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[Report] Don Cherry Fired

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2 minutes ago, canuck2288 said:

I get that BUT he put it on Cherry’s comments and for his own inaction related to the comments 


what he did not apologize for was nodding his head in agreement and the thumbs up at the end of the racist rant  

You're expecting too much. He's apologized in multiple media formats. Any of course he put it on Cherry. Cherry was the one who said all the dumb sh*t. Had Cherry kept his mouth shut, Maclean wouldn't be in trouble. I'd be pissed at Cherry too if I was Maclean. Good for him for throwing Cherry under the bus.

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13 minutes ago, Alflives said:

What is wrong with saying people aren’t all the same?  So someone who disagrees with your SJW point of view is a racist?  Why the “hey buddy” and the threat?  It’s Canada and we are not the US melting pot.  Here we recognize and celebrate our differences as what makes us stronger.  

Ohhhhh Don  was just “celebrating our differences” 

ahhh I see it all makes sense now 

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2 minutes ago, Fateless said:

You're expecting too much. He's apologized in multiple media formats. Any of course he put it on Cherry. Cherry was the one who said all the dumb sh*t. Had Cherry kept his mouth shut, Maclean wouldn't be in trouble. I'd be pissed at Cherry too if I was Maclean. Good for him for throwing Cherry under the bus.

Fair comment 


I do think MacLean is a genuine good guy just wish he would have shut Cherry down that’s all 

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3 hours ago, Tystick said:

I can't believe most of you support this...

I'm sorry, but this was 100% overblown and is completely undeserved.

Quote me all you want, this makes me sick to my stomach.

 I side with Cherry. I'll always love him. This world is so soft.


I love his Graham James rant on live tv. I am first generation Canadian. GO DON

Edited by Chris12345
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1 minute ago, canuck2288 said:

Fair comment 


I do think MacLean is a genuine good guy just wish he would have shut Cherry down that’s all 

Yup, I wish he did too. But people make mistakes. Maclean made one and apologized for it. I'm prepared to move on from that one.

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What he said was inappropriate and that is undeniable. (Give your head a check if you disagree)


Should he be fired over it, probably not but that call is on SN and SN alone.


Really, considering all circumstances, this was a SN trying to save money and Don just give them a good enough of an excuse to axe him.

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10 minutes ago, nuckin_futz said:

Had to duck out for the last few hours to run some errands. Figured I'd conduct a little experiment. Went to Wal Mart, Whole Foods and the liquor store (because this damn team is driving me to drink, ok drink more).


In the stores I see immigrants who look like they've been here awhile, immigrants who I assumed were kinda new here, natives, and what some would call "old stock Canadians". Across the board maybe a maximum of 15% were wearing poppies in each sub group. So how do we justify calling out one sub group in particular?


What if Cherry had specifically called out gay people for not wearing poppies? How would that be different than what he did?


On another note, was listening to the radio. They were talking about this topic and they interviewed a columnist from Toronto (can't recall the name). He said he spoke to Cherry earlier and was about to write a major piece on the firing. Says Cherry says he was taken out of context and also that Cherry is very hurt by Maclean chucking him under the bus to save his own skin.


So if Cherry was taken out of context and people were offended by what they thought he said isn't it incumbent upon him to explain. Not necessarily apologize, but explain. If you don't do at least that you're a jerk. Cherry is refusing to even explain himself. Which is odd seeing as how it wasn't just people offended but it cost him his job. 


Stubborn old mule that Don Cherry.

while he's a known strong supporter of the troops and all it's seems a bit ironic that he seems to be missing one point. Those that fought for our freedoms also fought for (among many things) the right to wear a poppy today, or to not. 

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29 minutes ago, canuck2288 said:

He singled out immigrants, what part of this do you not understand? 

What is an immigrant?  Someone who immigrated to Canada?  I know he &^@#ed up but there is never any race indicated in Cherry's remarks.  He asks immigrants to honour those who fought and died. He does not say don't honour non whites.  Overall I am disappointed this chapter has ended in Canadian Hockey and that it ended like this.  

If he was being racist I am sad, if he wasn't I am sad.  It's a bad day.

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2 minutes ago, canuck2288 said:

What I do respect is the many posters that I battle with regarding general Canucks talk can agree on issues like we are addressing in this thread ...  @canuck73_3 I am talking to you :) 

I've been 'round these parts since 2006 and this is the most interesting thread I've seen on this board in years :gocan:

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8 minutes ago, canuck2288 said:

Fair comment 


I do think MacLean is a genuine good guy just wish he would have shut Cherry down that’s all 

Really, you think a guy who chose HNIC as a platform to criminally slander one of our players is a good guy?  MacLean should have been not only terminated on the spot for his complete disrespect for the network, the sport, his country, and himself, he should have been imprisoned for using taxpayer money to assassinate the character of an actual good guy who was exposing a corrupt official..  MacLean is absolute scum and I hope the network does what they should have done years ago and fires him next.  Even Cherry had the professionalism to call out MacLean for that garbage.

Edited by King Heffy
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Just now, GarthButcher5 said:

I don't care who you are....you should wear a poppy.


Our freedom came with a cost and we all need to remember that.


Anyone who doesn't respect this as well as those who are altering the poppy to promote their own agendas whatever that may be need to give their heads a shake.

Yet you'll never get a reasonable answer why millions have been slaughtered, or 3rd world nations manipulated.


The gravy train is almost over, & the west has to face some hard questions. For example, WHAT was WMD about?(Cherry LOVed that lil' holocaust, eh?)


Any insights there, GB?

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