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[Report] Mike Gillis Fired


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I just don't get it.

On one hand I have to admit that I figured this season wold be a wash before the season even began for a bunch of different reasons. The salary cap being lowered was the biggest. It's a year of parity. I get it, and I also understand that as the cap goes up this will seperate us from some of these dbag cities that shouldn't even have a team.

That's not Gillis' fault. but...

The lawyer in Gillis has been coming out lately and wow! What a snake in the grass. that 1040 crap the other day pissed me off.

I hate that we seem so slow to jump on great players as well. I have no idea what goes on behind closed doors, but when I see great players go for cheap... players that we can use, I have to wonder why we didn't pay that little bit more to land him. The examples are plentiful so take your pick. Luongo stuff made me angry as well.

He's so calm all the time, a little emotion would be refrershing. Not be a snake and do it in monotone...drives me up the wall almost as much as that thing he got growing on his face.

I guess I don't think this year is his fault but I'm glad he's gone anyways. He was good at signing players though in my opinion, so it's a coin flip for me if his replacment will do better.

I'm not that old where I don't think change can be a good thing. I'm excited to see all of the stuff that going to happen this summer. Is the new GM going to want to make a big splash right away? Is he going to have big nards? I guess at this point the worst that will happen is a rebuild. Well, I just happen to think that we need a rebuild right now so what the hell. Wait a little bit and see what the new GM can do.

This could be fun.

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Why are people putting so much stock into 1040 say Feaster will be taking over? 1040 were ones stating it would be Torts that would be fired. Most of the Vancouver sports media was saying Torts would be gone not Gillis. 1040 has no credibility nor does Larry Brooks who started this whole thing about Feaster.

I don't disagree but it's a nightmare scenario and one that this ownership group seems capable of making come true.

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Wow... Wow. "You can play in Utica?!" I'm glad to see you've thought this through...

Players with NTCs still have the option not to waive them regardless of who the new GM is, and I would hope our new GM isn't a fan of losing players for nothing on waivers to make a point.

How else are we going to get rid of them?

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Just from Team 1050 in Toronto.

Jay Feaster - "I would relish the opportunity to work with John Tortorella".

Apparently he's currently at Calgary International Airport.

Uugh. This can't be happening.

I just heard that too on 1040 im crying inside

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Any of these fireMG pundits that wants Linden or Naslund hired for GM are absolute morons. If what you want from a GM is a completely unattached, schrewed general manager who will not allow personal relationships to get in the way of making "ballsy" or "bold" moves that some CDC'rs want, then neither of those two are a fit. Plus it would be sad to see either Canuck great ridiculed and slandered by CDC.

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Are some people in this thread trashing Gillis as a bad GM and yet praising Feaster???

Canucks fans have the memory of a gold fish. Then you have another poster saying that ownership should listen to it's fans when it comes to hockey decisions like it's a pizza franchise.

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Wow, I did not expect a GM firing today. Whos the next potential GM?

So far I have heard people bring up:

-Feaster (Yikes)





-Burke (presuming he's done in Calgary and whats to be a GM again)

Can someone else with more knowledge expand the list?



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We went from 2 number one goalies to zero in under a year? How's that?

Ooh, how about having a team that's got it's diminishing, aging core locked into no trade contracts for seemingly forever!

How many of our draft picks are currently producing on the Canucks?

Did you miss all of that?

Yeah but but but, with Gillis we made it to Game 7 and won a few creampuff division titles in a row.

I agree with you.

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Looks like the Aquilini's now see Gillis as an outcast among the league's power-mongers...and they are more willing to switch gears....and appease the Chairman & his voting-block. They are tired of being perceived as villians by the eastern media propaganda machine owned by members of that block.

Gillis got a raw deal. The Aquilini's clearly have their mitts in the pot - too far. Torts was never Gillis' guy. Nor was Tortorella my pick to lead this team. Gillis didn't fight hard enough to land, John Stevens. That's the moment he really began losing his job. Everything I predicted, happened to this team, this year.. breaking down players, loss of identity, loss of the core, loss of scoring, a disconnected Tortorella, who is still a selfish entity. He not likely to change his antiquated ways. If Torts stays ...gone are the hopes & dreams seeing a premiere skill & speed team playing with integrity & honor. Say hello to Bruisers-light,...or a team who will more than likely meet with the Chairman's WWE-style approval-rating. Gillis saw all of this coming...'cuz no owner wants his GM standing there saying,...."I told ya so."

I wasn't very happy with the job that either Tortorella or Gillis did, this year. But Gillis' vision is the one that I prefered. The Aquilini's just saw so much Anti-Canuck bias & sentiment out there in this league...that they perceived this was because Gillis' was clearly NO league-insider. Hell,...it wouldn't surprise me, now - if they even tried to bring Brian Burke back! As I have said before...it may well be Burkie's perfect revenge. And - ya don't get any more inside the league's wheel house... than him.

I agree with everything you said until the last paragraph.

No way Burke comes back here, for two reasons.

His friend lost out on the power struggle, won by the Aquas, on the Canucks purchase.

Burke is no one's puppet. He got fired in TO because he gave the middle finger to their faceless, multiple ownership group, repeatedly, in upper brass meetings. Aqualinis, it seems, more and more, don't want someone challenging them.

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