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[Report] Ryan Miller won't be moved & looking for a 2nd rounder or hockey trade for Lack/Markstrom

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I like Benning, but his extra year on the Miller contract was a terrible decision, and not just in hindsight.

Nobody wants a 6mil goaltender that isn't named Quick, Price, or Lundqvist. With so many talented and cheap goaltenders out there, Miller's contract can't be justified.

You are assuming he would have signed for 2 years 12 million. I think he would have signed somewhere else or have asked for more money (which we couldn't afford) if they had only offered 2 years

Also the 3 year time frame fits with Demkos development. by the end year 3 he will be in the Canucks Farm system. I don;t know what his chances of leaving school after his junior year are but if he does that would have give Demko 1 full year in the AHL to prove if he was NHL ready or not. If he isn't you can sign as a spot gap UFA goalie for a year or two

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For some reason I feel like Eddie Lack is the Canucks, he's the heart of the team...

If they move him I just don't know how much i will care about this team anymore... Trading Eddie Lack will have a very very negative effect on the fanbase...

Edit: I know I will catch flack for it but I don't care, it's my opinion...

after lu was traded don't matter to me as long as we get a good deal in return....

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Everyone thinking the Miller signing was a mistake, give your heads a shake. After 2014, nobody would've trusted Lack alone in net, especially with Markstrom as his back up. We needed a goalie badly, and Miller played a lot better then a lot of you give him credit for. Without Miller, we likely would have missed the playoffs, and Lack and Markstrom's values would be at an all time low. Miller really helped develop Eddie, and Markstrom's year in Utica was huge. That really helped his development come along. I think trading Lack makes the most sense. Markstrom's ceiling is much higher, and I think being back up to Miller is going to do wonders for him.

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You are assuming he would have signed for 2 years 12 million. I think he would have signed somewhere else or have asked for more money (which we couldn't afford) if they had only offered 2 years

Also the 3 year time frame fits with Demkos development. by the end year 3 he will be in the Canucks Farm system. I don;t know what his chances of leaving school after his junior year are but if he does that would have give Demko 1 full year in the AHL to prove if he was NHL ready or not. If he isn't you can sign as a spot gap UFA goalie for a year or two

The fact that Miller is essentially untradeable implies that he didn't have many offers going on last summer.

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You are assuming he would have signed for 2 years 12 million. I think he would have signed somewhere else or have asked for more money (which we couldn't afford) if they had only offered 2 years

Also the 3 year time frame fits with Demkos development. by the end year 3 he will be in the Canucks Farm system. I don;t know what his chances of leaving school after his junior year are but if he does that would have give Demko 1 full year in the AHL to prove if he was NHL ready or not. If he isn't you can sign as a spot gap UFA goalie for a year or two

the extra year was so he could sign miller.. like a bonus.. not his fault

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The fact that Miller is essentially untradeable implies that he didn't have many offers going on last summer.

how? Just because someone doesn't want to give up an asset worth while doesn't mean they wouldn't have signed him for FREE

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Funny thing is the only reason Miller's numbers aren't very good is because of a few blowout losses. If you took away the blowout games his numbers are very good.

I prefer Lack but you can't blame Miller too much considering the defensive game in front of him plus it was his first season with us. Most goalies need an adjustment year to get to know their team defence.

Markstrom shouldn't have this problem due to the fact that Utica play a very similar game to the Canucks (on purpose obviously. Benning already talked about that) so his numbers should be up to him so long as the defence is decent or better he should do well. I do believe Lack should be traded as he has the lowest cap hit and has 2 nhl seasons of solid play and has proven he can be an average or better starter. Lack should be able to get at least a top 50 pick, If more teams needed goaltending you could get more. I think Philadelphia, Edmonton, San Jose (less likely), and Toronto. Could be others too. The funny thing is right now the Canucks have a goalie logjam but they will need to acquire some goalies for next year as Demko will be in college, Cannata is unlikely to be resigned, and Eriksson might go back to Sweden. So expect some college/Junior goalie signing(s) and late round goalie pick(s), I was thinking that maybe the Canucks could go after Ken Appleby, and maybe a euro like Laurikainen

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For those of you saying "we wouldn't have made the playoffs without MIller". Would that really have been so awful? Would that have been worse than getting dumped in 6 games by Calgary? 6 extra games is all we got thanks to Miller and his immovable contract. This is just one guy's opinion but I could have lived without losing to Calgary in the playoffs. I'd have been happier to see the Canucks either sink or swim with Lack and Markstrom, get the better draft pick if that didn't work out, and seen Miller's 6 million spent a bit more wisely, on a PMD perhaps.

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For some reason I feel like Eddie Lack is the Canucks, he's the heart of the team...

If they move him I just don't know how much i will care about this team anymore... Trading Eddie Lack will have a very very negative effect on the fanbase...

Edit: I know I will catch flack for it but I don't care, it's my opinion...

I agree to a certain degree. That is why JB better not f this trade up. We need to get something back that will help us forget about having Lack here.

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For those of you saying "we wouldn't have made the playoffs without MIller". Would that really have been so awful? Would that have been worse than getting dumped in 6 games by Calgary? 6 extra games is all we got thanks to Miller and his immovable contract. This is just one guy's opinion but I could have lived without losing to Calgary in the playoffs. I'd have been happier to see the Canucks either sink or swim with Lack and Markstrom, get the better draft pick if that didn't work out, and seen Miller's 6 million spent a bit more wisely, on a PMD perhaps.

As much as I think Benning knows what he is doing, I gotta agree with these comments.

All people do is say that Lack hasn't proven he can be a starter, yet how is he supposed to prove he can play 60+ games if he is never given the chance? I would have much rather have had Lack and Markstrom in net this season and spent that cap on a #1/2 defenceman and also had the chance at a lower draft pick if they didn't make the playoffs.

All we got out of Miller was 2/3rd's of a season. I wouldn't even say we got into the playoffs BECAUSE of Miller but merely because the rest of the team was playing well and Lack performed stellar when given the starting position with Miller out.

This team did not need Miller, it needed Vrbata and a top defenceman.

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Funny thing is the only reason Miller's numbers aren't very good is because of a few blowout losses. If you took away the blowout games his numbers are very good.

I prefer Lack but you can't blame Miller too much considering the defensive game in front of him plus it was his first season with us. Most goalies need an adjustment year to get to know their team defence.

Markstrom shouldn't have this problem due to the fact that Utica play a very similar game to the Canucks (on purpose obviously. Benning already talked about that) so his numbers should be up to him so long as the defence is decent or better he should do well. I do believe Lack should be traded as he has the lowest cap hit and has 2 nhl seasons of solid play and has proven he can be an average or better starter. Lack should be able to get at least a top 50 pick, If more teams needed goaltending you could get more. I think Philadelphia, Edmonton, San Jose (less likely), and Toronto. Could be others too. The funny thing is right now the Canucks have a goalie logjam but they will need to acquire some goalies for next year as Demko will be in college, Cannata is unlikely to be resigned, and Eriksson might go back to Sweden. So expect some college/Junior goalie signing(s) and late round goalie pick(s), I was thinking that maybe the Canucks could go after Ken Appleby, and maybe a euro like Laurikainen

I agree with this strongly.

If you take away a couple of really bad games early on, when the team was still looking for cohesion under a new coach and Miller was getting acclimated, his numbers are much better than first appear. The Dallas game stands out sharply and there are a couple of others.

To me these are just loses...the final score doesn't matter so much. He had a bad game behind a team that didn't play well in front of him. His 'ineffectiveness' is over stated and I can understand why the final game vs Calgary leaves a bad taste.

When using the increasingly common metric used in baseball of 'quality starts' then Miller performed very well this year. I like Lack a lot too, both as a human and as a player, but it does make sense from JB's perspective to continue down this path and keep Marky.

If there is a way of trading a Lack + package ( Higgins, Jensen???) for the 31st overall and Grigs then it moves us further down the path toward the retool even by losing a great guy like Lack. The key will be getting and developing the return properly.

We all know we need a top end D prospect going forward but, in the interim, building up the base around the club makes perfect sense in this context. We can look to trade for, draft, or develop one of our D prospects to fill that void while we stay competitive for a playoff position yearly.

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For some reason I feel like Eddie Lack is the Canucks, he's the heart of the team...

If they move him I just don't know how much i will care about this team anymore... Trading Eddie Lack will have a very very negative effect on the fanbase...

Edit: I know I will catch flack for it but I don't care, it's my opinion...

I totally feel the same! Eddie should have more value to US than any 2nd round pick who turns out to be another Vey...

Also if we would go with Miller/Markstrom next year, I wouldn't feel comfortable because:

- I'm not sure if Markstrom can finally translate to the NHL

- Millers knee injury might be a concern

- Millers play is declining and his stats (especially against western teams) are bad (only 4 wins against western playoff teams)

Since Miller is not movable my best case scenario looks like this:

- Trade Markstrom for a 2nd/3rd

- 2015/16 Miller Lack 41/41 split

- Try to move Miller next deadline/offseason (probably still not movable)

- Sign Eddie 4-5 years @ 4 Mill/year

- 2016/17 Lack Miller 50/32 split (10 Million cap in 2 goalies suck but it's only for 1 year and we should have the cap space

by then)

- 2017/18 Lack Demko

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The fact that Miller is essentially untradeable implies that he didn't have many offers going on last summer.

Thats assuming that Benning is wanting to trade him. Did I miss something or did Miller play really awful or something to imply Management wants him traded? Is Lack really ready for the #1 spot? To me its a gamble and if there was any position that is important on a hockey team, its the goalie. Just like last year when we were in the same position with Eddy. The only #1 goalie I see on this team so far is Miller, all the others are ? marks and varying gambles. If I am a gambling man, I would stay with the safe bet with Miller and wait and see what plays out with the other goalies.

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As much as I think Benning knows what he is doing, I gotta agree with these comments.

All people do is say that Lack hasn't proven he can be a starter, yet how is he supposed to prove he can play 60+ games if he is never given the chance? I would have much rather have had Lack and Markstrom in net this season and spent that cap on a #1/2 defenceman and also had the chance at a lower draft pick if they didn't make the playoffs.

All we got out of Miller was 2/3rd's of a season. I wouldn't even say we got into the playoffs BECAUSE of Miller but merely because the rest of the team was playing well and Lack performed stellar when given the starting position with Miller out.

This team did not need Miller, it needed Vrbata and a top defenceman.

Agree completely. Also, people were saying the same thing about Schneider, look at him now. Putting up spectacular numbers as a #1 on a dog's breakfast New Jersey team.

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Agree completely. Also, people were saying the same thing about Schneider, look at him now. Putting up spectacular numbers as a #1 on a dog's breakfast New Jersey team.

He has had the last 2 years when Lu left and when Miller was injured plus last years playoffs. How much more of a chance does he need? And........He is not even close to Scneids so that is not a real comparison. Just cause he is a likeable guy does not make him a great goalie.

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