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[Speculation] Lucic says he would like to play here

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2 hours ago, mll said:


Not about cap but about objectives for next season.  If Benning wants to be aggressive in free agency it's to improve the team in the immediate.  Adding Lucic doesn't align with that objective.


Benning is at risk of not getting an extension.  His own contractual status could impact his decision making.  The team has to show progress for him to retain his job.  He can't spend X Millions in free agency only to see the team not make the playoffs or even take a step back.  The league is so competitive that I don't see him deliberately weakening the roster.  The Canucks already have enough trouble winning games.


The west was particularly weak this season and it's not certain that the Canucks can improve on their standings.  They actually won less games in regular time than the season before - their additional points came from shootout wins and that's not necessarily replicable year on year.


That is the risk and decision to be made.

We will likely know whether we got a free agent or not before any decision on this is made on this.  As much as we can dream about this year's 8OA, I doubt Benning makes the deal before he knows more about his roster and knows if he can offload Eriksson after his July 1st bonus is paid.  Weaponizing cap space for futures is only if you have cap to spare, and we don't know that yet.

If we stay status quo, we have every possibility of being worse next season.  Lots of things aligned to give us a little bump in points last year.  Not least of which was elite level goaltending from Markstrom most of the year.  If he reverts back to even being an average NHL goalie next season, we could have trouble.  There can be no realistic expectation that Edler and Tanev will play a full season based on a lot of history, so no bump there.  Baertschi hopefully provides a bit of secondary scoring, but any bump in wins from that can easily be negated by our division being even slightly better than the horrific showing most teams had last year during the turtle derby when everyone seemed to be doing their best to avoid making the playoffs


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4 hours ago, mll said:


Not about cap but about objectives for next season.  If Benning wants to be aggressive in free agency it's to improve the team in the immediate.  Adding Lucic doesn't align with that objective.


Benning is at risk of not getting an extension.  His own contractual status could impact his decision making.  The team has to show progress for him to retain his job.  He can't spend X Millions in free agency only to see the team not make the playoffs or even take a step back.  The league is so competitive that I don't see him deliberately weakening the roster.  The Canucks already have enough trouble winning games.


The west was particularly weak this season and it's not certain that the Canucks can improve on their standings.  They actually won less games in regular time than the season before - their additional points came from shootout wins and that's not necessarily replicable year on year.


I don't think Benning's at as much 'risk' as some people like to make out.


The team needs to keep progressing and he needs to keep building youth from below. And he needs to make some fairly large changes on D (as well as re-sign Edler and re-sign and/or move Hutton). It's not as simple/binary as 'make the playoffs or fired'.


If they miss the playoffs like Montreal missed the playoffs this year while Benning adds some solid UFA's, another good draft, a solid (if incomplete as we wait for kids) re-jig on D etc I don't think he's at any risk whatsoever.


By all means I see them adding a top 6 winger (though I don't see us targeting the really big fish there) and some D pieces. But I think they're going to be just as active (if not more so) in the trade market. We have too many bottom 9 players, D that need swapping etc as it is. Adding free agents is not going to lessen that log jam.


He's got a busy summer ahead of him, that's for sure!

Edited by aGENT
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10 minutes ago, aGENT said:

I don't think Benning's at as much 'risk' as some people like to make out.


The team needs to keep progressing and he needs to keep building youth from below. And he needs to make some fairly large changes on D (as well as re-sign Edler and re-sign and/or move Hutton). It's not as simple/binary as 'make the playoffs or fired'.


If they miss the playoffs like Montreal missed the playoffs this year while Benning adds some solid UFA's, another good draft, a solid (if incomplete as we wait for kids) re-jig on D etc I don't think he's at any risk whatsoever.


By all means I see them adding a top 6 winger (though I don't see us targeting the really big fish there) and some D pieces. But I think they're going to be just as active (if not more so) in the trade market. We have too many bottom 9 players, D that need swapping etc as it is. Adding free agents is not going to lessen that log jam.

You'd keep a guy that, in this scenario, has just solidified himself as the GM during the longest playoff drought in franchise history?

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I'm not on the get Lucic bandwagon, that said I'd give him a few chances if we do get him. This may be a video game trade, but it's actually pretty beneficial for both teams:



Eriksson (50% retained)

Sutter (50% retained)




8th overall


Caveat: Lucic does not ask for his NMC to be reinstated.


EDM gets 2/3 of an effective shutdown 3rd line + plus 2 very good penalty killers, which was a noted weakness of theirs last year. They get the depth they're looking for in the forward group which allow McDavid, Draisaitl and RNH to focus strictly on offense in their top 6. Would have a pretty significant ripple effect throughout their lineup. And they get those players for less money than what they're paying Lucic. They'd still need to fix their defense but this gets them a step closer to being competitive, and McDavid might be able to drag them into the playoffs.


We get toughness in the forward group which we have been sorely missing since Dorsett. We get an 8th overall pick for our trouble. Nuff said. We might need to add...


EDIT: Just reading the last few pages and it turns out someone else already suggested this and discussed at length.

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2 hours ago, aGENT said:

Given that we've been rebuilding, yup. 


I'm far more interested on building a long term, competitive team that can eventually, consistently challenge for a cup not some reactionary panic to get back in to they playoffs ASAP because we've predicatively missed them for a few years during a rebuild.


That would be incredibly short sighted and myopic. Continued progress and organization building are the keys IMO.


I'll remind folks teams like Winnipeg missed the playoffs 5 of 6 years while they were rebuilding as well. Now they have a contending team and a deep prospect pool. (And even then, as we can see, there's no guarantees!) Colorado missed 6 of the last 7, look at them now as well.

Well I wouldn't agree that Managing a team to the longest playoff drought in the franchises 50 year history was predicted. JB has done parts of his job ok and other parts of his job he has failed incredibly at. He has made 3 great picks in drafts, but I would think that should be the scouts job over his. This team has been chasing its own tail for awhile now and I am not alone in feeling like it needs to change now.


I'll give him this season, as a fan, and after this if he doesn't make this into a playoff team I'm done with JB and he SHOULD be fired. 


Please find me a job I can fail at for 5 years and not get fired.

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14 minutes ago, Where'd Luongo? said:

Well I wouldn't agree that Managing a team to the longest playoff drought in the franchises 50 year history was predicted. JB has done parts of his job ok and other parts of his job he has failed incredibly at. He has made 3 great picks in drafts, but I would think that should be the scouts job over his. This team has been chasing its own tail for awhile now and I am not alone in feeling like it needs to change now.


I'll give him this season, as a fan, and after this if he doesn't make this into a playoff team I'm done with JB and he SHOULD be fired. 


Please find me a job I can fail at for 5 years and not get fired.

You don't have to agree, it's just not a very informed our well thought out opinion, in mine :lol:


And being short sighted, panicky and reactive will likely ensure that streak continues rather than stops but carry on with the poorly justified panic and vitriol...


We're incredibly well positioned moving forward and the team is trending the right direction - despite the odd misstep along the way (that's common with all teams/GM's). By all means he's got a big summer and season ahead of him, but barring him laying a big, wet fart in both, I just don't see the concern.


'Failed at' :rolleyes: His main job has been to rebuild organizational depth. Seems to be doing just fine at that thanks.

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20 minutes ago, aGENT said:

You don't have to agree, it's just not a very informed our well thought out opinion, in mine :lol:


And being short sighted, panicky and reactive will likely ensure that streak continues rather than stops but carry on with the poorly justified panic and vitriol...


We're incredibly well positioned moving forward and the team is trending the right direction - despite the odd misstep along the way (that's common with all teams/GM's). By all means he's got a big summer and season ahead of him, but barring him laying a big, wet fart in both, I just don't see the concern.


'Failed at' :rolleyes: His main job has been to rebuild organizational depth. Seems to be doing just fine at that thanks.

5 years is not short or panicky.  I wish there were a bunch of guys blowing off the doors in Utica but there aren't.


The fact that we dont have any top 6 winger outside boeser is not depth.

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8 minutes ago, Where'd Luongo? said:

5 years is not short or panicky.  I wish there were a bunch of guys blowing off the doors in Utica but there aren't.


The fact that we dont have any top 6 winger outside boeser is not depth.

For a rebuild? Yes, it very much is.


Nope, a lot of them are blowing doors off in college/Europe and Junior instead.


From where we started from? No prospect pool beyond Horvat and Hutton and almost no saleable assets. Yup again.


Are we done? Nope.

Edited by aGENT
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45 minutes ago, Where'd Luongo? said:

Well I wouldn't agree that Managing a team to the longest playoff drought in the franchises 50 year history was predicted. JB has done parts of his job ok and other parts of his job he has failed incredibly at. He has made 3 great picks in drafts, but I would think that should be the scouts job over his. This team has been chasing its own tail for awhile now and I am not alone in feeling like it needs to change now.


I'll give him this season, as a fan, and after this if he doesn't make this into a playoff team I'm done with JB and he SHOULD be fired. 


Please find me a job I can fail at for 5 years and not get fired.

Have you ever considered politics?  Apparently, no experience necessary and spinning tall tales and doing whatever you wish are acceptable.  Heck if you give out enough money to the right people and voting regions you may get 8 years.

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Just now, Borvat said:

Have you ever considered politics?  Apparently, no experience necessary and spinning tall tales and doing whatever you wish are acceptable.  Heck if you give out enough money to the right people and voting regions you may get 8 years.

And then retire with a pension worth more than 100,000 per year!  Gotta love politicians and how they look out for us voters, don't ya?

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6 minutes ago, captainhorvat said:

Why do people think Holland will dangle the 8th overall pick just to get rid lucics contract? 

Rock and a hard place.


I'm likewise skeptical that he'll actually spend the 8th OA to rid himself of Lucic but then he's got himself another 4 years of a $6m 4th liner/13th F that he has to protect in the ED (losing another, better asset) and no cap space to surround his (pissed off and patience running short) super star with a team capable of making playoff runs. 


So unless he finds himself a sucker, (unlikely) nobody's taking on that contract without SERIOUS return. They have very little in the way of other assets that would make it worthwhile. Pay up or keep (and suffer with) him.


On top of that, Lucic has an NMC which can highly limit the teams he's willing to go to (as if cap space didn't already do that). They basically have zero leverage.

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17 hours ago, aGENT said:

Rock and a hard place.


I'm likewise skeptical that he'll actually spend the 8th OA to rid himself of Lucic but then he's got himself another 4 years of a $6m 4th liner/13th F that he has to protect in the ED (losing another, better asset) and no cap space to surround his (pissed off and patience running short) super star with a team capable of making playoff runs. 


So unless he finds himself a sucker, (unlikely) nobody's taking on that contract without SERIOUS return. They have very little in the way of other assets that would make it worthwhile. Pay up or keep (and suffer with) him.


On top of that, Lucic has an NMC which can highly limit the teams he's willing to go to (as if cap space didn't already do that). They basically have zero leverage.

Sounds vindictive and unrealistic. 1st rounders are extremely valuable. I’d say Puljujarvi has a better chance of getting packaged but even that, Holland probably wants to see something in him first. 


Edmonton isn’t going to bankrupt their team to trade Lucic; not with Holland there. That strategy, if it ever was one, is over.


Holland even said he’d be building from within like he did with his awesome Detroit teams. Properly develop the team’s assets instead of rushing them into the league and ruining their careers.


8OA is wishful thinking unless the Canucks add. Goldobin, Sutter, Virtanen (hope not), Bärtschi, 2nd, 3rd; such types of assets could be put together for a deal. 

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4 minutes ago, Me_ said:

Sounds vindictive and unrealistic. 1st rounders are extremely valuable. I’d say Puljujarvi has a better chance of getting packaged but even that, Holland probably wants to see something in him first. 


Edmonton isn’t going to bankrupt their team to trade Lucic; not with Holland there. That strategy, if it ever was one, is over.


Holland even said he’d be building from within like he did with his awesome Detroit teams. Properly develop the team’s assets instead of rushing them into the league and ruining their careers.


8OA is wishful thinking unless the Canucks add. Goldobin, Sutter, Virtanen (hope not), Bärtschi, 2nd, 3rd; such types of assets could be put together for a deal. 

Well yes, clearly we'd be sending something back. It's generally a key part of a trade. Most proposals have suggested something with Sutter +/-.


And again, they have no leverage. I don't think Puljujarvi particularly moves the needle in regards to taking on that contract. That's fine if Holland's not willing to pay it (and I suspect he won't) but that likely means he's taking a near as bad contract back (Eriksson for example) if he wants a lower price to dump Lucic. Or he's simply stuck with him. Alternately he could buy him out but that saves them almost no cap space (it does remove the NMC/ED issue though).


He has no good options = one way or another, he's paying.

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On 5/15/2019 at 2:41 PM, Borvat said:

Have you ever considered politics?  Apparently, no experience necessary and spinning tall tales and doing whatever you wish are acceptable.  Heck if you give out enough money to the right people and voting regions you may get 8 years.


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10 hours ago, Outsiders said:

Canucks would be better off letting the Coilers buy out Lucic and then sign him at like $1.5 million 

The idea of Lucic in a Nucks jersey makes my stomach turn. Theres a reason why the coilers want him out of Edmonton, hes done as a player.Let some other team kick themselves after signing his retirement contract watching him go through the motions pretending he gives a @#@T.

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