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[Report] Canucks fire Willie Desjardins

-Vintage Canuck-

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5 minutes ago, alfstonker said:

I very much doubt it.


I have no problem with Benning regarding his day to day management. However as I said this move was gutless, short-sighted, and even disingenuous. As for Linden, this move says to me he is not only a yes man and a coward but lacks the strength of character for position of President.

coward? get over yourself please. Its getting embarrassing. 

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5 minutes ago, SliteriousBlackbeard said:

Alain Vigneault fired as coach for being to awesome. He was never the issue. The Bieksa and Keslers were the issue. If we would have traded then after the cup run immediately got a good return, then we would have stayed competitive. With a good coach in AV. Most competitive teams have 1,2 maybe 3 untouchable players everyone else is interchangeable. The second were not at the top everyone else in the core besides the Sedins should have left the season after the cup run.

Gillis tried but ownership interfered and nixed the trades involving them.

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3 hours ago, Hutton Wink said:


Well yeah, I meant that it would stop the insane WillieHate.  There will always be hate for someone in management, along with requisite whipping-boy players.


Now for the prediction -- how long until we start hearing "Fire this clown, bring back Willie"?  I'll give it until mid-December next season.

Lol. No one will be saying bring back a coach that finished bottom three in the league 2 out of 3 years.


Yes he was not all to blame for where they're at, bet lets not pretend we just let go of some great coach here. An upgrade over Willie shouldn't be too hard to find.

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Just now, 4thLineGrinder said:


my point is they got rid of him 100% to please the fan base


this doesn't mean the fan base is correct


every coach in the league will ice the best roster possible each and every night and do what they can can to win, it's there job.  This doesn't mean that they can't lay the foundations for the best possible future outcome within that context.  You can still try to win hockey games and play the long game.  Your talking about one media scrum (short game much) and i'm talking about over the course of his entire time with us as head coach.

With all due respect, Megna/Chaput in the top 6, Edler on the PP, the Sedins as go to shutdown players, etc.


Willie tanked while trying to win. That is certainly a tough accomplishment for any coach. 


Benching Goldobin for scoring goals, not giving Tryamkin a shot on the PP, and his over reliance on the Sedins, Sutter, Edler, etc. sealed his fate.

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6 minutes ago, redhdlois said:

Interesting comment about potential coaches by TL.......doesn't necessarily need to have NHL experience......someone who is good with developing kids.

Are they gearing towards Travis Green?   I'm not totally sold that he would be the best choice......Trevor did say they want to find the best coach for them though...

time will tell.

He's earned, not only to get in the NHL, but for the canucks.  He has paid his dues to this org, he deserves to be rewarded.  He was a very good player and he has a deep understanding of how the game works and what his players need to do to be successful.

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1 minute ago, DeNiro said:

Lol. No one will be saying bring back a coach that finished bottom three in the league 2 out of 3 years.


Yes he was not all to blame for where they're at, bet lets not pretend we just let go of some great coach here. An upgrade over Willie shouldn't be too hard to find.

This is the best I've felt about this team in 4 years. We've got some exciting kids and prospect and can now get some NHL experience in for a head coach. 

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5 minutes ago, alfstonker said:

I very much doubt it.


I have no problem with Benning regarding his day to day management. However as I said this move was gutless, short-sighted, and even disingenuous. As for Linden, this move says to me he is not only a yes man and a coward but lacks the strength of character for position of President.

Well I think your willie loyalty makes you unable to see his shortcomings.  You made a false connection blaming the influx of goldy and latest youth for their current losing.  Their current losing started once they were finished with their easy January schedule, long before goldy and others arrived. They lost 9 in a row early in the year, long before goldy and others arrived.  Their epic tank to 29th took more than just 2 weeks of goldy and others, so to blame them is disingenuous and making them a scapegoat. 

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2 minutes ago, Sweathog said:

And that's what a lot of people don't understand, you have to develop your kids gradually. You can't just plunk a prospect into the lineup and expect 30 goals.

Agreed but it's not even about goals though, both Goldy and Boeser were doing well in that area. It is about equipping a youngster to stay in the NHL. Coaching the details, the importance of defence and the 200ft game and building your body, stamina, and compete level to match your skill.


Goldy was weak on the puck, Boeser lacked speed, Molino lacked size, Boucher lacked compete and defensive awareness. Nevertheless Willie was playing them, but he was playing them his way, the way that would be best for them in the long run. He was doing the same for Gaunce and LaBate.


Linden and Benning, neither of whom are/have been coaches should have been aware of this based on Willies rep. The fact they allowed themselves to bow to the uneducated masses/media shows a lack of conviction in their own judgement and basically a lack of guts imo.

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I am so happy when i woke up and heard vancouver fired there coaching staff, it was time to bring in fresh blood, no offence to them, they did ok while they were here, but like linden said, was time for a change and to move foward.

Once they decide on a new head coach and 2 assistance , than we can look to the draft and see were we place this year, being 2nd worse team in the league and having luck on our side, hopefully we will get in the top 3 


as for new head coach , i feel someone like Gerard Gallant will do a awesome job here, hopefully benning/linden have him in the consideration table

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8 minutes ago, redhdlois said:

Interesting comment about potential coaches by TL.......doesn't necessarily need to have NHL experience......someone who is good with developing kids.

Are they gearing towards Travis Green?   I'm not totally sold that he would be the best choice......Trevor did say they want to find the best coach for them though...

time will tell.

Yeah sounds like they are leaning towards promoting Green or hiring a younger coach.

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1 hour ago, CeeBee51 said:

Thats a rather broad brush you're painting with:mellow:

Don't take me too serious.   I just listen to TEAM 1040 and feel sick when they are done.   I usually go to Lake of the Woods for a month in the summer as I have a TWIN that lives there and I never hear team 1040 there.   I always feel pretty good about the team when I am away because nothing is negative.   WHEN I read this page, I thought OMG, so negative.


I was not surprised to see Willie get fired and I think he did make a lot of mistakes (one example:  not playing Goldy after he scored that was so dumb) but he did do a lot of good and he coached the hand he was DEALT and not a very good one at that.  To me his biggest problem was not allowing the young players to make mistakes and that is wrong.   However, has Linden done a great job?  Not really but he is still here.   Has Benning been perfect?   Not really but he is still here.   What did Benning get for Hammer and Vrbata- NOTHING.   Why did he sign Ericson for 6 years at 6 million a year?   Good decision?   I think not.   Anyways, I am just ranting - no big deal.

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2 minutes ago, stawns said:

He's earned, not only to get in the NHL, but for the canucks.  He has paid his dues to this org, he deserves to be rewarded.  He was a very good player and he has a deep understanding of how the game works and what his players need to do to be successful.

I hope you're right !   I just don't want a WD 2.0

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1 minute ago, stawns said:

He's earned, not only to get in the NHL, but for the canucks.  He has paid his dues to this org, he deserves to be rewarded.  He was a very good player and he has a deep understanding of how the game works and what his players need to do to be successful.

I would rather see the notion of promoting for loyalty scrapped in favor of hiring the best coach for the job.


Green refusing to cut his teeth as an assistant at the NHL level raises tons of red flags for me. Reminds me of a scenario that will end up like Eakins in Edmonton. He is not the best coach available right now.

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4 minutes ago, TimberWolf said:

While we do indeed need better coaching in the future the architects of this tire fire are still employed.

"Tire fire" also known as a rebuild.


Funny how fans whine about how good Toronto and Edmonton are now, but don't want to go through the painful years that they had to go through to get there.



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