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[Report] President Trevor Linden


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I don't respect a man who stood at a podium and basically told the entire nhl that one of his player's career was over. Malhotra could have lost his opportunity to be an NHL player because of those comments by MG. He's tremendously lucky that Carolina didn't buy into Gillis's comments and gave him another chance. MG had no right to do that to one of the team's heart and soul guys. Sorry, but that's not how you treat the players

And if Malhotra got hit in the good eye and lost his sight and was seriously injured, then that would make MIke a 'good man' then? If Malhotra had played with the Canucks and been seriously injured, then Gillis would have been crucified. Gillis decided Malhotra would not be taking that risk on his watch, but what did he do to prevent Malhotra from playing for another team? .. Nothing that I know of, he just felt he could not, in all conscience, allow that to happen with the Canucks.

Picture the headline if Manny had been severely injured while playing for the Canucks AFTER Gillis was given the medical diagnosis .. he was in a no-win situation. To judge someone poorly for attempting to safeguard another human beings well-being seems wrong!

Any other examples?

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this presser scared me .. not about trevor .. he is a confident well spoken , class act who knows the game of hockey ...

seeing Aqua man .. wow .. just wow .. what a fool .. this is the guy making decisions about our hockey team .. the only decision he should make is what ice cream he will have for desert ..

I know right. It's like trying to take someone seriously when they end a statement with a fat joke. wait.

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this presser scared me .. not about trevor .. he is a confident well spoken , class act who knows the game of hockey ...

seeing Aqua man .. wow .. just wow .. what a fool .. this is the guy making decisions about our hockey team .. the only decision he should make is what ice cream he will have for desert ..

This impression, whether or not it's true, is exactly why Linden was hired. Other than an attempt to recover lost season ticket renewals.

I don't want this 'plan' to include trading our 2015 and 2016 1st rounders. But I can still see it happening, regardless of what I want.

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well that answer about seasons tickets put things in perspective didn't it .. hahahha they are not selling .. hahah

this was such a sad attempt to get people to renew .. wow ..

Bringing in Trev is a great move, not just a popularity contest. Trev is well liked and respected throughout the league, which will really help the team. This is a big opportunity for the team.

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I really feel good in hearing this presser. Wasn't sure about the decision....love Trev but also love the team and it had to be right...for the right reasons. Obviously it is partly attributed to getting sth to renew/stay on board but you don't simply make a snap decision based on that...sounds like this has been discussed for awhile and I'm totally on board now. Let's do this.

Trev's involvement in the telethon likely a prelude for what was to come.

His passion and hockey knowledge, alone, will greatly assist him in this role. Assets that come with having invested so long not only in the game, but to this team from various stances (even as "a fan", as stated, for a time).

His business venture with his fitness club, his role as President of the NHLPA...he does not come in green and completely in the dark. Not at all so.

Thanks for posting the Youtube/live link here. :)

Honky Cat just said exactly what I tried to but much more efficiently than I did. ^That, up there, Even IF it was partly reactionary, it feels right. Completely.

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There was no reason to fire Torts yet. I'm sure he will be, but firing him with 3 games left doesn't change the result of the season.

Focus right now is on finding GM and rebuilding upper management. After that, decision will be made on coach.

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Pretty hard not to expect a Torts firing soon, given what was said (and not said) during today's presser.

Linden purposefully never mentioned Tortorella by name in discussing the team's future. Always used phrases like "the coaches" or "the coaching staff." Simply refused to discuss Torts.

Francesco went so far as to basically suggest that the firing of Gillis (and the hiring of Linden) stemmed from MG's responsibility for choosing Torts and therefore owning the failures of this coaching staff (at least according to how ownership is now framing Torts' hiring).

EDIT: I see that Tortofrazzy, Deb, and others have noticed the same thing.

Wonder what's the over under for Torts' days remaining (until fired)?

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I don't respect a man who stood at a podium and basically told the entire nhl that one of his player's career was over. Malhotra could have lost his opportunity to be an NHL player because of those comments by MG. He's tremendously lucky that Carolina didn't buy into Gillis's comments and gave him another chance. MG had no right to do that to one of the team's heart and soul guys. Sorry, but that's not how you treat the players

Have you ever asked why Gillis did that?

It wasn't an evil plan to take over the world and Manny was in trouble out there for us. Gillis himself had to be told much younger that his hockey career was over and would know how much that sucks.

Remember that he could have easily traded Manny for a late pick or something. Even Manny himself respected what Gillis was doing, why can't you?

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It could potentially be a long few years with these 2 bozos at the top. Hopefully he can surround himself with intelligent people. If I was them I'd be a little more hasty to get a GM in place well before the draft.

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What this press conference did was give me confidence in Trevor Linden's abilities to push this team in the right direction.

Look, now I was born in 94, I really don't have many fond memories of the player Trevor Linden was except for a couple moments here and there. I will have no problem booing him if he doesn't do a great job. So for me this is not really a PR move, it might be for older fans, but for me it's an actual change which has been needed since 2012.

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It could potentially be a long few years with these 2 bozos at the top. Hopefully he can surround himself with intelligent people. If I was them I'd be a little more hasty to get a GM in place well before the draft.

I have no doubts he will do that. Trev knows what it takes to get to the SCF and he has +++++ of connections.

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okay so.... Trevor already has a GM in mind ad he is currently working for another team.

Haha, I got that too.

Touched on gaining permission to speak to people...timing.

Early to mid June targeted to have someone in place.

I think MG had no other choice but to address Manny's situation...I think he likely felt he had a responsibility to protect a player and do what was best in that interest even if it meant making a tough decision. Because if something further did happen, he'd have to live with that.

I can't throw MG under the bus....I feel he did a fairly great job here. And as in any job, thinking about a worker's health/safety should trump all else.

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