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Canucks’ four biggest mistakes of the past year


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Why does this guy get away with everything he says but turns others in? Aren't users on here supposed to be tolerant of others' opinions? Calling them "garbage" does seem to fit that rule

Was there some personal attack in my response? Did I say you were garbage? No I didn't. You can disagree with posts (yours was garbage) but not attack the poster personally. There's a difference.

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Was there some personal attack in my response? Did I say you were garbage? No I didn't. You can disagree with posts (yours was garbage) but not attack the poster personally. There's a difference.

I suspect your negativity towards Sutter has you talking out your butt on this one.

Just to be clear, I believe your posts are garbage too.
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As for Sutter, I personally think you're selling him short but we'll find out in a couple months so I see no need for twisted panties as yet.

Personally I wouldn't be surprised with ~25 goals and 45-50 points while winning face offs, playing well defensively and on the PK and helping shelter Bo with a fast skating, tenacious puck pursuit game.

He's never scored 40 points before so I don't know how it wouldn't be surprising for him to beat his career high by 20%. If he plays on the 2nd and not 3rd line, his points should increase. But then of course he'll be asked to do more defensively than he's ever had to do before. That's a lot to ask of a guy weighing 190lbs in the heavy western conference.

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The Calgary playoff series remember that?

One shred of printed or video taped evidence supporting your suggestion that Henrik is a complainer behind closed doors please!

Yeah, that's what I thought.......you got nothing!

As I said, laughable suggestion.

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One shred of printed or video taped evidence supporting your suggestion that Henrik is a complainer behind closed doors please!

Yeah, that's what I thought.......you got nothing!

As I said, laughable suggestion.

Oh i imagine someone can bring up the Sedin's questioning ice time and deployment in the series. I can't right now and obviously you wont.
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Last year was his "another year".

Except that that year was derailed by an injury, at a time when he was playing well...

You love to bring up the "shut up and play better" line (which is a misquote, BTW)....that's exactly what Kassian was doing before the back injury flared up.

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Ditto, but he has teasing superior skills, size, and meanness. As Kesler said about Kassian: "{Kassian} does not realize how much he could help us. He's either a star in three years, or he's not in the league." I didn't get what Kesler meant at the the time, but I do now. I only wish the big guy would have figured it out here. He could have been a difference maker.

Good call. Kassian is not a powerforward. He wants to be that third guy lurking up high, picking off pucks and making plays. He doesn't want to play tough, which is why it was like pulling teeth. Then he'd go to the camera and get pouty and say, "well I played physical to make everyone happy." Then the Sedins would giftwrap one and everyone would say, "he's really turning the corner". Good riddance.

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Oh i imagine someone can bring up the Sedin's questioning ice time and deployment in the series. I can't right now and obviously you wont.

Unlike you, if it existed, I would post evidence backing up such a ridiculous acusation labeling Henrik as a behind closed doors complainer before shooting off completely fabricated conjecture.

You can't, because it doesn't exist except in your own made up acusation.

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The narc likes to throw jabs but cries when he has to take a few. Sad.

Read it again, slugger. He's a 3rd line centre playing behind Crosby and Malkin so he won't see top-4 defencemen. Other people think he's a shutdown centre, not me. He's an average player who will be cashing huge cheques that will hamper this team for a while.

Yeah, because you're the GM so you know exactly what happened behind closed doors. I guess that explains the gratuitous use of the word "we".

Prust is a plug but they loved him in Montreal, fans and management. They wouldn't have acquired Kassian unless they felt he would be an asset that would bring them the goal scoring they desperately need and Prust doesn't bring. Benning made a moronic decision to trade Kassian when the Canadiens smartly made him a lowball offer.

Why does this guy get away with everything he says but turns others in? Aren't users on here supposed to be tolerant of others' opinions? Calling them "garbage" does seem to fit that rule.

He got 21 goals playing 17 minutes a night facing 5th and 6th defencemen and bottom 6 forwards. For $4.3 million, he will be expected to face top-4 defencemen, top-6 forwards, and check guys 40 to 50 pounds heavier than him. Looking like a worse and worse decision everyday to trade Bonino and Clendenning for this guy. Bonino was just as miscast as Sutter will be except he was only making $1.9 million. Clendenning was touted as an offensively defenceman who could run a PP. Dumb decision by Benning.

Some internet anger issues in this post. I watched 20+ Pens games last year and when they could determine the matchups, Sutter was always out against the other teams best fwds.

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He's never scored 40 points before so I don't know how it wouldn't be surprising for him to beat his career high by 20%. If he plays on the 2nd and not 3rd line, his points should increase. But then of course he'll be asked to do more defensively than he's ever had to do before. That's a lot to ask of a guy weighing 190lbs in the heavy western conference.

He's also rarely played with guys as good as Vrbata and likely Baer or got as much PP opportunity as he likely will here. He also didn't have a guy like Horvat to share defensive duties with.

An extra 5-10 points is really not much of a stretch.

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I guess you were trying to sound "cool" with that first line but failed miserably. Don't feel bad. Just be better next time. "Here it comes!"

Benning foolishly traded away a player with the youth, size, speed, skill, and toughness knowledgable hockey fans know this team has been missing for a very long time. Trading Kassian for garbage like Prust is not only a horrible player move but hurts their cap space. You can't teach size and skill to the level Kassian has and he is ready to breakout. Awful decision to move him and it will haunt this city for a very long time.

I don't know or care who Willis is. I've been watching hockey a long time and make my own mind up about players. Maybe you're related to Sutter and want to stick up for him but the truth is he is an average 3rd line centre who is being hideously overpaid with way too long a contract. This team was much better off with Bonino at $1.9 million than skinny Sutter at $4.3 million. He's supposed to check big centres in the west but he is way to slight to do anything but fall to the ice as he gets pushed aside by the likes of Getzlaf.

If you think Sutter is going to be some breakout star who scores 30 goals and shuts down other team's best players, you're going to be very disappointed. He was behind two of the most skilled centres in the NHL in Pittsburgh and rarely saw top-4 defencemen. Here if they foolishly use him in the 2nd line role, he will be exposed big time and prove himself as an average 3rd liner at best.

Kassian. I agree, he has all the tools you say he does, he just uses some of them sometimes. At first I thought he was a man-child. Afraid or unsure of himself if he stepped up and played the way we all thought he could or should. All he had to do was grow up. That was 3 years ago. Then I thought that something in his past scared him (head shot on Kennedy in Junior) and he didn't like that part of himself and was afraid to show his mean side. Have you seen the Kennedy shot? It's on Youtube, brutal. Now I don't know what to think. I liked Kassian but he rarely delivered, just teased us every now and then. To call his time with the Canucks disappointing is an understatement. The Canucks moving forward are going to be all about developing young players the right way. I don't think you can do that if somebody with skills who doesn't use them consistently is on the team. At some point, what his example takes away from the team outweighs what has become mere potential. For that reason, I think it was a good call by Benning.

Sutter. I think is an upgrade on Bonino. He's bigger, faster, harder to play against, better on faceoffs and is a right shot. These are goals Benning has for the team. They're both good defensively and on the PK. He'll play 2nd line (just like Bonino) until Horvat is ready and long term will likely be the 3C. That's what I expect. So, you're right, the price is high and I think that Benning could have waited at least until Christmas to see what he really had before extending him. We don't know how good he can be since he has been playing behind Crosby and Malkin and he has also been playing with inferior wingers. Benning obviously thinks he's got the real deal. We'll see.

Benning is also constructing a team. I think he wants to have solid goaltending, strength up the middle (3 centres) and a solid top 4 D. That's 8 foundational players and he thinks he's found one of those in Sutter.

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Except that that year was derailed by an injury, at a time when he was playing well...

You love to bring up the "shut up and play better" line (which is a misquote, BTW)....that's exactly what Kassian was doing before the back injury flared up.

This is my thoughts on this as well. I would have liked to see him get Top 9 minutes and some PP time this year. I think he was really starting to make some strides last year before he got hurt.

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This is my thoughts on this as well. I would have liked to see him get Top 9 minutes and some PP time this year. I think he was really starting to make some strides last year before he got hurt.

I liked Kassian's skill and size too. His tools, in that big body were tantalizing. Yet, if he was showing improvement, why were no teams (other than the Habs) willing to trade for him, considering his skill set and size? My only answer is off ice intangibles, like commitment and sacrifice.

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I liked Kassian's skill and size too. His tools, in that big body were tantalizing. Yet, if he was showing improvement, why were no teams (other than the Habs) willing to trade for him, considering his skill set and size? My only answer is off ice intangibles, like commitment and sacrifice.

A valid question.

Another valid question is, why would you trade a guy who looked to have bought into what was being asked of him, especially when his value was at rock bottom?

What Cammer and I are saying is that with his value that low, it makes sense to give him another shot to see if he could maintain the way he was playing before getting hurt. That way, if you are still bound and determined to get rid of him, you at least get some value, rather than paying to have someone take him off your hands.

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A valid question.

Another valid question is, why would you trade a guy who looked to have bought into what was being asked of him, especially when his value was at rock bottom?

What Cammer and I are saying is that with his value that low, it makes sense to give him another shot to see if he could maintain the way he was playing before getting hurt. That way, if you are still bound and determined to get rid of him, you at least get some value, rather than paying to have someone take him off your hands.

JB didn't want him on our roster. He asked 29 NHL teams what they would give up for him. The best he could get was prust (who's value would be a 3rd round pick) for a 5th round pick and kassian (that would put his value at a 4th round pick).

You can sum up the answer as to why we didn't just keep kassian in the first sentence.

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