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Twelve Cops Shot In Dallas Five Dead After Protest Over Recent Killings


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2 minutes ago, clam linguine said:

Eh...anyways...the reason I "rail"  against liberals like yourself is because this is an example society your beliefs will yield. This is only the beginning.  I don't hold it against you, I was a Liberal when I was young too.  If you are over forty...you have no excuse.

So no defense for your blatant hypocrisy? Good to know.

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5 minutes ago, Electro Rock said:

Innocent? They were members of a hostile paramilitary group.

Even if you are anti-government, you can't honestly believe the police are part of some grand conspiracy against its citizens.


These are just regular people doing their jobs. Nobody deserves to die from doing their job.

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1 hour ago, DeNiro said:

So much wrong with this post.


Crazy gunmen don't need "liberal media" to tell them to do anything, they're crazy. And how can you possibly pretend to know what a madman was thinking?


This is just more right wing BS that tries to look anywhere but the real issues. I guess when you believe in an invisible man in the sky you can convince yourself of anything though.

Your pretension to being some kind of metaphysical authority at the end there is why no one takes you seriously, if you're wondering. Something is wrong when you take dumb arguments you've read here or there on the internet, internalize them, and then wait for opportunities to use them completely out of context as insults.

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2 minutes ago, One one two said:

Your pretension to being some kind of metaphysical authority at the end there is why no one takes you seriously, if you're wondering. Something is wrong when you take dumb arguments you've read here or there on the internet, internalize them, and wait for an opportunity to use them completely out of context to insult somebody.

Lol okay.


I would say lots of people "take me seriously", thanks for the opinion though.


I don't think I've had one conversation with you before, but it sounds like you have alot of built up animosity towards me. Maybe you should work on that. Namaste.

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4 minutes ago, clam linguine said:

No, I don't understand where you think I am being hypocritical. Do you know what hypocrisy means?

I am done. I already tried to hold your hand through it but if you didn't get it then its quite clearly beyond your comprehension. 

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2 minutes ago, DeNiro said:

Lol okay.


I would say lots of people "take me seriously", thanks for the opinion though.


I don't think I've had one conversation with you before, but it sounds like you have alot of built up animosity towards me. Maybe you should work on that. Namaste.

No, we haven't, and I don't pay much attention to you, but if you have 20,000 posts and they're all of this kind, then one would hope I'm right when I say that about your forum cred homie

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7 minutes ago, One one two said:

No, we haven't, and I don't pay much attention to you, but if you have 20,000 posts and they're all of this kind, then one would hope I'm right when I say that about your forum cred homie

So you don't pay much attention to me yet you know that "I'm not taken seriously" and that all my posts are the same?


Hmmm.... Sounds like you're making an as$ out of u and me. Don't worry about my cred homie, it's legit.

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Murdering innocent cops is counterproductive to the goal of reducing police brutality and making society a safer place.  The perps wouldn't have done this if they truly cared about stopping loss of life and families being ripped apart.

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1 minute ago, Squamfan said:

u still watching this at 3 am must be really hard to watch. when we had the situation in Moncton fews back i was sick to my stomach for a whole week and sad.

It's just life.  I prefer to stay informed and I'm willing to inform others when they are interested.

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4 minutes ago, DeNiro said:

So you don't pay much attention to me yet you know that "I'm not taken seriously" and that all my posts are the same?


Hmmm.... Sounds like you're making an as$ out of u and me. Don't worry about my cred homie, it's legit.

I didn't think my post was very difficult, but you managed to misinterpret what I was saying anyway. I'll just duck out here. Enjoy living in a world where you're right and everyone else is wrong with no ifs, buts, maybes, or intelligent dialect, and where someone's opinion can be discredited on the basis that their unrelated theological beliefs are wrong because you say so.

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