just as your entire premise is. Bad apples are everywhere it just so happens that almost everyone in the city is a Nuks fan so there you go, there's gonna be a few rotten ones.

Also, one thing I can tell you about the Boston Bruins is they are media manipulators and play the PR game better than any team in the league. It's not surprising they found something to deflect from their thumping in Vancouver.

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CA I completely respect your opinions but I have to politely disagree with you on this one. These acts are idiotic but you are lumping the entire fanbase of the Canucks into a category for things that were perpetrated by individuals.

Blaming an entire demographic because of what individuals do is ignorant at best. These people doing these things do so for more reasons than being Canucks fans, perhaps they feel this gives them an excuse to break the law, but my guess is these people would be doing things like this even if there wasn't hockey to give them that excuse.

I am not blaming a demographic or the whole fanbase (take note I said idiocy was prevalent, not entirely consuming). But there is no doubt that there is a large amount of 'Canucks fans' who are just straight up idiots and make the rest of us look bad.

I don't believe it's a majority, but it's certainly a lot of people. Other fanbases have their issues too, but on this scale? It'd be tough to convince me. And the attitude being displayed by some posters here only reinforces that. It is not all Canucks fans, but it's not individuals here and there either.

This isn't an isolated incident, it's another black mark in a loooong series of blemishes on the fanbase.

P.S. I do agree completely that a lot of them would be finding some other way to vent their stupidity without hockey.


<3 will join mafia again soon

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Well mr goon, thanks for telling us you won't be here much. Can't really blame the people of Vancouver after you decided to go to the busiest club/bar after a blowout game to 'blow off steam'...sounds more like you were looking to get into trouble with those words but hey, it must suck not being wanted in Vancouver where you're practically born from.

I'm sorry but what an idiotic post.

So you're blaming Lucic for the reportedly unprovoked attack by some idiot (I won't say a fan because a true fan would never do this).

Seriously, do you also blame rape victims for dressing too provocatively?

I hope Lucic does go after the guy legally and nails his arse so everyone can all get to know the idiots name. Every city has its seedy underbelly so I'd like to think this is no reflection on the City and the people who live here. But the only thing NHL fans across the league will see is the headline that will reinforce the notion that Canuck fans are the worst in the NHL.

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