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[GDT] Wild @ Nucks - Feb 19 2020 - 7:30pm Pacific - SNET

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5 minutes ago, MikeyD said:

I've always hated the argument for "you're clearly not behind the bench, what would you know?" theory. It's stupid. Plenty of times fans make proper coaching decisions that lead to success that coaches are too stubborn to try out. We had one earlier this year when the fan base had to basically bully Green into throwing Hughes on the first line powerplay. I remember specifically Cheech discussing mid-games that the fans have been very vocal about Quinn Hughes replacing Edler on the powerplay a few games before he was put there, and when he was put there commentary came back saying fans were frothing at the mouth to see what it can do. 

Now you could make the argument that there was a plan in place to get Hughes more accustomed to a powerplay structure, etc. from the coaching front, but I mean come on, you could tell from a mile away the kid was a superstar. A player of that caliber doesn't need 8 games to figure out where to go on a powerplay. You can draw those things up in 1 practice. 

Fans get things right all of the time. They may not know the ins and outs of the team because they obviously don't have insider info on things like injuries, illnesses, player tendencies and confidence measurements, but a lot of simple decisions can be easily made from fans. You see it year in and year out. We saw it two weeks ago when people wanted MacEwan to be inserted into the lineup for a stronger checking presence. 

It's such a childish outlook on things. So many of us play competitive sports growing up, many of us playing the game at a high level, many of us have been watching the sport for decades, etc. It's not like we just turned to watching hockey and figured, "Hey, I know I just figured out on Tuesday what an offside is, but should we maybe trade for Crosby next week?". Most of us aren't that dumb. Many of us are blind homers, but even most homers (aside from a few REALLY BAD ones here) are able to make intelligible decisions when it comes to how the team should be directed. 

Straw man. I never typed those words. And the part of my post that you're inferring and projecting from was a very small portion of my post.


But cool rant.

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34 minutes ago, LowerMainLander18 said:

I think that's something my 12 yo nephew would type. 


2 hours ago, aGENT said:



Willfully obtuse? Unwilling to comprehend rational beyond their own narrow focus? 


Quick! Call me a Green nut-hugger or a Benning bro to complete the sequence :rolleyes:


Not surprising when people have little else, they resort to acting like a child.

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Lol! Usually these things are fun to read through on gamedays. 

But yikes, lotsa bitching and moaning by couch Gm's and Coaches (there always is, but geez louise. The team loses a couple games and everyones losing their minds!) 

1. It's just a game folks. 

2. This team is light-years ahead of where they were last year, and in fact, where most predicted they would be at this time this year.

3. Just relax and enjoy the beginnings of this teams next Up period. It will be gone sooner than later and we will all have enough angst then to make up for the angst you lose now by just enjoying things a little.

4. Let the Coaches and GM do their jobs. You, and i cannot stress this enough, do not know better. 

5. It's just a game folks. 

We're trending up. There will be some downs. But we will continue to trend up for the next several years. 1 player... 1 game... 1 trade or 1 mistake will not destroy the future that has already been built. Relax. Have a little bit of fun on the ride, there's a lot more left before it's all said and done.    

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1 minute ago, aGENT said:

Straw man. I never typed those words. And the part of my post that you're inferring and projecting from was a very small portion of my post.


But cool rant.

Hey if you're gonna type the words, "And clearly you know how better to think like a 'veteran NHL coach'.", people can read/respond to them on a public forum. Don't back down from what you say now. You said it, own up to it. Stand firm in your beliefs. 

And thanks! 

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45 minutes ago, LowerMainLander18 said:

I think u need to work on ur reading comprehension skills. I said putting JV on top 6 would result in that. Not the other way around.

Your writing and spelling skills aren't very good so whatever message you're attempting to convey is being lost in translation.


Yes he was doing really well which I am happy for. But having Madden in our pipeline does put pressure on him.

Was doing well? He's still on the team. And the only pressure on Gaudette is from the opposition, not some tweener.


I wouldnt exactly say we always chose Gaudette over Madden. 

Of course not, as that would actually be factual and make sense. Once again. G-a-u-d-e-t-t-e  i-s  p-l-a-y-i-n-g  i-n  t-h-e  N-H-L. Green CHOSE to keep him up.


Bo's line logs hard minutes as main match up line. So our 3rd Line could log more offensive zone time. Gaudette can't handle those minutes as recent as last game, his gave away resulted in that 4-1 goal.

When Bo ends up giving away the puck will you state that he can't handle the minutes? Gaudette is handling his minutes just fine. Giveaways happen, especially when your team is already down 3-1, and being worked over by a team that has your number physically.


Placing JV in Bo's line won't help that line play against other team's top line. I like JV's offensive improvements but defensive game hasn't exactly been his strength even this year. 

It's drastically improved as have other facets of his game. Did you know that lines can have players with different skill sets on them? When Virtanen has played with Bo this season, the line has generated points, which win games if you get more than the other team. Fact.


Ya when we had other options. Like I said, I would like for someone to take LE's spot but we don't have that option with our injuries.

TimraFan, is that you? So Boeser, Ferland, Leivo, or Schaller were better defensive options than Virtanen?


Big Mac is playing in this game. Yes?

No, he's not.


And how would I classify him as an AHLer brought into the roster as we scratch LE? 

Again, your skills at assembling a paragraph are lacking. Something to work on.


Read previous GDT/ PGT. Ur homework. 


Here's yours.



Eriksson doesn't possess any traits in his game that can't be replaced by any other active player on the roster, including healthy scratches. Provide information to the contrary. Otherwise, get reading. By the way, there's a lot of pictures in the book, so it won't be all work.

Edited by PhillipBlunt
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Just now, MikeyD said:

Hey if you're gonna type the words, "And clearly you know how better to think like a 'veteran NHL coach'.", people can read/respond to them on a public forum. Don't back down from what you say now. You said it, own up to it. Stand firm in your beliefs. 

And thanks! 

The other poster made the claim about Green's coaching not being 'veteran NHL coach' grade, clearly he does think he knows better.


Feel free to ask him to back that up :lol:

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Just now, aGENT said:

The other poster made the claim about Green's coaching not being 'veteran NHL coach' grade, clearly he does think he knows better.


Feel free to ask him to back that up :lol:

Ah then that's my bad. I'll take one of those PhillipBlunt's hooked on phonics books. 

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14 minutes ago, MikeyD said:

I read somewhere that Mac is involved in the cap crunch with some of those weird contractual numbers things the average person can't comprehend (lawyer stuff). There's a good chance we might not see him the rest of the season. Might have heard it on the Hockey Central at Noon podcast. 

Brutal, hate to see a guy like that get shafted because of some numbers

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Just now, Chickenspear said:

Brutal, hate to see a guy like that get shafted because of some numbers

Yeah I hope the info I got was wrong lol. I don't understand it, but there's lots of those weird cap rules in the NHL and in the CBA. I never got the full info on the details of it, so I was never able to figure out how it works or if it's even true, but in order to stay under the cap Mac somehow played a bigger role than one would assume and it's how we kind of are over and under the cap at the same time. Might have something to do with being an ELC? I honestly have no idea. 

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2 minutes ago, PhillipBlunt said:

Your writing and spelling skills aren't very good so whatever message you're attempting to convey is being los

Quote the part that u had trouble with. I can help walk u thru. Won't be too difficult.

2 minutes ago, PhillipBlunt said:

Was doing well? He's still on the team. And the only pressure on Gaudette is from the opposition, not some tweener.

Proves my point that u don't know much about pro sport. 

2 minutes ago, PhillipBlunt said:

Of course not, as that would actually be factual and make sense. Once again. G-a-u-d-e-t-t-e  i-s  p-l-a-y-i-n-g  i-n  t-h-e  N-H-L. Green CHOSE to keep him up.

Choosing to keep him up and choosing him over Madden sound like two very different, unrelated things. U sound like u got lost in ur own words. 

2 minutes ago, PhillipBlunt said:

When Bo ends up giving away the puck will you state that he can't handle the minutes? Gaudette is handling his minutes just fine. Giveaways happen, especially when your team is already down 3-1, and being worked over by a team that has your number physically.

Of course not. I look at the overall play. Gaudette's mistake in that 4-1 goal was used as it was still fresh in my memory. 

Giveaways do happen. Team is down 3-1. That's not the best time to coughing up the puck. This is why I rather want him playing offensive minutes like how Green has been utilizing him. If he were to play match up role as JV moves up to top 6, I wouldnt like that at all against some of the better teams around the league, let alone the lowly Ducks. 

2 minutes ago, PhillipBlunt said:

It's drastically improved as have other facets of his game. Did you know that lines can have players with different skill sets on them? When Virtanen has played with Bo this season, the line has generated points, which win games if you get more than the other team. Fact.

Did u at all think about what would happen to the 3rd line if JV was to be moved up? Did u read from my post that having two perfect lines does not equate to a W?

I do agree JV made huge improvements in his offensive game. His defensive side of things came along too. Never denied that in my post. But I do think he should be utilized for match up role. 

2 minutes ago, PhillipBlunt said:

TimraFan, is that you? So Boeser, Ferland, Leivo, or Schaller were better defensive options than Virtanen?

No, he's not.

Again, your skills at assembling a paragraph are lacking. Something to work on.

I do feel like I am wasting time trying to break sense into u. Ur welcome tho for teaching u some hockey. 

I don't expect u to get it tho. U don't sound very bright. 


Nice try tho. But ur posts dont really alert me about the lack of my ability assemble paragraphs...


2 minutes ago, PhillipBlunt said:


Here's yours.

Eriksson doesn't possess any traits in his game that can't be replaced by any other active player on the roster, including healthy scratches. Provide information to the contrary. Otherwise, get reading. By the way, there's a lot of pictures in the book, so it won't be all work.

And yet, u can't name one player. 



Unproductive post. Kinda feel like I wasted my time with u. 

Must be tough not knowing much in life. 

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