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[Official] Toronto Blue Jays Major League Baseball thread

The Stork

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What a fantastic god damned ball game! I worked a 12 hour day today and managed to get home without hearing a single update about the Jays game. So fortunate to have been able to see that without knowing what happened.

2 crushing dingers, a completely ridiculous 7th inning, Stroman shutting it down on the mound (for the most part) when it mattered, and the bullpen completely solid.

I was standing and yelling in my living room for the whole game, and I knew as well as EE and JB did that when they made contact with the ball it was GONE.


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As a guy who doesn't like baseball for the most part... I just finished watching game 5 and that was incredible.

Rivals the high I get from watching Canucks in a playoff game.

I'd definitely be a huge fan if we ever got an MLB team!

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Dyson's comments. You lost. This is the MLB playoffs man, expect some emotion from the team that was down 0-2 before you served up the Game 5 mistake out over the plate to a slugger.

Texas knows what shouldn't have been done. That pitch.

Suck it.

It's kind of weird. He's a Blue Jays draft pick that makes a short debut for the team, and gets lost on waivers. 3 years later he gives up the winning run to them.

I think Dyson is a solid pitcher, but I don't agree with him, or anyone that always tries to shoot down on emotion and personality showing through in such harmless ways in any sport.

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It's kind of weird. He's a Blue Jays draft pick that makes a short debut for the team, and gets lost on waivers. 3 years later he gives up the winning run to them.

I think Dyson is a solid pitcher, but I don't agree with him, or anyone that always tries to shoot down on emotion and personality showing through in such harmless ways in any sport.

Reading the second part of your post made me realize that Dyson likely fell victim to the opposite emotion that JB had milliseconds after his swing.

You do and say things certain things when you are upset just as you do and say certain other things when elated.

Still though, it seems like such an odd thing to be focused on with your season on the line. The emotion in that entire building though. Talk about taking professionals off of their game. When is the last time anyone saw back-to-back-to-back errors in a postseason game, let alone a clincher?

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I don't know what it is. Maybe I'm still miffed at how the national media didn't get behind the Canucks in 2011. Maybe it's because I really don't like John Gibbons (Not even the first time with the Jays). But I can't get behind the Jays. They are a good team, and I wish them luck, unless it's against the Cubs.

It's not like the 92-93 Jays where it was easy to like them.

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I don't know what it is. Maybe I'm still miffed at how the national media didn't get behind the Canucks in 2011. Maybe it's because I really don't like John Gibbons (Not even the first time with the Jays). But I can't get behind the Jays. They are a good team, and I wish them luck, unless it's against the Cubs.

It's not like the 92-93 Jays where it was easy to like them.

I agree, been following Baseball off and on since 1977 and i would love to see a Jays / Cubs W.S. with the Cubs taking it .... why ,because 107 years is a long time between championships.

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I don't know what it is. Maybe I'm still miffed at how the national media didn't get behind the Canucks in 2011. Maybe it's because I really don't like John Gibbons (Not even the first time with the Jays). But I can't get behind the Jays. They are a good team, and I wish them luck, unless it's against the Cubs.

It's not like the 92-93 Jays where it was easy to like them.

National media did get behind the Canucks. Scotiabank commercials, Harper and his 30 minute CBC segment, probably a few more things I'm missing.

But there are 7 hockey teams in Canada, 1 baseball team in Canada. Way easier to sell the latter to a nation than it is a hockey team.

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As a guy who doesn't like baseball for the most part... I just finished watching game 5 and that was incredible.

Rivals the high I get from watching Canucks in a playoff game.

I'd definitely be a huge fan if we ever got an MLB team!

Unfortunately, you'd have to endure 162 regular season snoozer games till you get to this kind of intensity and excitement. And your team might make it to the playoffs once every 5 years if you're good, once every 10 if you're average, and once every 20+ if you're less than average.

I'm a huge PLAYOFF baseball fan ...

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Still though, it seems like such an odd thing to be focused on with your season on the line. The emotion in that entire building though. Talk about taking professionals off of their game. When is the last time anyone saw back-to-back-to-back errors in a postseason game, let alone a clincher?

It was the first time in MLB playoff history.

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Now we are onto familiar territory, 7 game series. Like hockey, I think it's actually good to start on the road. You get a split (very possible) and you're in a good position coming home.

Lots of yak about Bautista's bat flip. Reminds me of what Thornton said after Hertl had a 4 goal game. JB demolished it at a critical moment ... it was a primal reaction. Dyson, 'suck it up' ::D::D


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Unfortunately, you'd have to endure 162 regular season snoozer games till you get to this kind of intensity and excitement. And your team might make it to the playoffs once every 5 years if you're good, once every 10 if you're average, and once every 20+ if you're less than average.

I'm a huge PLAYOFF baseball fan ...

I was about to post the same thing. Playoff baseball is intense and brilliant to watch.

I watch regular season baseball when I can't sleep.

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The same people in here on the jays bandwagon probably hate the city of toronto and talk trash about them. No province talks more about toronto than vancouver. Massive inferiority complex. This win is for torontonians. They deserve a winning team and they got it. Congrats to them.

Some of us have been on the "bandwagon" since 1977. Take your cynicism and shove it the same distance the Edwings HR traveled...


That catch today may have been the play of the game in a jam packed last half.

Easy to forget about but it could have changed the whole match.

That catch and the grounder up the middle that Goins turned into a force at two. RG had a brutal series at the plate, but he made up for it with the glove.

Well its true. British columbians have a strange hatred for toronto. It's an obsession. I grew up there and know it. The bc media gets into it too. I guess they are part time toronto haters after tonight?

Are you sure you've "grown up"? It doesn't sound like it.

FTR: I hate the Habs far more than I hate the Leafs. Yet I was still an Expos fan until the end.

Funny how that works, eh?

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I watched from the 3rd inning yesterday and based on my reaction when JB hit that homerun( and that bat flip B) ) I guess you could say I'm on this bandwagon. I don't think I've watch a full Jays game since they last won the WS. Normally not a big baseball watcher but it's not been a snooze fest so I'll probably keep watching.

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