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Why do you guys want Gillis fired?


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gillis is horrible in drafting players

While I'm sure the final decisions are up to Gillis and the blame will rest on his shoulders, I'm going to guess he doesn't spend the majority of his time going out to junior/college games. I believe they have a term for the team of guys responsible for making draft decisions - they're called "scouts". Maybe the team should look into that situation a little more.

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The only thing Gillis has made a big mistake on was hiring Torts who tried to get two soft swedes to play a North American style game.

and who re-signed those "soft swedes" to a pay raise at the beginning of the season for three more years when he could have waited to see how this year panned out first?

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I mean he's making the right trades, we traded Schnieder, and we got Horvat, a good strong ceter prospect we were missing.

Other than that I do not question any other trade he made.

He is heading to the right direction, getting younger, we did not get what we wanted for Kesler so we did not do it.

What do you guys want him to do? Bring in Jagr, Vanek and push for a playoff run?

Get the season over with and start a rebuild, just like Toronto did, Florida is doing, and who knows what Edmonton is doing.

Look at the Avalanche.

And the Sedin signings, who the hell saw that coming? They were playing great before the signing.

The only thing I am pissed about is the damn NTC, other than that I would have no one else as a GM.

100% Agreed. Gillis is a great GM, it's the fans and the Eastern Media that are the real problem. I'm glad we're going down this road so all the impatient fans will realize they truly don't matter to the Canucks.
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and who re-signed those "soft swedes" to a pay raise at the beginning of the season for three more years when he could have waited to see how this year panned out first?

And who was pissed off when Gillis didn't sign them before the season, oh yeah the fans.

And who would freak out every day the Sedins weren't signed calling for Gillis' head, oh yeah the fans.

Gillis can't win with these nut-jobs.

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100% Agreed. Gillis is a great GM, it's the fans and the Eastern Media that are the real problem. I'm glad we're going down this road so all the impatient fans will realize they truly don't matter to the Canucks.

And the Aquilinis will find out they really due matter to his balance sheet as Rogers Arena is half full due to Gillis' incompetence.
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MG gets tactical & GOES BALLISTIC!!!

Barge into a fine dining estb, like 'The Salmon House On The Hill' & go all-out, TONY MONTANA...

Flip a table, stagger & slur his words(backed up by a fidgety Sestito, Kass & Arch, in dark Armani suits)...Lookin down at their navels.

"YOU PEOPLE NEED guys like ME!! You sit there in your fine attire, with your stuffed Coho-Hollandaise..& you SNICKER at me..& say,'There's the bad guy!'.That's right, you buncha'freeken cockaroaches!"...

"You all NEED me-but you're no BETTER than me! So say GOOOD NITE! To da' bad guy!"

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and who re-signed those "soft swedes" to a pay raise at the beginning of the season for three more years when he could have waited to see how this year panned out first?

Who would have assumed that the Sedins would drop off the face of the earth this year? Zero people would have predicted what's happened with them this year.

Also who's to say that they don't turn it around next season? What if they pick up their game again next year does it turn out to be a horrible resigning?

Hindsight is always 20/20

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100% Agreed. Gillis is a great GM, it's the fans and the Eastern Media that are the real problem. I'm glad we're going down this road so all the impatient fans will realize they truly don't matter to the Canucks.

I thought he was a great GM but starting with the Ballard trade he has not been very good.

If you told me you could get rid of an aging Luongo with his albatross contract in exchange for a bigger , much younger highly skilled replacement making virtually nothing , I would have taken it hands down. We got it and Matthias as well.

Gillis has done well this year but he has to bite the bullet and sell off the core.

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The guy has made two decent trades. Stole Ehrhoff for nothing from the Sharks who were just trying dump salary to make room for Heatley and got Higgins for nothing. He signs current players for below value and usually makes good under the radar moves and does well in free agency (Hamhuis, Garrison, Tanev, Torres, Santorelli before he got hurt).

Beyond that, his bad has far outweighed his good since 2011. Let's look at his other "high profile moves".

Start with his first move. Offering Sundin $20 million for two years on his first day of free agency. I have no problem with offering Sundin $10 million a season (it's not my money), but the Sedins needed to be signed after that first year with very little cap space to spare. Had Sundin accepted the original two year offer, there's a great chance we would have lost the Sedins. We'll chalk that one up to a rookie GM looking to make a big impact right away.

The next move that I really disliked was the Ballard trade. Grabner and a 1st WTF?! Then Ballard immediately proceeds to AV's doghouse and basically stays there until he was bought out last summer. Did Gillis even discuss this move with AV before he made the trade? They must have scouted Ballard before making the trade. AV obviously felt he had no use for a defenceman like Ballard. Basically two 1st rounders given away with only a waste of cap space coming back. Just seems like a complete lack of communication to me.

The Luongo contract. Disliked it from the start. How can you possibly know what's gonna happen 12 years in the future? A ridiculous gamble. I would have been much more comfortable signing him for more money on a shorter term.

The Booth trade seemed alright at the time but we all know how that has turned out. Booth will most likely be bought out this summer and has been wasting Vancouver's cap space the last two years. Strike two on the trade front.

The trade where Gillis really lost me was the Hodgson trade. Who knows how it all really went down with the whole AV, Gillis vs Hodgson, his father and his agent feud. One thing is for certain though, Cody was mismanaged from the start. Canucks medical staff misdiagnoses the injury then AV basically accuses Hodgson of faking it for an excuse as to why he didn't make the team. Another example of how this organization treats some of its players. Now perhaps Hodgson was a little high on himself but the kid has talent and showed it in his first full season. Even if you felt like you "needed" to trade him, the return should have been greater than Kassian (I like Kassian by the way but I think Hodgson will end up being the superior player). I was very disappointed when Cody was traded. Strike three in my mind.

The whole goaltending controversy that ensued after Schneider took over the starters role. Again complete lack of respect to both Lu and Schneider while allowing the circus to become worse everyday.

Schneider for Horvat? Only time will tell but again, you would think the return for Schneider would be greater than just a first round pick. Schneider himself being a first round pick. Then you spend the time and money to develop him into one of the top young goalies in the league with a fair contract and all you recoup is a first rounder. But at least the goalie soap opera was over... or so we thought.

For some reason Gillis thought hiring the most controversial coach in the NHL would be a good idea. The last thing this team needed was more excuses for the media to turn it into a three ring circus. Thought it was a terrible decision from the start as did many many others. And on January 18th against the Calgary Flames, John Tortorella proved it.

And finally after spending the Heritage Classic on the bench Gillis was forced into trading Lu for very little return. Hopefully this was the last straw and Gillis is fired well before the draft with the new GM having plenty of time to hire a new coach and make all necessary preparations before the draft. I actually feel Gillis and Torts should go down with the ship until the end of the season though. Never thought I would be in this mode of thinking but as disappointing as it would be, I wouldn't be heartbroken to see Vancouver with a top 5 pick.

I absolutely love what Kesler does for this team game after game. He's my favourite player and I in no way want him traded but if he truly does want out and a new front office and coach doesn't change his mind, at least Gillis will not be in charge of this rebuild, retool or whatever is about to happen.

This team is too good to be where they are at currently and I totally believe it is because of the complete malfunction from the top down. Hoping for a good draft pick this year who can possibly make the jump straight to the NHL with maybe Horvat making the jump also. Coupled with some smart hirings, trades and free agent signings by a new GM, hopefully this can be a quick turnaround for the Canucks.

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For those lost souls who thinks Burke is the answer. How many conference finals did Vancouver reach under his tenure? 0

How many did Toronto get under his tenure? 0

Anaheim was luck and nothing else. The core was already built, and he had pieces he could trade. Pronger being available? That was luck. Neidermayer was only because his brother played for the team.

Put him on a team he has to build from scratch...his record speaks for itself.

If we're to get anywhere, ownership has to trust the new GM, and not interfere. Since we won't get Scotty Bowman. My suggestions are as follows.

Pat Verbeek- Assistant GM of Tampa. Was a player, and a scout for 4 years in Detroit. Was hired as director of scouting for Tampa and has since been promoted. Good track record.

Julien BriseBois- Assistant GM of Tampa. GM of the Norfolk Admirals in the AHL when they had a 28 game winning streak, and won the Calder Cup. Former GM of the Hamilton Bulldogs of the AHL. A team that improved every season under his leadership.

He's also a capologist.

Joe Sakic- Dark Horse candidate. VP of Hockey Operations for the Av's. Is basically running the team along with Roy. He's fiercely loyal to the Av's. I think nothing less than an offer of partial ownership and given free reign to run the club as he see's fit would entice him to move.

Norm Maciver- Assistant GM of the Chicago Blackhawks. Former director of player personnel for the Hawks.

Jason Botterill- Assistant GM of the Pittsburgh Penguins. Knows pro and amateur scouting, cap management, and player development.

Notice a pattern of the choices I recommend? THEY ALL KNOW HOW TO SCOUT AND MANAGE TALENT!

I'd like to see Trevor Linden as President so Aquillini will leave the GM to do his job.

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The Nonis/Burke core that he inherited is past their prime.... where is HIS new core players? NONE. He hasn't drafted a player that's playing on our top 6 in the six years he's been here. Hasn't made a deal to address the issue of a top 6 forward issue since 2011. the list goes on and on. He started off his GM career very well here complimenting the core that he inherited and got them to the SCF but since then he has done absolutely nothing to slow down the decline of this team. HE NEEDS TO ???? GO!

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The Nonis/Burke core that he inherited is past their prime.... where is HIS new core players? NONE. He hasn't drafted a player that's playing on our top 6 in the six years he's been here. Hasn't made a deal to address the issue of a top 6 forward issue since 2011. the list goes on and on. He started off his GM career very well here complimenting the core that he inherited and got them to the SCF but since then he has done absolutely nothing to slow down the decline of this team. HE NEEDS TO ???? GO!

This is a stupid argument. What player could he have drafted?

Huh? Name one.

(Please dont refer to the 2008 draft. Hodgson wanted out, deal with it. No way MGs fault on that one) There is literally not a single player that he could have drafted that would address our top 6 problems right now.

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Who would have assumed that the Sedins would drop off the face of the earth this year? Zero people would have predicted what's happened with them this year.

Also who's to say that they don't turn it around next season? What if they pick up their game again next year does it turn out to be a horrible resigning?

Hindsight is always 20/20

If you've been watching hockey for any length of time it's obvious, that much like Naslund post 2003, the Sedins were declining.

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Disclaimer: (this is about 4 beers in..so no, not seriously)

if we're looking for a new GM...

1. Canuck Alumni - Check

2. Some experience as a GM - International sure, but it's something.

3. Probably still remembers what scoring is - check.

Ladies and Gentlemen...Pavel Bure!!1!!!

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