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Conservative MP compares Stephen Harper government to Jesus, inspiring hilarious #CPCJesus tweets

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Conservative MP compares Stephen Harper government to Jesus, inspiring hilarious #CPCJesus tweets

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Is it time we started referring to Prime Minister Stephen Harper as "Our Lord and Saviour"?

Wai Young, the Conservative MP for Vancouver South, apparently told the congregation at Harvest City Church that the Harper government's pushing through of controversial antiterrorism bill C-51 resembles the work of Jesus Christ, who Christians believe was the son of God.

"Jesus served, he saved, but he acted, as well," Young said in a speech, according to Press Progress.

Young went on to say: "I want to share with you what I think our government is doing in the same vein—Jesus served and acted to always do the right thing, not the most popular thing."

Referring to the 1985 bombing, Young also made the bizarre claim that "if Bill C-51 had been in place 30 years ago, Air India would never have happened".

On Twitter, Young's words inspired a flood of hilarious tweets using the hashtag #CPCJesus:


Go to the link for the tweets. Some of my favorites:

Blessed are they who persecute for the sake of the party for theirs is a seat in the Senate. #CPCJesus

I hear #CPCJesus can walk on oil spills.

#CPCJesus Thou shall not commit Sociology

#CPCJesus gives sermon on the mount, but no reporters allowed. #cdnpoli

God saw the light, and saw that it was good - so he cancelled its funding #CPCJesus


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She has got to go !! I'm in her riding too. This has got to be the lowest thing ever she is preying on innocent god fearing people. I just hope she does not get any support from the south and east Asian population that make up a good part our riding.

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She has got to go !! I'm in her riding too. This has got to be the lowest thing ever she is preying on innocent god fearing people. I just hope she does not get any support from the south and east Asian population that make up a good part our riding.

Unfortunately, she'll get the vote because she's Asian. Asians think she's representing them when it couldn't be further from the truth.

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My buddy was telling me he was at a municipal conference, and a Richmond MP was there shaking hands with people. He came up to my friend and asked to shake hands. My friend refused. When the MP asked why, he said. "You've been elected to represent me, yet you never listen to your constituents. Until you do, I refuse to shake your hand." The MP actually said he represented the people who voted for him. My friends response was. "So you don't really understand that you're a public servant, figures."

The arrogance and stupidity of politicians.

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My buddy was telling me he was at a municipal conference, and a Richmond MP was there shaking hands with people. He came up to my friend and asked to shake hands. My friend refused. When the MP asked why, he said. "You've been elected to represent me, yet you never listen to your constituents. Until you do, I refuse to shake your hand." The MP actually said he represented the people who voted for him. My friends response was. "So you don't really understand that you're a public servant, figures."

The arrogance and stupidity of politicians.

At the very least he was honest ? :picard: which is very rare for most politicians.

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