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Gillis silent while Canucks need him most (Bold moves my ass)


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Someone else mentioned Nill trading his second best player for a younger more dynamic (hopefully, and it has turned out) player. But that team was truly in a re-building phase. And they went about re-building.

I bring up the Nill thing because he was willing to pay a price to bring in a number one center. He knew he did not have it. Gillis has been getting what is available, regardless of whether it really fills a hole. Case in point is acquiring Ballard, Hamhuis, then Garrison and last re-signing Edler. Now Stanton. Left handed 2 way D when we're stacked is greedily grabbing a good value rather than actually addressing the needs of the team.

Grabbing Kassian was such a bold move. We did need a PF, and dynamic winger to play with the Twins. Problem was it was poorly scouted, and he was not ready. And we were not re-building, and gave up a valuable player. So we still need a PF top winger to play with Twins.


They were also not a playoff team. Where are they this year after that deal?

In fairness to Dallas they could be in coming years if they keep building the right way, but there isn't much of a guarantee for them right now. It could have backfired, and then they'd be building a bit longer, but it looks like it's worked for them right now.

As you say, we did the same with Kassian for Hodgson. Certainly Kassian isn't a bust or anything, but it hasn't been the success people want it to be just yet. But Ballard was also a move of trying to get something rather than waiting for what comes available. Neither was quite as high profile as Seguin for Eriksson, but still similar style moves.

Re-signing Edler is a far better move than the Leafs bringing back Phaneuf for what they did. Hamhuis was a great move since he's been nothing but very good for us and Garrison and Stanton have booth been good as well.

As far as the Anaheim game, it was less about a PMD hanging us up by being hemmed in our own zone and more about two other things: converting out chances and not making critical mistakes. Would a PMD help? Sure, but Edler's out so who's to say he (and Stanton) wouldn't have helped make a bit of a difference at least. Certainly already established PMDs (and 1st line wings, particularly power forwards) don't just grow on trees, never mind in a year where teams have trouble making moves because of the cap.

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Team isn't going to be getting any help any time soon. Gillis will not/cannot do anything, so the team has to pull itself up by the bootstraps.

- More intensity needed from the Sedins (go to 3:10):

- Garrison needs to use his size and start protecting the front of the net better (same can be said for almost all D-men except maybe Stanton).

-Booth needs to play with the same intensity he showed in the LA series two years ago.

- Kassian needs to not only show up for his teammates in games against bigger teams like LA/Anaheim but also initiate physical play.

- Kevin Bieksa needs to take off his casual Kevin cape and bring back the superman punch.

- Higgins, Hansen, Santo need to win more battles along the boards

- Tanev, Sestito, Richardson need to keep playing consistently

Unless the team starts making changes within, nothing is going to change.

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I am of the opinion that Gillis is having an amazing year at the helm. Not only has he added a tremendous amount of skill to our prospect pool, but also has brought in a lot of players that are contributing at the NHL level for dirt cheap. We are competing in a very hard devision while being severly injured. I am impressed to say the least. I think Gillis is also in the right by waiting until the team is fully healthy (or at least healthier) until he decides which players, if any he wants to trade for. When back to health he'll be able to decide which players he is willing to give up (I would assume a defenseman and or a depth forward like Hansen) and for what need a player is most required. I also think that this recent string of injuries will help Gillis see future replacements for the holes left by trading a player. We will still be competing for a playoff spot come the trade deadline so why not wait to make a move until then when teams are actually willing to make moves?

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He's done a lot with very little, but he'll have to decide if he can make moves now or if adding a proper top 6 offensive forward in the offseason will work. If not, then there should be changes where this team gets prepared even more so for the future.

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Okay, bold moves....

Jim Nill did score Tyler Seguin from Boston, but he gave up two top six forwards to get him in Eriksson and Reilly Smith who has been amazing this year. Dallas is still not a playoff team and they have limited depth. Dallas still has a ton of work left to do if they want to catch the teams leading their division.

There are almost ZERO trades in the NHL these days. Teams are either against the cap or at their budget limit. I personally think Gillis adding Richardson, Santorelli, and Stanton for nothing was smart. He traded Cory Schneider in part because we had a back up option in Lack. There is a glut of goaltenders in the NHL right now. There is almost no market currently for goaltending.

Gravity was bound to drag the Canucks down out of top spot in a thirty team league. I personally think the underdog role in the playoffs will suit the team better anyway. If they open the playoffs on the road, good things could happen. No one picked the Kings to win anything when they were #8 seeds in 2012. No one picked the Bruins in 2011 either, a year removed from the 3-0 collapse against the Flyers.

Which team right now is willing to move a top 4 D-man who is good with the puck? Which team is willing to part with a top 6 winger who can hit? There are 30 teams in the league seeking those players right now.

If anything, I want Gillis to shut up about "bold moves" and just level with us. It has never been tougher to find a trade partner in the NHL. http://www.tsn.ca/tradecentre/feature/?id=11986 Where are the bold moves for any team in the league right now? Everyone is shifting bottom six forwards and overpriced players. Which overpriced contract are we wanting?

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What big trade? You mean a junior player hopeful for a roster player?

Waiver wire pick ups are depth players,at best.Santo is a miracle on a real struggling team.First line with the twins,you know?

The Canucks have won 23 out of 43 games.

Anaheim have 31 wins.

The conference is tight.Canucks are looking at 9th place in a heartbeat.

It's a process.

This post is just a ball of random statements, what does Anaheim having 31 wins have to do with anything?

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HE has dodged the bullet big time by having Santorelli over-perform and Lack turn out to be much better than could be expected. LUck not skill has kept this team close to being competitive.

Give Gillis no credit for the development of Lack! Or no credit for signing Santorelli! Now I get it.
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This team is not a trade away from being a contender it's 3 pieces away. Number 1 dman, and 2 top 6 forwards one needing to be a sniper/game changer. One trade or move for either of those pieces is not going to make this team a contender and giving up the farm is far too risky.

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Well, you're in luck since Gillis hasn't been talking about bold moves for some time. In fact he's been talking about how tough it is to make a trade in today's market. It's just CDC that keeps bringing it up.

I just wish he had never said it at all. I have agreed with most of the moves he has made, though if he really wanted to make a statement, he would have let the Sedins go as UFAs at the end of the season. I understand why he signed them, since there is no guarantee you can replace them and it signals a rebuild if you can't. Canucks fans don't have the patience for a rebuild, not a proper one anyway. The teams everyone seems to want to emulate spent years at the bottom of the NHL collecting top draft picks. It worked for Chicago, Los Angeles and Pittsburgh, but it hasn't for Columbus, Florida and the Islanders.

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Show your displeasure of running your goalie by being reciprocal with the other goalie. Get in his face and make him uncomfortable. Did we see that last night -no, then why the hell not. Torts is preaching net presence who other than Sestito showed any net presence.

We hear all the hockey cliches about strong forecheck, get in front of the net, score some dirty ones, play our game etc etc etc. Well I say do the walk like Torts wants, not the talk.The ducks manhandled us last night. We continued to be suave and nonchalant and look what happened. I expected more from Dany last night. It was heart breaking to me as well. Up a goal with six minutes to go, game gets tied and we lose it in OT with .6 of a second left. Shame.

Maybe some truth in this statement? We can and should expect some gritty play from Kassian and Booth. We see plenty from Santorelli, Higgins, Burrows, Hansen... But there comes a time where their grit, as admirable as it is, only gets so far.

One seriously obvious problem is Higgins is 205lbs, but Hansen is 190, Burrows 186, Santorelli about 190. While we're at it the Twins (who play hard on the boards) are 186. Kesler swings above his 202 lb weight in terms of strength and speed. He is the only physically dominant player in our top 6.

Dustin Penner is 247 lbs, Selanne 209, Perry 212, Getzlaf 221 lbs...

Dustin Brown is 210 lbs, King 230, Jeff Carter 214, Stoll 212 and Kopitar 224.

San Jose can ice a top 6 that is ridiculous; Thornton 225 lbs, Burns 230, Hertl, 211, Marleau 220, Torres 215 and Couture 200. Thats an average 25 lbs per man heavier than Burrows, Hank, Danny, Higgins, Kesler and Santo.

You can have all the talent in the world and still be run over by teams with more size and speed.

Size Matters!

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I always laugh that so many ppl want to tank for picks yet after two games of losses ppl are freaking out. Can you imagine doing this for 82 games year after year?

IMO Gillis is rebuilding in similar style to Sharks... getting younger and faster while still in playoff contention.

I dunno who watches basketball but I feel the Canucks are like the Raptors. The Raps as a middling team traded their top paid but low ceiling player which meant others could share the load and they're doing better. The Sharks did that last year too shipping off a few players like Doug Murray and Clowe and they seemed to play even better. The Canucks could prob do the same if they didn't have so many NTC's.

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I think we can argue trades and how they went but I heard on the radio the other night that the last first round draft pick of our own to be playing on this team is Kesler?? I know Schroeder is hurt but still,,,,,,,yes I know Bourdon was tragic but all the other years??

Since Kesler?

Jensen got a cup of tea last year, Schroeder is with the team, Grabner was close to an all star one year, Schneider is awesome and Hodgson is top 6 on most teams. Sub Kassian for Hodgson and we're still ok.

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Wait, I'm confused. All the Canucks needed last summer was a third line center. Now they need a puck moving defenseman AND a winger for the Sedin's?

Posts that all we needed was a 3C were made mostly by guys who also suggested we had a top 3 in the NHL D core.

But yes we did need a 3C. And Richardson has been fine, Santorelli so good (I did not project it) that he has been elevated to top 6.

I posted we also needed a PMD and Twins winger this summer and last. Never varied from that opinion when many others were overly optimistic.

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Okay, bold moves....

Jim Nill did score Tyler Seguin from Boston, but he gave up two top six forwards to get him in Eriksson and Reilly Smith who has been amazing this year. Dallas is still not a playoff team and they have limited depth. Dallas still has a ton of work left to do if they want to catch the teams leading their division.

There are almost ZERO trades in the NHL these days. Teams are either against the cap or at their budget limit. I personally think Gillis adding Richardson, Santorelli, and Stanton for nothing was smart. He traded Cory Schneider in part because we had a back up option in Lack. There is a glut of goaltenders in the NHL right now. There is almost no market currently for goaltending.

Gravity was bound to drag the Canucks down out of top spot in a thirty team league. I personally think the underdog role in the playoffs will suit the team better anyway. If they open the playoffs on the road, good things could happen. No one picked the Kings to win anything when they were #8 seeds in 2012. No one picked the Bruins in 2011 either, a year removed from the 3-0 collapse against the Flyers.

Which team right now is willing to move a top 4 D-man who is good with the puck? Which team is willing to part with a top 6 winger who can hit? There are 30 teams in the league seeking those players right now.

If anything, I want Gillis to shut up about "bold moves" and just level with us. It has never been tougher to find a trade partner in the NHL. http://www.tsn.ca/tradecentre/feature/?id=11986 Where are the bold moves for any team in the league right now? Everyone is shifting bottom six forwards and overpriced players. Which overpriced contract are we wanting?

Very well said. Perceptive and written with common sense.

Managements is all about analyzing options and doing the right things at the right time. No room for a Saturday night hillbilly, charging wildly around like a bull in a China Shop making knee jerk reactions. Gillis can only make the deals he has open to him. Someone said earlier he could have got Jeff Carter for Schneider. I wonder who else Gills refused to give up besides Schneider. It seems highly suspect to me that Schneider would be the only player Vancouver had to give up, especially with Quick within the grasp of the Kings.

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