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Weise says Lucic threatened him during handshake


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Dropping in on this one - I have no idea what Lucic said but I highly doubt Weise was lying about it. He looked pretty mad during the handshake.

Weise was a great pick-up btw... I had my doubts about him but he's been great!

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I'm glad they're all being exposed for what they really are.

Lucic is a whiny goof, who is actually a pretty average player when he doesn't have the refs on his side.

Chara and Marchand are embarrassments to the game flopping all over the ice all game. :lol:

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So It's Habs fault for calling the police when Bruins bring it on themselves by acting like punks and thugs.

You & Flo can commiserate together. The Leaves are mulched, & bears endangered..ya gotta' accept some things.

Hey we called the police once on... wait the minute, BOS!!!

For the record I am not supporting Lucic he is a butt hurt loser but MTL is an annoying team that whines over every little thing.

This wasn't a real threat Lucic isn't going to kill anyone. He will lumber back to his cave and forget about it before the night is even over.

But this stuff happens. It's hockey and a few guys will say stuff like that. No big deal.


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Lucic is a whiny goof, who is actually a pretty average player when he doesn't have the refs on his side.

Oh come on, I can understand not liking Lucic, but give credit where credit is due.

3 20+ goal seasons and a 30 goal season, and 3 60+ pace seasons all in the past 4 years are better than the stats of a "pretty average player". Not to mention what else he brings to the table in his physicality and net presence.

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For the record I am not supporting Lucic he is a butt hurt loser but MTL is an annoying team that whines over every little thing.

This wasn't a real threat Lucic isn't going to kill anyone. He will lumber back to his cave and forget about it before the night is even over.

But this stuff happens. It's hockey and a few guys will say stuff like that. No big deal.


Why bother using other arsewhole-types to compare situations? Whatever sins the Habs may have committed; surely they're exiting the parish confessional with a clean conscience & slate, after purging the MSM of these devilish ilk!

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One man's word. Unless somebody else confirms it, who cares?

Hell, even if somebody else does, who cares? It's an emotional series in a rough game. It's like when people went nuts over Keith going 'wakey wakey Backes'...it's not like these guys all love each other.

You let it go when a series ends...then and there, for the handshake. Hard fought battles especially, as they command some respect for a battle well won.

You lose with dignity, not dickery.

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