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Canucks are victims of bad timing

Makaramel MacKhiato

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7 minutes ago, S'all Good Man said:


Jeez man, after this weekend can you not let a guy sh!t on Toronto!!!! ::D

no real need s'all .bear in mind its the centre of the universe don't cha know...........but no one talks about this. haha

By: Gilbert Ngabo Metro., Metro Published on  Wed Sep 02 2015

Noticed that particularly sewer-esque stench that’s been hanging over downtown for the past several days?

Turns out you can thank Mother Nature — on all accounts. Heat mixed with high humidity has created something akin to a sewage bomb simmering beneath the streets.

Bill Shea’s heard plenty about it. As director of water operations, he’s been fielding calls from people who’ve noticed the eau de sewage everywhere from Chinatown to Front Street.

It really is, Shea said, just a fact of life in a city with 500 kilometres of sewers. With all those pipes pushing sewage through, a lot of air gets trapped.

“That air has to get out somewhere,” he said, referencing sewer grates and manholes that help carry the smell to the surface. “In the summer time it’s very hot and the humid air tends to carry those smells out more.”

The situation is generally worse in places where sewers join together or change directions, he said.

In order to mitigate the odour, Shea said the city has installed carbon filters underground and does regular sewer inspection, maintenance and cleaning.

“It’s not like we have this old system that can’t handle what we’re throwing at it,” he added. “We can do our best to control the odour that comes out, but that’s a lot air movement.”

 At least one person considers the stench “a public and a private nuisance.”

Mark Mattson, president of the Lake Ontario Waterkeeper office, is among those who gets calls when things get especially stinky.

While he simply refers most complaints to 311, Mattson insists at least some of the onerous odour could be addressed with better infrastructure.

“The city releases millions of litres of sewage into the lake every year because it can’t deal with it any other way,” he said. “Bad odour is just another consequence of an old infrastructure system that needs to be upgraded.”

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Watch the canucks win 1st overall for the first time in franchise history in a year when it's a weak draft and no franchise players! Would be so canucks luck!  I'll still take nolan patrick though!  I hear the 2018 draft is supposed to be good, so I'm looking forward to that draft more than this year's!

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12 hours ago, oldnews said:

Gotta d.i.y. in the end in life if you want to be successful anyhow.


This franchise isn't cut out to be spoon fed anything.


But before we feel too sorry for ourselves over draft position last year, let's wait and see what Juolevi becomes.


I for one won't be lamenting that pick anytime soon.


If I were going to cry about something, it would be for the Leafs - that they're stuck with Matthews when they could have had the best player in the draft lol.

Who, I believe, many of us were hailing as the best player in the draft when there was a chance the Canucks were in a spot to nab him.

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Bad luck? More like cursed.  Canucks could've gone with Reggie Leech instead of Dave Tallon in the expansion draft, IMO it all started from there.  Canucks were doing fine in the WHL in the PNE Forum and Agrodome before all these transitions.  The 1999 draft wasn't too great either, Sedins were good picks but that year's draft wasn't very deep so those two were the best choice, and this year's draft is going to be a bit weak too so if Vancouver has to finish last this year they can't afford to get bumped out of 2nd in draft and honestly this is a bad year to tank in.

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3 minutes ago, Creepy Crawler said:

Bad luck? More like cursed.  Canucks could've gone with Reggie Leech instead of Dave Tallon in the expansion draft, IMO it all started from there.  Canucks were doing fine in the WHL in the PNE Forum and Agrodome before all these transitions.  The 1999 draft wasn't too great either, Sedins were good picks but that year's draft wasn't very deep so those two were the best choice, and this year's draft is going to be a bit weak too so if Vancouver has to finish last this year they can't afford to get bumped out of 2nd in draft and honestly this is a bad year to tank in.

We may well have gotten the only 2 players to record 1,000 games and 1,000 points each from the '99 draft. Not too shabby.

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2 hours ago, LaBamba said:


So you're telling people to wait before crying about Juolevi while implying the the leafs wiffed on Matthews in the same post. Very peculiar. 

Yep.  I'm saying it's a done deal - Laine is the best player in the draft.

I'm so happy for the Jets.

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1 hour ago, SaintPatrick33 said:


Not sure if you have watched any Leaves games, but AM has been the catalyst in Marner's and Nylander's point production. I mean points are not everything, the kid does it all right now. Centers are much more valuable than Wingers, AM has every tool in the box compared to Lainer. BTW Laine is protected by the coach as they have stated to him to just "play offence" and learn the rest later. AM also has future Captain written all over him. 


Ah SaintP33, this is precisely the kind of utterly false denial I'd expect of anyone hopelessly attempting to apologize for Leafs failure.


Now, the facts:


Laine has higher defensive zone starts than offensive: 31.5% offensive zone starts, 32.3% defensive.


Matthews has nearly double the ozone starts to d: 40.5% offensive, 20.7% defensive.   Matthews and Marner = uber spoon fed / sheltered.


So put that in your pipe young Skywalker.



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6 minutes ago, oldnews said:

Ah SaintP33, this is precisely the kind of utterly false denial I'd expect of anyone hopelessly attempting to apologize for Leafs failure.


Now, the facts:


Laine has higher defensive zone starts than offensive: 31.5% offensive zone starts, 32.3% defensive.


Matthews has nearly double the ozone starts to d: 40.5% offensive, 20.7% defensive.   Matthews and Marner = uber spoon fed / sheltered.


So put that in your pipe young Skywalker.




LOL! Listen man, I have no hope of arguing stats with you, all I have is Vader vids and some sarcastic comments lmao 


Hope you enjoyed your cup of coffee while screamin Torantahh though :bigblush: 


BTW Skywalker becomes more powerful than Vader, heck he had the power to change Vader from the dark to the light and the Evil Emperor Palpitine was overthrown into an endless pit.


This is my only Austin Matt reference that I can relate to you bro hahaha 





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1 hour ago, chon derry said:

no real need s'all .bear in mind its the centre of the universe don't cha know...........but no one talks about this. haha

By: Gilbert Ngabo Metro., Metro Published on  Wed Sep 02 2015

Noticed that particularly sewer-esque stench that’s been hanging over downtown for the past several days?

Turns out you can thank Mother Nature — on all accounts. Heat mixed with high humidity has created something akin to a sewage bomb simmering beneath the streets.

Bill Shea’s heard plenty about it. As director of water operations, he’s been fielding calls from people who’ve noticed the eau de sewage everywhere from Chinatown to Front Street.

It really is, Shea said, just a fact of life in a city with 500 kilometres of sewers. With all those pipes pushing sewage through, a lot of air gets trapped.

“That air has to get out somewhere,” he said, referencing sewer grates and manholes that help carry the smell to the surface. “In the summer time it’s very hot and the humid air tends to carry those smells out more.”

The situation is generally worse in places where sewers join together or change directions, he said.

In order to mitigate the odour, Shea said the city has installed carbon filters underground and does regular sewer inspection, maintenance and cleaning.

“It’s not like we have this old system that can’t handle what we’re throwing at it,” he added. “We can do our best to control the odour that comes out, but that’s a lot air movement.”

 At least one person considers the stench “a public and a private nuisance.”

Mark Mattson, president of the Lake Ontario Waterkeeper office, is among those who gets calls when things get especially stinky.

While he simply refers most complaints to 311, Mattson insists at least some of the onerous odour could be addressed with better infrastructure.

“The city releases millions of litres of sewage into the lake every year because it can’t deal with it any other way,” he said. “Bad odour is just another consequence of an old infrastructure system that needs to be upgraded.”





Out of plusses bro, I will hit you back up later, this story is an excellent metaphor for TO in general! 

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1 hour ago, FireGillis said:

Watch the canucks win 1st overall for the first time in franchise history in a year when it's a weak draft and no franchise players! Would be so canucks luck!  I'll still take nolan patrick though!  I hear the 2018 draft is supposed to be good, so I'm looking forward to that draft more than this year's!


Yah but it might have a darkhorse scoring winger for us. We need a few pieces over more than just next draft.



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If I'm this situation it would just motivate me to be better than Dubouis and Puuljarvi. I don't thibk that's completely out of the question either. Sucks we missed out on Matthew or Laine but I'm gonna wait a bit to pass judgement on if we truly got snubbed my moving down from third. I have a feeling Joulevi may make us view moving down as a blessing in disguise eventually. 

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Well fans,

Must be nice to come into the league and pick and choose decent to good players to start your team like Vegas gets to do.

It took Buffalo and Vancouver a long time to get them going ,but now that the league has changed so that no Canadian teams have won a cup for over 20 years and they just change the rules as they please to suit the situation, it seems unfair,and why you ask because it sure as F**K is.


The league cronies knows that we love this game, so they know we will continue to pay whatever to go to a game.LOWER BOWL FOR TORONTO $350 are they serious.

Other teams, you could get a jersey or two and tickets and drunk as hell for that kind of money.So like I have stated before, it is UNFAIR to be treated like this.


I know, maybe Canadian players can "TAKE A KNEE" in protest,or just start our own league with the best of the best players,thats right ,CANADA HAVE THE BEST OF THE BEST PLAYERS AND WE COULD EASILY HAVE ENOUGH PLAYERS TO START OUR OWN LEAGUE

Just an Idea!

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16 hours ago, EmilyM said:

The same could be said of any problem in life: time is not your friend when you wait until the last minute to address it.

While true, it's not like Benning had 5 years to fix this mess. He inherited it.

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16 hours ago, KFBR392 said:

They're also the victim of just not being very good anymore.


But why? My hindsight view is that they failed to retool the team fast enough (or enough period) after they had peaked in the 2011 cup run. They waited too long to truly understand that that was the peak and they weren't getting back to it with the team they had. Even then they acted pretty slowly.


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1 minute ago, Quoted said:


But why? My hindsight view is that they failed to retool the team fast enough (or enough period) after they had peaked in the 2011 cup run. They waited too long to truly understand that that was the peak and they weren't getting back to it with the team they had. Even then they acted pretty slowly.


Apparently Gillis was fired because he wanted to retool.  The rumour is he wanted to rebuild after the 2012 season, but the owner said no, and recommended hiring Torts in hopes to squeeze the last bit of life out of the old core.  JB was hired basically because he agreed to this whole "retool" philosophy, and we all see how well that's working.  (IMHAO, of course)

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3 minutes ago, Alflives said:

Apparently Gillis was fired because he wanted to retool.  The rumour is he wanted to rebuild after the 2012 season, but the owner said no, and recommended hiring Torts in hopes to squeeze the last bit of life out of the old core.  JB was hired basically because he agreed to this whole "retool" philosophy, and we all see how well that's working.  (IMHAO, of course)


I doubt we'll ever really know what decisions were made by whom and why.  Hopefully lessons were learned but the damage was done and it will take years to correct.



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Just now, Quoted said:


I doubt we'll ever really know what decisions were made by whom and why.  Hopefully lessons were learned but the damage was done and it will take years to correct.



The owner bought the team on its up swing.  It's his first experience with losing.

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