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Gillis silent while Canucks need him most (Bold moves my ass)


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Great opening comments from Jamaicacare and "right on the money". The truth hurts - but until Aqualini gets off his ^$$ and shows some concern and respect for the people of this city and fires MG - this team will slowly decline in importance and sink in value. Maybe that's what it will take for Aqualini to wake-up and most likely the only thing he really cares about in the end as it's quite clear there is no concern whatsoever about the success or not of the team. Only that good folks keep spending their hard earned dollars on the brand. As he undoubtedly knows by now - people are tuning out, turning off and leaving more & more empty seats in the no longer sold out games. They better watch out because the wave could turn into a tsunami very quickly and take years to reverse.

History has a cruel habit of repeating itself and what I see are signs of the canuck virus of the 70's/80's in the distance and getting closer.

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Great opening comments from Jamaicacare and "right on the money". The truth hurts - but until Aqualini gets off his ^$$ and shows some concern and respect for the people of this city and fires MG - this team will slowly decline in importance and sink in value. Maybe that's what it will take for Aqualini to wake-up and most likely the only thing he really cares about in the end as it's quite clear there is no concern whatsoever about the success or not of the team. Only that good folks keep spending their hard earned dollars on the brand. As he undoubtedly knows by now - people are tuning out, turning off and leaving more & more empty seats in the no longer sold out games. They better watch out because the wave could turn into a tsunami very quickly and take years to reverse.

History has a cruel habit of repeating itself and what I see are signs of the canuck virus of the 70's/80's in the distance and getting closer.

Gets off his $$?? We spend to the cap, increased scouting, added specialists for the players, and bought out a player. What more is there to spend $$ on?

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Bottom line Gillis is an idiot incompetent gm that is just full of himself! Excuses after excuses. Needs to make a trade for a MUCH NEEDED GOAL SCORING SNIPER PLAYER instead of finding excuses to not pull the trigger on a deal! Most hockey fans I talk to say the same thing so keep drinking that GILLIS FLAVOURED KOOL AID IDIOTS! And I won't be coming back to read your retarded views, the guy needs to get fired! So enjoy watching the now more superior western teams like the Ducks, Sharks, Kings beat u on your beloved Canucks and Booth sucks!

Our beloved Canucks now?

Much like in real life, you've now exposed yourself to everyone and will be eventually punished for it. Walk carefully troll.

You've contributed nothing, you've said nothing, you've whined complained and insulted and that is indicative of your age and desperate need for attention.

So be careful, because none of us will feel bad when you get suspended or banned for using such foul language (if indeed that is language at all) let alone cry when you get banned.

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Bottom line Gillis is an idiot incompetent gm that is just full of himself! Excuses after excuses. Needs to make a trade for a MUCH NEEDED GOAL SCORING SNIPER PLAYER instead of finding excuses to not pull the trigger on a deal! Most hockey fans I talk to say the same thing so keep drinking that GILLIS FLAVOURED KOOL AID IDIOTS! And I won't be coming back to read your retarded views, the guy needs to get fired! So enjoy watching the now more superior western teams like the Ducks, Sharks, Kings beat u on your beloved Canucks and Booth sucks!

Wow...and to think, my 13 year old self would have probably posted something like this...*shivers*

Funny how people are thinking this team is going to crash and burn into another Keenan/late 90's like era again. We're no longer the goalie graveyard we once were and we finally have some blue chip prospects in the system. There are going to be some bad seasons with this, we're not the Detroit Red Wings. It's near impossible for any teams these days to stay dominant for over 20 years especially with the salary cap. Be thankful that we've been a decent team for the better part of the last 10+ years.

As for this season, I'm not too optomistic. A Gillis firing may be a nice change in scenery but it's not the solution to all our problems. I'd rather just fight through the rest of this season than to trade one of our prospects or draft picks for a top 6. With the passing of Bourdon and trading of Hodgson, Vancouver hasn't been able to develop a top-end prospect for a while now and I want to see that happen with the likes of Horvat and/or Shinkaruk.

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Bottom line Gillis is an idiot incompetent gm that is just full of himself! Excuses after excuses. Needs to make a trade for a MUCH NEEDED GOAL SCORING SNIPER PLAYER instead of finding excuses to not pull the trigger on a deal! Most hockey fans I talk to say the same thing so keep drinking that GILLIS FLAVOURED KOOL AID IDIOTS! And I won't be coming back to read your retarded views, the guy needs to get fired! So enjoy watching the now more superior western teams like the Ducks, Sharks, Kings beat u on your beloved Canucks and Booth sucks!

What about the non-retarded views?



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Same kind of irony as thinking that the Germans bombed pearl harbour?

Certainly similar irony to not recognizing a famous movie quote...

Gets off his $$?? We spend to the cap, increased scouting, added specialists for the players, and bought out a player. What more is there to spend $$ on?

I think he was trying a clever way to bypass the swear filter.

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Ah Erhoff?!? Last I recall he is with Buffalo. Booth? He's been in Vigneault and Tort's dog house up to this day! Schneider? We should have gotten more for him. Like what can't you not see that this guy is horrible at his job? Malhotra? What happened there? Gillis was concerned about his 'eye injury' and he'd never be healthy enough to play again. Like I state the only decent addition he's made is Hamhuis. Everybody else has been plugs an from the prior regime. Hodgson trade? Jury is still out on Kassian. Micheal Grabner? Prodcing pretty nicely there for the Islanders

Calm down and take a breath because you're spewing so fast that some of it isn't making sense. Especially when calling others morons, it seems important.

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Calm your tits this is gonna blow over this is not a coach player or GM thing its the refs and the league that are keeping the Canucks down they screwed them in the finals now they can never allow them to get back to that level they put away the whistles and allow teams to take liberties to slow them down. Watch each time the Canucks get going the refs will start the blind routine its always against the contending American teams i also see the most soft calls ever being made to give those American teams power plays they also seem to not care 1 tiny bit about our players safety and well being during those stretches.

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I think next season there will be 3 or 4 pieces changing on this team. I don't know about bold moves but I think if we don't make the playoffs then he needs to sit down with the whole team and ask if everyone or anyone is willing to be traded because the core chemistry needs to be changed.

Before next season lots of teams will be making changes, this year we are stuck with what we got. We will not trade away any young guys. We need them on our team.

I would like to see the Sedins on the 2nd line next year, and I would like to see a new first line emerge. I think Kesler should maybe play wing, or go back to being a 3rd line defensive center.

I also think this season Danial should play winger with Kesler playing centre and maybe Higgins on the other wing. Line 2 maybe Henrik between burrows and Kassian.

Perhaps a lot of what Torts was trying at the beginning of the year should be tried again. We need some fresh talented blood on this team next season. This core is heading towards a dead end.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Where is M.G?. He has been hiding for weeks now and is avoiding all responsibility in this franchises decline. Why won't Aqualini step-up and turf M.G. before we turn into the flames.

because we are nowhere close to being the flames and people need to stop with this crap

the Canucks have a future in their prospects the Flames and squat after their runs and never developed any talent the Canucks have players like Tanev Lack Kassian Schroeder Dalpe Stanton contributing plus Gaunce Horvat Shinkaruk Corrado Eriksson and others in the minors and juniors

the Canucks are way ahead in terms of any sort of rebuild compared to the Flames back then and even now

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Where is M.G?. He has been hiding for weeks now and is avoiding all responsibility in this franchises decline. Why won't Aqualini step-up and turf M.G. before we turn into the flames.

Yup, he's clearly taken the phone off the hook and the battery out of his Blackberry and is now curled up in the fetal position at the bottom of his closet. Obviously he's given up otherwise we would have seen trades for Kane, O'Reilly, Moulson and Huberdeau already.

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