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[Report] Mike Gillis Fired


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Outside this fan base, this move is overwhelmingly being applauded and considered extremely wise.

Why do we have so much trouble in looking at this objectively? I have no idea why people became so entrenched in defending Gillis when he destroyed the team. Youd never guess that he won executive of the year award years ago. That looks like an anomaly now.

No resemblance whatsoever between that team and the current one even though he went to excessive lengths in his attempts to keep the core together.

It was incredibly obvious to any observer he was doing a terrible job. I figure the odds he lands another GM job are nil after this gong show.

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You don't build a team by following the previous cup winner. Dumbest thing a GM can do.

He tried to make this team like the Bruins by playing a tough grind em out game, but when the team is built arounf players like the Sedins and Burows, you can't do that.

The previous management didn't win with this core because they weren't in their prime yet. Gillis inherited the team when they were entering their prime. I think that's a pretty obvious one.

Schneider was worth way more than Bernier. He had actually proven he could be a starter.

I'm done arguing about Gillis. Clearly there's some rose colored glasses being worn here surrounding Gillis' success here. Sure he takes blame for things he didn't deserve, but he also deserves blame for alot of the things he did. 1 win in 11 playoff games, and then missing the playoffs will get most GM's fired just so you know. He's lucky to have lasted this long.

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That's the thing about Gillis. I thought in the beginning, him making Lu the captain and offering Sundin 20 million was just his way of showing people that he was a bold and outside the box thinker.

Unfortunately his bold outside the box thinking left him without an elite goaltender after having two, an aging core with no immediate help coming up from below, and a bunch of unmovable contracts.

It doesn't seem like he was learning how to be a better GM, it seems like he was making the same mistakes again and again.

He really seemed to have a problem doing things in a typical hockey fashion, even though he's never been a GM before he seemed to have to overthink everything. At least he cared, I'll give him that.

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CDC Civil War.

the Anti-Gillis vs. the Pro-Gillis

Let the bloodbath begin.

It's the new Luongo vs Schneider. :lol:

I just get annoyed at the people that act as if Gillis' is somehow blameless in all of this. Like the team being where it's at is only because of circumstances that were out of his control. If everyone really believed that BS, Gillis would still have a job.

I agree that he did some real good things here, but there's no way he was gonna escape this one by putting the blame on the coach (again). This team needs a new look and a new voice from top to bottom, because the core is not the only thing that was getting stale.

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You don't build a team by following the previous cup winner. Dumbest thing a GM can do.

He tried to make this team like the Bruins by playing a tough grind em out game, but when the team is built arounf players like the Sedins and Burows, you can't do that.

The previous management didn't win with this core because they weren't in their prime yet. Gillis inherited the team when they were entering their prime. I think that's a pretty obvious one.

Schneider was worth way more than Bernier. He had actually proven he could be a starter.

I'm done arguing about Gillis. Clearly there's some rose colored glasses being worn here surrounding Gillis' success here. Sure he takes blame for things he didn't deserve, but he also deserves blame for alot of the things he did. 1 win in 11 playoff games, and then missing the playoffs will get most GM's fired just so you know. He's lucky to have lasted this long.

This post was an epic fail.

I never said copy the previous cup winner.

Schneider was not a starter prior to the 2012 playoffs, he was still behind Luongo as the clear backup. He had showed he was great in that role and was poised to do more. Same a Bernier pre-Leafs trade.

And I already responded to the core thing, he clearly brought a direction & culture to that core that Nonis didn't and it resulted in success.

FWIW, I even think last year would have been better than now, I'm not neccisarily saying Gillis the greatest thing since sliced bread, but it was the wrong time to do it.

The bottom line is, he made the playoffs every year but 1, and his tenure was the most successful one in franchise history.

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Gillis was doing a good job with the media and fans?

Could have fooled me.

If anything he created a huge wedge between him and the media and turned them against the organization. He constantly questioned fans intelligence by spewing lawyer BS and using misdirection to avoid any sort of blame.es

I've been a big Gillis supporter in the past, but I've had enough of him not being able to won up to his poor performance as GM. Time for a change whether for better or worse.

DeNiro - I did not indicate Gillis was good with the media. He just did not get into their silly little games of misquotation nor would he relinquish details about private matters that the press feast and thrive on. So yes he may have created a wedge between him and the media simply because he would not let into them at any time. You might have to listen to his interview once again to weigh in on what he actually said about team performance. He included himself in having to be evaluated for the poor showing

Gillis held out to make the best deal he possibly could for Luongo. Fans were critical of him for taking so long to get him traded. He wasn't just going to give him away. Then when he did trade him, fans were critical about what we received in return. I suppose it is the damned if you do and damned if you don't scene, right?

I suggest to you that the new make up of the league as it relates to trades etc is a far cry from what it used to be when ownership just opened the vault and paid what was demand. The rich teams excelled, while the poor teams floundered, year after year. Now, assets are a premium commodity, drafting is vastly important but great trades are few and far between and a GM must distinguish between making a trade that will help the team or selling the farm to make a trade.

All too many fans just don't get the logistics of the draft and them blaming Gillis for poor drafting during his tenure is ridiculous. Do those same fans not realize that the more successful a team is during the year negatively affects the position one must draft from. Successful teams pick last so how can anyone actually criticize Gillis for having a poor draft record during his tenure here when all the top draft picks were swallowed up by the league bottom dwellers. Does he not get some credit for going outside the draft to look for players in colleges etc.

It is obvious Vancouver fans change their minds and opinions like I daily change my socks. I guy is fired because he did not make the playoffs one year. Shame on those who made that decision.

All I can say is, beware of what you get in lieu. Things have a way of being worse than what they were before. People need to be careful about what they demand or wish for

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He tried to make this team like the Bruins by playing a tough grind em out game, but when the team is built arounf players like the Sedins and Burows, you can't do that.

? Is that what Gillis tried to do? That's an interesting take you have.

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Have you not read anything I've been saying.

He was working on a Luongo trade.

This was a player who had a big contract, wanted a trade & held the power to do what he wanted, then you had an active ownership on top of that. Aswell its not like this was a huge market to begin with.

In hindsight yes it would have been great to get a trade done, but realistically, there were so many variables that played a part in the entire situation. This was a valuable asset, and he needed to get a return off this. If he didn't the hate he would have gotten would make the hate he's getting now from guys like you & De Niro & the Moj child's play. In hindsight yes we can say things should have been done differently.

At the time, alot of people didn't want Luongo to be thrown away for nothing, and were expecting a boatload back, imagine if we had made the trade then and got what we ended up with today? The whole city would be outside Gillis's house with pitchforks.

Bottom line he gets paid millions of dollar to manage a hockey team. The team has been seriously depleted and in a state of decline for 3 years now. Regardless of what happened with Luongo and Schnieder the result was failure. You can make all the excuses in the world for him but the reality in life is that if you have terrible results in your job for 3 years running chances are very high you're going to be fired. For the record I would have been just as happy if we traded Lou for a similar return back before the CBA, even cap space would have been fine.

Gillis got greedy, Gillis didn't read the market, Gillis got burned.

He had Schneider, his only job was just to trade Lou. He got greedy and he got caught when in reality the cap space. He could have turned around and used that cap space for the second liner we've desperately needed for 3 years now.

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? Is that what Gillis tried to do? That's an interesting take you have.

Trading Hodgson for Kassian at the deadline made a ton of sense.

I guess Kassian was all of a sudden going to be our version of Lucic and dominate physically.

Getting Sestito was a pointless move too. The guys a goon and takes costly penalties. I guess Gillis didn't learn with Bitz the first time.

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Gillis took this team from being a pretty average team managed b Nonis/Burke and ascended it to elite status. A team that won 5 consecutive NW division titles, 2 president's trophy, and went to the stanley cup finals. In that time, they played some of the most high offense, exciting hockey this franchise has ever experienced.

I think he made a lot of good moves the last 3 years to fill the prospect pool with good young players to boot.

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Hmm, rather than respond to the post, you come back and attack me.

Same could be said about yourself.

Once a person responds with "epic fail", the conversation has regressed beyond salvation.

Best for both sides to just move on.

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Holy sh!t am I late to the party or what??!!!

HUGE news. No way I saw this coming so fast. But I guess you gotta make the fans happy.

There's your bold move for ya Gillis!

Naslund would be siiiick but I doubt that happens. If it did basically every young Swedish player would kill to play for Vancouver.

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one thing people fail to think about

in this disaster of a year, torts stood up and said he and his coaching staff failed, he didnt point fingers he didnt try and deflect

i ask all you mg apologists, when have you ever heard mg say he failed? when have you ever heard him say that he didn't make the deals he needed to, give his coaches the depth they needed etc?

instead he throws torts under the bus, this is after a year prior, he himself said after firing av, that this season was on him...and now that it is, like a tyical weasel lawyer he is, he tries to deflect again

i am glad that overweight, tomato faced, double chinned failure is gone

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Bottom line he gets paid millions of dollar to manage a hockey team. The team has been seriously depleted and in a state of decline for 3 years now. Regardless of what happened with Luongo and Schnieder the result was failure. You can make all the excuses in the world for him but the reality in life is that if you have terrible results in your job for 3 years running chances are very high you're going to be fired. For the record I would have been just as happy if we traded Lou for a similar return back before the CBA, even cap space would have been fine.

Gillis got greedy, Gillis didn't read the market, Gillis got burned.

He had Schneider, his only job was just to trade Lou. He got greedy and he got caught when in reality the cap space. He could have turned around and used that cap space for the second liner we've desperately needed for 3 years now.

made the playoffs 5 out of 6 years. SCF appearance, back to back presidents trophy winners, exc. The results point to him doing a good job. Just like the results of saying he had Lu & CS, and ended up with none are bad.

Its all just looking at results. When you bring up reasons and try to chop down what the positives results show, thats the same as me defending why some things happened with some of the circumstances, and trying to make the negative results seem a bit better.

I think we are both coming at it the same way from the opposite side.

Anyways I'm getting tired of defending Gillis. I'm not a fan of everythign he's done by anymeans but ownership is the true problem IMO.

The timing of it is just what really bugs me. I think last year would have been a better time to fire him than now. Or next year, I just really think with the new coach & how this team was in transition that it's the wrong time. Cause now I think instead of continuing with what Gillis was trying to do (go with the younger guys, and get back to the style that made us successful) thats all going to be scrapped and we are going to go with a full rebuild which will suck.

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one thing people fail to think about

in this disaster of a year, torts stood up and said he and his coaching staff failed, he didnt point fingers he didnt try and deflect

i ask all you mg apologists, when have you ever heard mg say he failed? when have you ever heard him say that he didn't make the deals he needed to, give his coaches the depth they needed etc?

Which is why we need a culture change.

You can see this attitude passed all the way down to the captain. Hearing things like "I thought we played well enough", or "we deserve to be in the playoffs" are not owning up to failure. I think Tortorella is a good start at getting these guys to man up and take responsibility rather than deflect blame like Gillis did.

I'm willing to give Tortorella another chance, because I really think he's just learning how to coach this team and in this conference. He needs to get them playing a more uptempo game though.

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