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Mike Gillis Team 1040 Interview

Cold Hard Truth

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Regarding the question about a disconnect in style between Tortorella and players - probably the most interesting part of the interview.

To be "addressed systematically and completely and turned around so that we can build the style of play and team that we want."

Suggests that people will have to comply with how Gillis sees the team moving forward and gives the analogy to AV changing his systems style when he was retained by Gilis.

This a relief for me, is a relief in a couple senses.

First, I think there is not only a disconnect between Tortorella's systems, but perhaps even a disconnect within those systems.

I like his aggressive forecheck, but to then pair that with a collapsing zone... and then expect to generate much pressure and transition offence coming out of that... I really want to see that change. The lack of a being in a position to play a transition game has also dictated far, far too much dump and chase (or dump and change), and the problems snowball.

It sounds like Gillis is resolved to be more assertive, or not likely to return. I doubt that he has authored the majority of the transition over the past year, and it sounds like he may be in a bit of a position to say 'I told you so' in a constructive criticism sense - hopefully he will have the reigns to get this team back to playing the style of hockey they did under AV. The irony as far as I'm concerned is that the team applies significantly less puck pressure than they did over the back 2/3 of the ice under AV, and the results are showing. Tortorella appears to have rolled with his own plan - if the on-ice product were more the result of committee decision making, it would be hard to imagine the 3 line approach (in a gruelling schedule, regardless of excuses about 'depth'), the debatable systems effectiveness, Edler as shutdown defender (when you had 4 better defensive blueliners), the Sedins killing more penalties than Hansen, etc.

"I want us to play upbeat puck possession, move the puck quickly, force teams into mistakes, high transition game."

Made a lot of enemies playing that way but that's why they had success.

Let's make those enemies angrier all over again.

Back to it, with a retooled team. Guys like Kassian and Matthias (to start) - big guys who skate very well, can play a 200ft game and chip in offensively. Jensen is another key transitional talent. Hopefully Horvat, Gaunce, et al can continue to develop as projected.

I think it will be quite an exciting summer with the cap space and the youth.

Time to let the boss run the show.

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@ TO.LEAFS..he said people in Toronto love to carve up the Canucks, he was trying to defend Lack probably over the crapstorm he got during the Lou drama.

That was a direct shot at Elliotte Friedman then.

However, the Canucks brought it all on themselves. To me the heritage classic was a stage to justify the Luongo trade even though Schneider was already dealt. It's all part of the 'shocking' decline of Canadian teams after they reach the finals these days.

Wondering how low the Canucks have to go before they're finally allowed to rise again. Because this is pretty low.

I think the fans here are getting tired of even great Canucks teams being disrespected and run over by the NHL bus. The NHL should be careful. They need Vancouver tickets to sell in order to subsidize their southern expansion. Vancouver fans aren't like TO, Edmonton and Calgary fans. There's a lot more to do in Vancouver, for starters, even if the Canucks are the only legit game in town. That factor breeds fickle fans just as it does in LA, SJ and Anaheim, who have been very much spoiled by the league as of late.

Empty arenas here = Bad for the league. But here's the real problem for the league: We're smart. We know a Calgary approach to team building/declining when we see it. Yeah, some of us will get our jollies when an old man free agent comes into down to prop up an oldish core, but most of us know that will just prolong the suffering a bit longer.

I think we've suffered long enough. It's time to get some bloody respect from the league. And it's time for the Canucks to get some legit winning-capable players on their team. If that doesn't happen soon, then sorry, but the arenas will start to be quite empty for years and years.

Basically, give us a cup, Gary. We're due.

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That was a direct shot at Elliotte Friedman then.

However, the Canucks brought it all on themselves. To me the heritage classic was a stage to justify the Luongo trade even though Schneider was already dealt. It's all part of the 'shocking' decline of Canadian teams after they reach the finals these days.

Wondering how low the Canucks have to go before they're finally allowed to rise again. Because this is pretty low.

I think the fans here are getting tired of even great Canucks teams being disrespected and run over by the NHL bus. The NHL should be careful. They need Vancouver tickets to sell in order to subsidize their southern expansion. Vancouver fans aren't like TO, Edmonton and Calgary fans. There's a lot more to do in Vancouver, for starters, even if the Canucks are the only legit game in town. That factor breeds fickle fans just as it does in LA, SJ and Anaheim, who have been very much spoiled by the league as of late.

Empty arenas here = Bad for the league. But here's the real problem for the league: We're smart. We know a Calgary approach to team building/declining when we see it. Yeah, some of us will get our jollies when an old man free agent comes into down to prop up an oldish core, but most of us know that will just prolong the suffering a bit longer.

I think we've suffered long enough. It's time to get some bloody respect from the league. And it's time for the Canucks to get some legit winning-capable players on their team. If that doesn't happen soon, then sorry, but the arenas will start to be quite empty for years and years.

Basically, give us a cup, Gary. We're due.

Step away from the tinfoil hat

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Supposedly people are making some huge deal about his comments.. I'm not sure why. He said he wasn't sure whether or not he'd be here for next season.. I'd say he is correct and just called it as it is.

But then you get the talking heads on 1040 saying its his most "revealing" interview ever?


It's certainly the most candid he's ever been in an interview. For a guy that seems like he's always in "lawyer mode", this is a pretty big change in tone.

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I liked the interview. I think Gilly is basically saying if you're going to fire me, then fire me. If not, then I am going to run this team how I want to without any ownership interference. Glad to see him want to go back to the style that made us successful, however without players like Erhoff and Torres it is easier said than it is done. Hopefully Torts has what it takes to adjust as well.

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Ok, that worked.

I never listen to the morning any more though cause 'bro jake' is just unlistenable.

Agreed, i quit listening to CFMI because of the egotistical blowhard and don't listen to Team 1040 in the mornings now......Donny Taylor rules!

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Regarding the question about a disconnect in style between Tortorella and players - probably the most interesting part of the interview.

To be "addressed systematically and completely and turned around so that we can build the style of play and team that we want."

Suggests that people will have to comply with how Gillis sees the team moving forward and gives the analogy to AV changing his systems style when he was retained by Gilis.

This a relief for me, is a relief in a couple senses.

First, I think there is not only a disconnect between Tortorella's systems, but perhaps even a disconnect within those systems.

I like his aggressive forecheck, but to then pair that with a collapsing zone... and then expect to generate much pressure and transition offence coming out of that... I really want to see that change. The lack of a being in a position to play a transition game has also dictated far, far too much dump and chase (or dump and change), and the problems snowball.

It sounds like Gillis is resolved to be more assertive, or not likely to return. I doubt that he has authored the majority of the transition over the past year, and it sounds like he may be in a bit of a position to say 'I told you so' in a constructive criticism sense - hopefully he will have the reigns to get this team back to playing the style of hockey they did under AV. The irony as far as I'm concerned is that the team applies significantly less puck pressure than they did over the back 2/3 of the ice under AV, and the results are showing. Tortorella appears to have rolled with his own plan - if the on-ice product were more the result of committee decision making, it would be hard to imagine the 3 line approach (in a gruelling schedule, regardless of excuses about 'depth'), the debatable systems effectiveness, Edler as shutdown defender (when you had 4 better defensive blueliners), the Sedins killing more penalties than Hansen, etc.

"I want us to play upbeat puck possession, move the puck quickly, force teams into mistakes, high transition game."

Made a lot of enemies playing that way but that's why they had success.

Let's make those enemies angrier all over again.

Back to it, with a retooled team. Guys like Kassian and Matthias (to start) - big guys who skate very well, can play a 200ft game and chip in offensively. Jensen is another key transitional talent. Hopefully Horvat, Gaunce, et al can continue to develop as projected.

I think it will be quite an exciting summer with the cap space and the youth.

Time to let the boss run the show.

Mentioned those same points in the thread about the user reviewing the Canucks past playoff runs. Though most of everyone in that thread seemed to feel that Hoff is the missing key player for the team right now. And he is not.

Aside from the very unlucky injuries that seem to dog this team, i do not think Torts had enough time to really assess what made the team successful. And it is abundantly clear that MG acquiesced to ownership and Torts about the style of play. Torts had time to suss out what was wrong in his coaching eyes to actually see if he can implement his style. He also failed to do his homework on what the Western teams are all about now. And basically they are larger versions of those earlier Gillis rosters. Identical styles of play

Many people have just crapped on MG, and some of it deserved. But i feel for the guy when i watched some of those games. I bet the Irish in him wanted to punch Frank in the meddling face when the team was just not playing the way he wanted. I know i felt that way seeing all that talent was slowly emasculated offensively by a coach that has always poorly adapted.

The coach is only partly to blame. But he does need to change. As does the roster. Not a wholesale change whatsoever. Just a few tweaks here and there and start meshing in the deserving young guns to be mentored.

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Mike Gillis just wrote his own termination papers.

That interview was entirely to get himself fired.

If he quits, he doesn't get any $$ - gets fired.. and he gets a nice severance package.

I think it's a shot across the bow of ownership by saying it's either me or Torts. Gillis is very conservative and never very forthcoming in his interviews, so to bring this to a head at this point in the season and in such a public way is very surprising and seems to be his line in the sand.

Either way, this confirms to me that our sleezbag owners have been too involved with the running of this team, and that Gillis has had his hands tied with various aspects of running the club (ie. hiring Torts, style of play, taking on money in trades...etc.).

In one fell swoop, he's essentially said that he regrets hiring Torts and chasing a different style of play, while at the same time telling ownership that he's going to run this team his way, and if ownership won't let him, then they should fire him.

This is Gillis going all in at the poker table.

Should be interesting.

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It's certainly the most candid he's ever been in an interview. For a guy that seems like he's always in "lawyer mode", this is a pretty big change in tone.

This is music to my ears!

I love that Gillis wants to go back to the style of hockey that made this team successful in the first place.

Respect earned!


Supposedly people are making some huge deal about his comments.. I'm not sure why. He said he wasn't sure whether or not he'd be here for next season.. I'd say he is correct and just called it as it is.

But then you get the talking heads on 1040 saying its his most "revealing" interview ever?


Exactly. He's a seasoned lawyer fer chris sake. It was hardly "revealing". He admitted his job was on the line? No kidding sherlock. Does anyone honestly think he'd say "my job is definitely secure".

He wants to go back to puck possession, high tempo, forechecking team? Duh. Doesn't every team want that? Hardly revolutionary. In fact that sounded like the same speech he gave when he first arrived. So who was the GM that oversaw our decline away from that kind of team vision?....oh yeah it was MG.

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It's certainly the most candid he's ever been in an interview. For a guy that seems like he's always in "lawyer mode", this is a pretty big change in tone.

Yeah it is refreshing and exactly what he needed to do given the circumstances. The fans have been questioning his ability to get stuff done. This is important for him it is his credibility and reputation on the line in the hockey world. By him taking charge he is showing he wants to be here and he wants to succeed. By taking this stance he will gain the respect of a lot more GM's. I think this interview will be a defining moment in his career in Vancouver. I am glad he took and open and honest approach. Do I believe he will be here next season? I think that is still up to ownership but I feel indifferent to the matter. I don't know who would be a good replacement if he was let go and I don't know if he is worth keeping. But great move by Gillis this is something he needed to do and it helps us as fans see what is going on. Seems some of torts is rubbing off on Gillis.

I will give Gillis this: He is great at signing free agents/resigning roster players for great deals, his drafting is improving, and he has restored some of the orgs credibility from the goalie fiasco.

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Yeah it is refreshing and exactly what he needed to do given the circumstances. The fans have been questioning his ability to get stuff done. This is important for him it is his credibility and reputation on the line in the hockey world. By him taking charge he is showing he wants to be here and he wants to succeed. By taking this stance he will gain the respect of a lot more GM's. I think this interview will be a defining moment in his career in Vancouver. I am glad he took and open and honest approach. Do I believe he will be here next season? I think that is still up to ownership but I am indifferent regardless. But great move by Gillis. Seems some of torts is rubbing off on Gillis.

I will give Gillis this: He is great at signing free agents/resigning roster players for great deals, his drafting is improving, and he has restored some of the orgs credibility from the goalie fiasco.

I don't think there's anything special about the interview, or that it will be a turning point. That's a bit of a reach. But for a guy that seemed to never give any information even if it was already a pretty well-known fact, it's quite a bit of a change for him to basically say, "Yeah, we f***ed up and for all we know everyone could be gone in October."

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Gillis has made a few mistakes as GM. But seriously, who hasn't.

Also, If ownership fires Gillis, and retains Torts, they've lost me as a fan for the time being. I hate it (assuming it's true that ownership has meddled) that the owners are meddling with team affairs, that's never a good thing. Leave it to the people who actually know the ins and outs of the business. Enjoy your toy, Aquilinis, but don't get involved in professional hockey operations, when your really only a fan of the game (like the rest of us).

I think, if Gillis was given free reign on how to run this franchise, without ownership meddling...he can get us back to the days where we had tremendous success.

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I think it's a shot across the bow of ownership by saying it's either me or Torts. Gillis is very conservative and never very forthcoming in his interviews, so to bring this to a head at this point in the season and in such a public way is very surprising and seems to be his line in the sand.

Either way, this confirms to me that our sleezbag owners have been too involved with the running of this team, and that Gillis has had his hands tied with various aspects of running the club (ie. hiring Torts, style of play, taking on money in trades...etc.).

In one fell swoop, he's essentially said that he regrets hiring Torts and chasing a different style of play, while at the same time telling ownership that he's going to run this team his way, and if ownership won't let him, then they should fire him.

This is Gillis going all in at the poker table.

Should be interesting.

Yep, it's a ...or-get-off-the-pot moment. As much as I've been against Gillis and many of his moves, at least it's good to hear him step out in a very real way.
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I liked it. Pretty straight forward and thoughtful answers.

There are lots of things left in between the lines, like extent of ownership's involvement, but I think ownership knows where Gillis stands.

All will be reviewed and even his position is in jeopardy.

He doesn't see the need or impetus for a separation of his duties into president and gm.

He will run the team the way he thinks is best and changes will be made.

Changes include the coaching systems and objectives with a return to fast, pressuring hockey.

Other coaches have adapted, JT will be given the opportunity to change.

Free agents (and our own RFAs) will be added and the organization will spend to the cap.

It sounded to me like he will not be wasting money on a shallow pool of top FAs, but more selectively like Santo and Richardson.

Money could go to top players acquired by trading.

Kesler is going to be accommodated if indeed he wants out.

Other NTC-holding players (along with all players) are going to have their reviews and tough decisions will be made.

The kids are alright; e.g. Markstrom a good talent that Florida proabably did not develop properly.

Decisions will be made on players, prospects, and picks to exchange for players who can play the way he wants the team to play.

I have always really liked Gillis and still do. I think management would be making a big mistake firing him or overriding his decisions.

I was really surprised Torts was hired and shocked to find he was given a 5 year term (and also recently shocked that he makes the same $$$ as Gillis); this may have been an ownership contract.

After the initial shock, Torts grew on me and I like him, but now he has to change, improve, or use play his "ownership relations" card.

I think he will change.

So, I think MG and JT will stay, change, and make the team change, all for the better.

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