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Congrats to Lu - moving up in all time wins - Luuuu


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20 hours ago, apollo said:


It is incredibly special... but Canada has won gold 3 out of the 4 previous Olympics... 2002, 2010, 2014... Sure Luongo was the only one to win it on home ice... not to mention he did it in his NHL teams arena... and he was in my books the MVP of that year but it's just not the same as if the NHL hadn't fixed the 2011 final and let him get the cup in 2011. 


The Canucks haven't won 3 of the past 4 cups... let alone one cup in almost 50 years. (Not saying that they didn't deserve a few cups had the NHL not rigged games) 


But winning a gold is nothing compared to the cup. It's an incredible accomplishment... don't get me wrong. Luongo deserves a statue in the HHOF for his performance in 2010. But it's just not the cup. 

It's all about how you choose to value things.


It's easy to buy into the 'cup is everything' mentality, but there a 4 cup winners for every 1 Olympic gold winner. Combine that with Lu playing in his home country, in his home rink, playing the most scrutinized position - it's likely no one ever meets all that criteria again.


Plus there's the whole aspect of the NHL selling out when it comes to playoffs. Don't need 7 games to determine who's better. Single game knockout, or at most best of 3, are all that's needed. I'd rather see who has the best team head to head, rather than who can survive 25ish games with the fewest injuries. That's after playing an overly long regular season too.


All this has made me pretty apathetic towards Cups. I'd rather win hockey pools B)





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3 hours ago, NewbieCanuckFan said:

True but getting a shutout as an Islander (back when he was there - the Fishsticks were REALLY bad) was still a bit of an achievement.

Yep, succeeding behind a crap team is not small feat. But still irrelevant to the discussion of which teams he's shut out.

I would think, though, that trading Luongo after only 20 starts (including that shutout!) is one of the biggest mistakes in franchise history.

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21 hours ago, Westcoasting said:

Anyone else watch the game tonight and see the injury? Doesn't look good at all, hopefully Lui is not too long out.

Yeah. And it didn't look good. Apparently he's getting an MRI today and was "hobbling" after the game. (That being said, hobbling would have been an improvement after having to be helped off the ice and down the tunnel..)


Here's hoping it's nothing too bad.

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17 hours ago, poetica said:

Yeah. And it didn't look good. Apparently he's getting an MRI today and was "hobbling" after the game. (That being said, hobbling would have been an improvement after having to be helped off the ice and down the tunnel..)


Here's hoping it's nothing too bad.

Groin injury... i think that is better then that hip issue again.

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  • 2 months later...
3 hours ago, 6of1_halfdozenofother said:

Curious to see how the chart looks like now, with Luongo, Fleury, Lundqvist, and Miller still at it a couple of years later.

Depending on how many more seasons Fleury and Lundqvist play, I can see them both potentially passing Luongo.


Realistically if Luongo plays out his contract I see him ending with around 510-520 wins. Still putting up great save percentages but can't seem to stay healthy enough to rack up a lot of wins.


Lundqvist is currently 34 wins behind and 3 years younger so will probably be a little bit more productive over the next ~4 years. He has played well into his older years but has shown some signs aging the past two seasons. Also, with the Rangers seeming to be entering a rebuild it will be harder for him to stockpile wins even if he's playing well.


Fleury is another 2 years younger than Lundqvist and could be still playing after Luongo and Lundqvist retire. If he continues to play the way he has this season then I think he will definitely pass both of them. He's currently 66 wins behind Luongo and 32 behind Lundqvist. However, he's had trouble with consistency and it's unlikely he will maintain the same level of play over an extended period of time.


I think Miller will remain behind the other three. Just a year younger than Luongo but almost 100 wins back. He wants to be a starter and I see him retiring before accepting a permanent backup role, which probably isn't too far away now.

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6 hours ago, Diamonds said:

Depending on how many more seasons Fleury and Lundqvist play, I can see them both potentially passing Luongo.


Realistically if Luongo plays out his contract I see him ending with around 510-520 wins. Still putting up great save percentages but can't seem to stay healthy enough to rack up a lot of wins.


Lundqvist is currently 34 wins behind and 3 years younger so will probably be a little bit more productive over the next ~4 years. He has played well into his older years but has shown some signs aging the past two seasons. Also, with the Rangers seeming to be entering a rebuild it will be harder for him to stockpile wins even if he's playing well.


Fleury is another 2 years younger than Lundqvist and could be still playing after Luongo and Lundqvist retire. If he continues to play the way he has this season then I think he will definitely pass both of them. He's currently 66 wins behind Luongo and 32 behind Lundqvist. However, he's had trouble with consistency and it's unlikely he will maintain the same level of play over an extended period of time.


I think Miller will remain behind the other three. Just a year younger than Luongo but almost 100 wins back. He wants to be a starter and I see him retiring before accepting a permanent backup role, which probably isn't too far away now.

Fluery seems to have landed himself a plum assignment with the wtf? Vegas squad, not hard to post forty win seasons there for a while if they are the real thing and he stays healthy.  He also happens to be the last goaltender to get drafted and not see significant seasoning before the show so there really won't be anyone catching up for a long, long time.  Lundqvist is definitely not a for sure thing, if Luongo plays out his contract as a backup and posts ten wins per season I don't think he's catching up.  500 wins is an amazing legacy.  Hope Lou gets that far at least.

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On 2/25/2018 at 1:37 AM, Diamonds said:

Depending on how many more seasons Fleury and Lundqvist play, I can see them both potentially passing Luongo.


Realistically if Luongo plays out his contract I see him ending with around 510-520 wins. Still putting up great save percentages but can't seem to stay healthy enough to rack up a lot of wins.


Lundqvist is currently 34 wins behind and 3 years younger so will probably be a little bit more productive over the next ~4 years. He has played well into his older years but has shown some signs aging the past two seasons. Also, with the Rangers seeming to be entering a rebuild it will be harder for him to stockpile wins even if he's playing well.


Fleury is another 2 years younger than Lundqvist and could be still playing after Luongo and Lundqvist retire. If he continues to play the way he has this season then I think he will definitely pass both of them. He's currently 66 wins behind Luongo and 32 behind Lundqvist. However, he's had trouble with consistency and it's unlikely he will maintain the same level of play over an extended period of time.


I think Miller will remain behind the other three. Just a year younger than Luongo but almost 100 wins back. He wants to be a starter and I see him retiring before accepting a permanent backup role, which probably isn't too far away now.

Lu is still just as good as Lundqvist and better than Fleury/Miler imo being older and also playing on the Panthers.  

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On 2/25/2018 at 1:37 AM, Diamonds said:

Depending on how many more seasons Fleury and Lundqvist play, I can see them both potentially passing Luongo.


Realistically if Luongo plays out his contract I see him ending with around 510-520 wins. Still putting up great save percentages but can't seem to stay healthy enough to rack up a lot of wins.


Lundqvist is currently 34 wins behind and 3 years younger so will probably be a little bit more productive over the next ~4 years. He has played well into his older years but has shown some signs aging the past two seasons. Also, with the Rangers seeming to be entering a rebuild it will be harder for him to stockpile wins even if he's playing well.


Fleury is another 2 years younger than Lundqvist and could be still playing after Luongo and Lundqvist retire. If he continues to play the way he has this season then I think he will definitely pass both of them. He's currently 66 wins behind Luongo and 32 behind Lundqvist. However, he's had trouble with consistency and it's unlikely he will maintain the same level of play over an extended period of time.


I think Miller will remain behind the other three. Just a year younger than Luongo but almost 100 wins back. He wants to be a starter and I see him retiring before accepting a permanent backup role, which probably isn't too far away now.

Luongo played a good chunk of his career for NYI and Florida in the beginning of his career.. so getting wins was never an option for him.. compared to Lunqvist and Fleury they started off their career on decent (lunqvist) and great team (Fleury) so of coz they'll pile up the wins. stick either one of those in NYI and or Florida for an extended period of time and then see where they stand in the win columns

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