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[Official] Toronto Blue Jays Major League Baseball thread

The Stork

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Can't blame the umps when the heart of your order just simply failed to show up when needed. 0 fers all through the lineup.

You can when the ump is calling everything a strike. Making them swing at pitches they'd normally have discipline for. The $&!#ty thing is, that it wasn't even consistent.

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You can when the ump is calling everything a strike. Making them swing at pitches they'd normally have discipline for. The crapty thing is, that it wasn't even consistent.

They have to adjust to the conditions. I get it. You are upset cuz you think they are getting shafted but this is how baseball always is. Umping has a human element and the players know that not all umps call the game the same. The calls on the field, that's another story.

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Most entertaining game of the playoffs thus far by a long shot. It's just too bad it ended up going in the Rangers favour. Sahky start to the game for sure, but Colabello shone through with at least 3 great defensive plays while chipping in with the bat as well. Stroman looked great once he settled in, but hell was it ever tough to know what the strike zone was going to be. At least it was mostly the same (irregular) for both teams. Tough for Stroman to play along with the following, but it's true what the commentators were saying about not letting the ump take the bat out of your hands, if it looks close, take a poke at it.

Tulo made a terrific throw from short, it's a shame he didn't get the bat going (especially with Martin on 1st - brutal inside strike called).

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