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Joe Biden Debates Donald Trump September 29


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2 hours ago, Warhippy said:

So we're clear.  Yale studies show a $450 billion savings across the US if universal medicare was enacted.




Factor that in with saving almost $650 billion on fossil fuel subsidies




And then factor in the $100+ billion estimated in corporate welfare




Seems to me there's over a trillion dollars per year in savings alone.  Not factored in of course is the amount people would in fact save not going in to debt because they broke an arm, had a baby or caught a cold which in fact would further bolster the economy.


Seems maybe, just maybe the fears of a national medicare program are...not quite as grounded in reality as some purport them to be


Or like Rep. Katie Porter.  Had appendicitis.  Didnt take an ambulance because it would cost money.  Went to her in network hospital, which was across town and not the nearest hospital to her. And she still got a bill in the end because the surgeon who did the surgery wasn't in her network.   That's the choice in the American healthcare system.  Do everything you can to avoid a big bill and you still get screwed over.



Edit:  Last week tonight with John Oliver from Sunday.

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12 minutes ago, thedestroyerofworlds said:

Or like Rep. Katie Porter.  Had appendicitis.  Didnt take an ambulance because it would cost money.  Went to her in network hospital, which was across town and not the nearest hospital to her. And she still got a bill in the end because the surgeon who did the surgery wasn't in her network.   That's the choice in the American healthcare system.  Do everything you can to avoid a big bill and you still get screwed over.



Edit:  Last week tonight with John Oliver from Sunday.

And as Oliver pointed out, there have been several studies done on the cost of Universal Healthcare and the results vary significantly.


However, the overall gist supports Hippy's statement that the "doom and gloom" predictions are overstated. For one thing, if people have regular access to healthcare, then potential problems such a hypertension can be addressed by medication, before they turn into heart attacks or strokes, requiring expensive procedures and hospital stays.

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23 minutes ago, RUPERTKBD said:

And as Oliver pointed out, there have been several studies done on the cost of Universal Healthcare and the results vary significantly.


However, the overall gist supports Hippy's statement that the "doom and gloom" predictions are overstated. For one thing, if people have regular access to healthcare, then potential problems such a hypertension can be addressed by medication, before they turn into heart attacks or strokes, requiring expensive procedures and hospital stays.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.  

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59 minutes ago, thedestroyerofworlds said:

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.  

Problem is, so many are applying a ton of cure when it is not needed.


The biggest issue many seem to have involves these surprise out-of-network doctors.  All it takes to fix that is to put hospitals on the hook for it when the patient doesn't request them.


When you have coverage, and your doctor is in-network and prepared to do whatever treatment you require, why is it that some specialist or extra doctor is allowed to be assigned to help, without any warning, for the sole purpose of the hospital being able to steal your money?  It is a huge and pointless flaw in our system.  Should be easy enough to pass this law, you would think.  Takes the Dems to eff up a popular bi-partisan solution.



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The Democratic presidential candidates took part in a debate in Nevada on Wednesday, just days before the Democratic caucuses there. Former New York mayor Mike Bloomberg made his debut on the stage as he rises in polls across the country.

Below, some winners and losers.


Bernie Sanders: You wouldn’t have thought during the debate that Sanders was the one threatening to open up a potentially insurmountable delegate lead in the weeks ahead. Instead, the candidates mostly focused on Bloomberg and arguably landed tougher attacks on each other than on Sanders.

Sanders did have to defend himself on some sticky subjects, including his refusal to provide more medical disclosure after a heart attack he suffered last year. He was also forced to respond to the Culinary Workers Union criticizing him for wanting to supplant their private health insurance with Medicare-for-all. But there was pretty much nothing to suggest Sanders’s momentum in this race would change. He’s the favorite in Nevada, and thanks to the other infighting we saw Wednesday night, that seems likely to continue.


Bloomberg: The mayor doesn’t have much experience debating. His last one was back in 2009 — a one-on-one matchup in a race where he was a heavy favorite. This one was a different animal, and it got ugly in a hurry for Bloomberg. He was the big target from the jump. He came off as very technocratic, and he often didn’t jump in to defend himself, apparently hoping the bad moments would pass. But they persisted.

Maybe the most brutal attacks were on stop-and-frisk. Bloomberg said he had simply been wrong about the policy but that he eventually came around. That skirted the fact that he defended it well into this decade, though, and that the policy stopped not because of his personal evolution, but because of a court order. Bloomberg even seemed to momentarily be tempted to defend the motivation for the policy, before thinking better of it. “The bottom line is that we stopped too many people,” Bloomberg said. “But the policy — we stopped too many people."

A rare punch that seemed to land for Bloomberg was when he took on Sanders for saying there shouldn’t be billionaires. “I can’t think of a way that would make it easier for Donald Trump to get reelected than listening to this conversation,” Bloomberg said. “It’s ridiculous. We’re not going to throw out capitalism. We tried that. Other countries tried. That was called communism, and it just didn’t work.” The “communism” line maybe went too far, but it’s the contrast Bloomberg wants to draw.

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I think the other candidates made a mistake going after Bloomberg so hard. Everybody knows about stop and frisk and everybody knows he's using his wealth to get where he is in the campaign....


....meanwhile Sanders is starting to run away with this thing and the "moderates" are more concerned with eating into MB's small percentage than they are Bernie's relatively large percentage. :unsure:

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Bernie seems the odds on favourite and I do think he's the best of the bunch in terms of beating Trump. You need people to get to the polls, and Bernie has his own base much like Trump does that'll come out in droves to vote for him. Candidates like Bloomberg will have Democrat voters sitting at home as they don't want to choose between two corrupt billionaires. 

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28 minutes ago, Duodenum said:

Bernie seems the odds on favourite and I do think he's the best of the bunch in terms of beating Trump. You need people to get to the polls, and Bernie has his own base much like Trump does that'll come out in droves to vote for him. Candidates like Bloomberg will have Democrat voters sitting at home as they don't want to choose between two corrupt billionaires. 

Hopefully Bernie can overcome the "Socialist" label, that we know the Trump campaign will be repeating over and over, should he get the nomination.


I said before that I really hope Bloomberg stays in the race for a while, because he can spend a lot of money on ads targeting Trump and I think that will help whoever the Democrats ultimately decide on.


One small issue I have with the Bernie campaign (and it goes hand in hand with the base you speak of) is some of the actions of his supporters and campaign staff. The "Bernie Bros" made headlines by harassing and threatening members of the Nevada Culinary Union had the audacity to criticize Medicaire for All....


Even worse, was Briahna Joy, a spokeswoman for the Sanders campaign who made two false claims about Bloomberg within two days. First she claimed that Bloomberg had suffered Heart Attacks of his own, after being asked about Bernie's  heart attack. Bloomberg had stent surgery several years ago, but has never suffered a heart attack. Joy then went on twitter and said that she "misspoke", but did not apologize.


The next day, she claimed that Bloomberg had faced 64 counts of sexual assault, also a false statement. Again, Joy went on twitter to retract her statement and again, she did not apologize for it.


These are Trumpian tactics and I'm disappointed in the Sanders campaign for employing them.

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Too many candidates went for “gotcha” moment last night to score cheap political points.

At certain points debate reminded me of a circular firing squad.

I have a feeling that we are going to have brokered convention since no candidate will get plurality of the delegates.





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US intelligence agencies warning Russia is openly trying to influence the upcoming election via cyber push.


Trump apparently berated and insulted the heads of these various agencies saying not to let the information out or the Democrats will use it against him.


Awesome.  Kruschev was right.  Russia will take America without firing a shot.  But "comrade Bernie" is the issue

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8 hours ago, Warhippy said:

US intelligence agencies warning Russia is openly trying to influence the upcoming election via cyber push.


Trump apparently berated and insulted the heads of these various agencies saying not to let the information out or the Democrats will use it against him.


Awesome.  Kruschev was right.  Russia will take America without firing a shot.  But "comrade Bernie" is the issue

Yeah I was disappointed they were talking about this on the news instead of the debate.

Edited by toffoli
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On 2/10/2020 at 11:06 AM, Chicken. said:

Maybe I'm too young to get the reference in calling a young woman voter a lying dog-faced pony soldier to her question of how he will win the national election.. lol


And just for fun this video is super cringe.. enthusiastic though, a Biden rally I guess



I’ve heard Biden speak an awful lot and I’ve got to say that my first and lasting impression is that the voice doesn’t even sound like his. 

There’s lots of doctored information flying around on social media, and this wouldn’t be the first time that a certain someone tried to make Biden look bad. -_-


But yes the second video is cringe worthy.


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12 hours ago, PistolPete13 said:

I’ve heard Biden speak an awful lot and I’ve got to say that my first and lasting impression is that the voice doesn’t even sound like his. 

There’s lots of doctored information flying around on social media, and this wouldn’t be the first time that a certain someone tried to make Biden look bad. -_-


But yes the second video is cringe worthy.


The dogfaced line seemed to go over fine. The room laughed like they understood. Quick google search shows that it is a military term for foot soldiers, so it makes sense for him to use it even if it was weird.

Speaking of weird, Joe is showing he is too weird imo and will continue to slip in popularity. 

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