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[PGT] Avs 7, Nucks 3


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The slow old team beat the fully loaded and fast Blues. Explain.

Well the Blues are generally know as a "heavy team" like the Kings. They are not known much for their speed as much as say Dallas or Colorado are who play a run and gun up tempo game.

Plus they looked slow because the Blues players were battling a bacterial bug going around apparently according to Shorthouse on the broadcast.

Everybody's been saying they wouldn't have a problem skating with St.Louis because they like to be good defensively as mush as offensively and don't play a speed game.

Also everybody said they would have trouble with Dallas and Colorado's speed which they did and even Edmonton to an extent have gave them trouble because of their speed.

Habs and Caps will be another nightmare for this team to keep up to their pace of play.

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I knew that if the team didn't have the game in the bag by the 2nd, things would start to go sideways.

I remember going to a tourny in Denver years ago and the entire team really felt the thin air. It takes a bit to get used to it.

That, along with the back to back situation is a deadly combo.

Let's not forget that the Avs were well rested (last game was Tue) and very hungry.

Sure there are a few holes on this team, but I don't think it's as bad as what some people are thinking. Again, the Nucks are in a transition and this year in particular will probably be the toughest.

Really like how some of the prospects are playing; especially Cassels, McCann and Subban. Virtanen's going to be a winner as well as some of the guys in Utica. I can see some exciting hockey in the upcoming years.

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Ok Ima gonna try an be positive

I liked our fight. We played hard at least until that 6th goal.

That bogus Mathias penalty putting us two men down and the goal that resulted that put them ahead was the turning point that should never have happened. Totally shifted the momentum.

The score was flattering to the Avalanche. I thought

Edler a +2 on a 7 goal against night

The season is early.

Go Canucks Go


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Weber shouldn't be playing in the NHL.

If sbIsa had Stanton as a D partner he would look much better. Hard to tread water with a anchor.

Weber is not the problem on that pairing.. Sbisa is absolutely brutal. I'm nervous everytime he's on the ice and with a -5 tonight clearly with good reason, cannot handle the puck to save his life, constantly puts it on the other teams stick around the net, can't make a play, and took the stupidest penalty for no reason tonight.. as well as no awareness away from the puck.. he can hit and that is all he is good at he is a complete liability every time he is on the ice.

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One of the team's most experienced Penalty Killers is sitting on the sidelines, and on Friday night versus the Avalanche, the team paid for that mistake.

Instead we saw Mattias and Dorsett out... two guys who don't have the experience or the judgement to know how cover ice and avoid taking stupid penalties.

You just would not see Burrows making the mistake Mattias did.

The failure to kill penalties the Canuck took in the second period were the turning point in that game... and I have to wonder why Burrows was missing from the Penalty Kill team until the final few seconds of the last penalty.

Does this coach have a problem with Burrows? Between putting in the doghouse and having him serve a 'too many men on the ice' penalty, and taking him off the penalty kill, this question has to be asked.

Personally I don't think much of Dorsett's play... he takes stupid penalties in the offensive zone and doesn't contribute much. He isn't big enough to intimidate, and doesn't have the skill. Yet for whatever reason, Willy Desjardins seems intent on replacing Burrows with Dorsett as Team Agitator and utility man.

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